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Last active February 9, 2018 09:15
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import java.util
import java.util.Calendar
import com.aerospike.client.admin.{Privilege, Role, User}
import com.aerospike.client.async.EventLoop
import com.aerospike.client.cluster.Node
import com.aerospike.client.listener._
import com.aerospike.client.policy._
import com.aerospike.client.query._
import com.aerospike.client.task.{ExecuteTask, IndexTask, RegisterTask}
import com.aerospike.client._
object IAerospikeClientImpl extends IAerospikeClient {
def getInfoPolicyDefault: InfoPolicy = ???
def scanAll(scanPolicy: ScanPolicy, s: String, s1: String, scanCallback: ScanCallback, strings: String*): Unit = ???
def scanAll(eventLoop: EventLoop, recordSequenceListener: RecordSequenceListener, scanPolicy: ScanPolicy, s: String, s1: String, strings: String*): Unit = ???
def getQueryPolicyDefault: QueryPolicy = ???
def prepend(writePolicy: WritePolicy, key: Key, bins: Bin*): Unit = ???
def prepend(eventLoop: EventLoop, writeListener: WriteListener, writePolicy: WritePolicy, key: Key, bins: Bin*): Unit = ???
def getNodeNames: util.List[String] = ???
def createRole(adminPolicy: AdminPolicy, s: String, list: util.List[Privilege]): Unit = ???
def put(writePolicy: WritePolicy, key: Key, bins: Bin*): Unit = ???
def put(eventLoop: EventLoop, writeListener: WriteListener, writePolicy: WritePolicy, key: Key, bins: Bin*): Unit = ???
def dropIndex(policy: Policy, s: String, s1: String, s2: String): Unit = ???
def queryRole(adminPolicy: AdminPolicy, s: String): Role = ???
def truncate(infoPolicy: InfoPolicy, s: String, s1: String, calendar: Calendar): Unit = ???
def queryRoles(adminPolicy: AdminPolicy): util.List[Role] = ???
def queryAggregate(queryPolicy: QueryPolicy, statement: Statement, s: String, s1: String, values: Value*): ResultSet = ???
def queryAggregate(queryPolicy: QueryPolicy, statement: Statement): ResultSet = ???
def registerUdfString(policy: Policy, s: String, s1: String, language: Language): RegisterTask = ???
def revokeRoles(adminPolicy: AdminPolicy, s: String, list: util.List[String]): Unit = ???
def queryNode(queryPolicy: QueryPolicy, statement: Statement, node: Node): RecordSet = ???
def add(writePolicy: WritePolicy, key: Key, bins: Bin*): Unit = ???
def add(eventLoop: EventLoop, writeListener: WriteListener, writePolicy: WritePolicy, key: Key, bins: Bin*): Unit = ???
def getNodes: Array[Node] = ???
def query(queryPolicy: QueryPolicy, statement: Statement): RecordSet = ???
def query(eventLoop: EventLoop, recordSequenceListener: RecordSequenceListener, queryPolicy: QueryPolicy, statement: Statement): Unit = ???
def touch(writePolicy: WritePolicy, key: Key): Unit = ???
def touch(eventLoop: EventLoop, writeListener: WriteListener, writePolicy: WritePolicy, key: Key): Unit = ???
def execute(writePolicy: WritePolicy, key: Key, s: String, s1: String, values: Value*): AnyRef = ???
def execute(eventLoop: EventLoop, executeListener: ExecuteListener, writePolicy: WritePolicy, key: Key, s: String, s1: String, values: Value*): Unit = ???
def execute(writePolicy: WritePolicy, statement: Statement, s: String, s1: String, values: Value*): ExecuteTask = ???
def dropRole(adminPolicy: AdminPolicy, s: String): Unit = ???
def operate(writePolicy: WritePolicy, key: Key, operations: Operation*): Record = ???
def operate(eventLoop: EventLoop, recordListener: RecordListener, writePolicy: WritePolicy, key: Key, operations: Operation*): Unit = ???
def grantPrivileges(adminPolicy: AdminPolicy, s: String, list: util.List[Privilege]): Unit = ???
def isConnected: Boolean = ???
def revokePrivileges(adminPolicy: AdminPolicy, s: String, list: util.List[Privilege]): Unit = ???
def queryUsers(adminPolicy: AdminPolicy): util.List[User] = ???
def delete(writePolicy: WritePolicy, key: Key): Boolean = ???
def delete(eventLoop: EventLoop, deleteListener: DeleteListener, writePolicy: WritePolicy, key: Key): Unit = ???
