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Created July 15, 2020 10:02
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Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
Partially modified by Francesco Piraneo G.
Original url:
`DirectoryMonitor` is used to monitor the contents of the provided directory by using a GCD dispatch source.
import Foundation
/// A protocol that allows delegates of `DirectoryMonitor` to respond to changes in a directory.
protocol DirectoryMonitorDelegate: class {
func directoryMonitorDidObserveChange(directoryMonitor: DirectoryMonitor)
class DirectoryMonitor {
// MARK: Properties
/// The `DirectoryMonitor`'s delegate who is responsible for responding to `DirectoryMonitor` updates.
weak var delegate: DirectoryMonitorDelegate?
/// A file descriptor for the monitored directory.
private var monitoredDirectoryFileDescriptor: CInt = -1
/// A dispatch queue used for sending file changes in the directory.
private let directoryMonitorQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "ch.zriemann.AnoniCloud-Connect.DirectoryMonitor", attributes: .concurrent)
/// A dispatch source to monitor a file descriptor created from the directory.
private var directoryMonitorSource: DispatchSource?
/// URL for the directory being monitored.
private var url: URL?
// MARK: Monitoring
func startMonitoring(_ url: URL) {
// Listen for changes to the directory (if we are not already).
if directoryMonitorSource == nil && monitoredDirectoryFileDescriptor == -1 {
// Save actual monitoring URL
self.url = url
// Open the directory referenced by URL for monitoring only.
monitoredDirectoryFileDescriptor = open((url as NSURL).fileSystemRepresentation, O_EVTONLY)
// Define a dispatch source monitoring the directory for additions, deletions, and renamings.
directoryMonitorSource = DispatchSource.makeFileSystemObjectSource(fileDescriptor: monitoredDirectoryFileDescriptor, eventMask: DispatchSource.FileSystemEvent.write, queue: directoryMonitorQueue) as? DispatchSource
// Define the block to call when a file change is detected.
// Call out to the `DirectoryMonitorDelegate` so that it can react appropriately to the change.
self.delegate?.directoryMonitorDidObserveChange(directoryMonitor: self)
// Define a cancel handler to ensure the directory is closed when the source is cancelled.
self.monitoredDirectoryFileDescriptor = -1
self.directoryMonitorSource = nil
// Start monitoring the directory via the source.
} else {
func stopMonitoring() {
// Stop listening for changes to the directory, if the source has been created.
if directoryMonitorSource != nil {
// Stop monitoring the directory via the source.
url = nil
func getMonitoringURL() -> String {
return self.url?.absoluteString ?? "NO URL MONITORED"
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fpiraneo commented Jul 15, 2020

This is a partially modified macOS directory monitor published by Apple during WWDC 2016.
You can find original Apple version at: Original Apple DirectoryMonitor
Original version cannot smootly stop and restart monitoring on a different directory. I've tested my modified version it and it's working. Feel free to contact me here if you have suggestions.

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