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Last active June 10, 2023 16:54
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登录 V2EX 领取每日奖励
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
username = '' ###账号###
password = '' ###密码###
login_url = '' ###如V2EX设置了使用 SSL,必须改 https###
index_url = '' ###同上###
mission_url = '' ###同上###
UA = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) \
Chrome/27.0.1453.116 Safari/537.36"
headers = {
"User-Agent": "UA",
"Host": "",
"Origin": "",
"Referer": ""
v2ex_session = requests.Session()
def make_soup(url, tag, name):
page = get_page(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
what_we_got = soup.find(attrs={tag:name})
return what_we_got
def get_page(url):
page = v2ex_session.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False).text
return page
def mix_post_info(url):
once_value = make_soup(url, 'name', 'once')['value'].encode('ascii')
post_info = {
"next": "/",
"u": username,
"p": password,
"once": once_value,
"next": "/"
return post_info
def try_login(url):
post_info = mix_post_info(url)
resp =, data=post_info, headers=headers, verify=False)
if check_balance(index_url):
return True
return False
def money_link(url):
short_url = make_soup(url, 'class', 'super normal button')['onclick']
first_quote = short_url.find("'")
last_quote = short_url.find("'", first_quote+1)
short_url = short_url[first_quote+1:last_quote]
return index_url + short_url
def check_balance(url):
money_tag = make_soup(url, 'class', 'balance_area')
if money_tag:
money = money_tag.contents[0].strip() + money_tag.contents[2].strip()
return money
return None
def check_and_do():
if try_login(login_url):
print 'login successfully...'
print 'current balance: ' + check_balance(index_url)
mission = make_soup(index_url, 'class', 'icon-gift')
if mission:
print 'now take todays money...'
get_money = money_link(mission_url)
print 'update balance: ' + check_balance(get_money)
print 'already take todays money...'
print 'login fail...'
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Aiothy commented Aug 13, 2014


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Eveink commented Sep 26, 2014


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