def getHeader(policy: Policy, key: Key): Record = ???
def getHeader(eventLoop: EventLoop, recordListener: RecordListener, policy: Policy, key: Key): Unit = ???
def getHeader(batchPolicy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key]): Array[Record] = ???
def getHeader(eventLoop: EventLoop, recordArrayListener: RecordArrayListener, batchPolicy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key]): Unit = ???
def getHeader(eventLoop: EventLoop, recordSequenceListener: RecordSequenceListener, batchPolicy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key]): Unit = ???
def getWritePolicyDefault: WritePolicy = ???
def get(policy: Policy, key: Key): Record = ???
def get(eventLoop: EventLoop, recordListener: RecordListener, policy: Policy, key: Key): Unit = ???
def get(policy: Policy, key: Key, strings: String*): Record = ???
def get(eventLoop: EventLoop, recordListener: RecordListener, policy: Policy, key: Key, strings: String*): Unit = ???
def get(batchPolicy: BatchPolicy, list: util.List[BatchRead]): Unit = ???
def get(eventLoop: EventLoop, batchListListener: BatchListListener, batchPolicy: BatchPolicy, list: util.List[BatchRead]): Unit = ???
def get(eventLoop: EventLoop, batchSequenceListener: BatchSequenceListener, batchPolicy: BatchPolicy, list: util.List[BatchRead]): Unit = ???
def get(batchPolicy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key]): Array[Record] = ???
def get(eventLoop: EventLoop, recordArrayListener: RecordArrayListener, batchPolicy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key]): Unit = ???
def get(eventLoop: EventLoop, recordSequenceListener: RecordSequenceListener, batchPolicy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key]): Unit = ???
def get(batchPolicy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key], strings: String*): Array[Record] = ???
def get(eventLoop: EventLoop, recordArrayListener: RecordArrayListener, batchPolicy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key], strings: String*): Unit = ???
def get(eventLoop: EventLoop, recordSequenceListener: RecordSequenceListener, batchPolicy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key], strings: String*): Unit = ???
def getScanPolicyDefault: ScanPolicy = ???
def close(): Unit = ???
def dropUser(adminPolicy: AdminPolicy, s: String): Unit = ???
def getBatchPolicyDefault: BatchPolicy = ???
def createIndex(policy: Policy, s: String, s1: String, s2: String, s3: String, indexType: IndexType): IndexTask = ???
def createIndex(policy: Policy, s: String, s1: String, s2: String, s3: String, indexType: IndexType, indexCollectionType: IndexCollectionType): IndexTask = ???
def grantRoles(adminPolicy: AdminPolicy, s: String, list: util.List[String]): Unit = ???
def changePassword(adminPolicy: AdminPolicy, s: String, s1: String): Unit = ???
def getReadPolicyDefault: Policy = ???
def queryAggregateNode(queryPolicy: QueryPolicy, statement: Statement, node: Node): ResultSet = ???
def scanNode(scanPolicy: ScanPolicy, s: String, s1: String, s2: String, scanCallback: ScanCallback, strings: String*): Unit = ???
def scanNode(scanPolicy: ScanPolicy, node: Node, s: String, s1: String, scanCallback: ScanCallback, strings: String*): Unit = ???
def exists(policy: Policy, key: Key): Boolean = ???
def exists(eventLoop: EventLoop, existsListener: ExistsListener, policy: Policy, key: Key): Unit = ???
def exists(batchPolicy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key]): Array[Boolean] = ???
def exists(eventLoop: EventLoop, existsArrayListener: ExistsArrayListener, batchPolicy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key]): Unit = ???
def exists(eventLoop: EventLoop, existsSequenceListener: ExistsSequenceListener, batchPolicy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key]): Unit = ???
def createUser(adminPolicy: AdminPolicy, s: String, s1: String, list: util.List[String]): Unit = ???
def getNode(s: String): Node = ???
def removeUdf(infoPolicy: InfoPolicy, s: String): Unit = ???
def queryUser(adminPolicy: AdminPolicy, s: String): User = ???
def append(writePolicy: WritePolicy, key: Key, bins: Bin*): Unit = ???
def append(eventLoop: EventLoop, writeListener: WriteListener, writePolicy: WritePolicy, key: Key, bins: Bin*): Unit = ???
def register(policy: Policy, s: String, s1: String, language: Language): RegisterTask = ???
def register(policy: Policy, classLoader: ClassLoader, s: String, s1: String, language: Language): RegisterTask = ???
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