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Created October 6, 2012 16:22
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Save fprochazka/3845361 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Image pipe for #nettefw templates
* @author Filip Procházka <>
abstract class BasePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
* @var \Img\ImagePipe
private $imgPipe;
* @param \Img\ImagePipe $imgPipe
public function injectImgPipe(\Img\ImagePipe $imgPipe)
$this->imgPipe = $imgPipe;
* @param string $class
* @return Nette\Templating\FileTemplate
protected function createTemplate($class = NULL)
$tmp = parent::createTemplate($class);
/** @var \Nette\Templating\FileTemplate|\stdClass $tmp */
$tmp->_imagePipe = $this->imgPipe;
return $tmp;
macros: [Img\ImgMacro]
imageStorage: Img\ImageStorage(%tempDir%)
imagePipe: Img\ImagePipe(%wwwDir%)
<img n:tempImg="$uploadedImg" alt="" /> nebo <img n:img="$uploadedImg" alt="" />
* @author Filip Procházka <>
class FooPresenter extends BasePresenter
* @var \Img\ImageStorage
private $imageStorage;
* @param \Img\ImageStorage $storage
public function injectImageStorage(\Img\ImageStorage $storage)
$this->imageStorage = $storage;
public function renderDefault()
$this->template->uploadedImg = new Img\Image(...); // z databáze
* @param string $name
* @return \Nette\Application\UI\Form
protected function createComponentUpload($name)
$form = new UI\Form;
->addRule(UI\Form::IMAGE, 'Obrázek musí být JPEG, PNG nebo GIF.')
->addRule(UI\Form::FILLED, 'Zvolte prosím obrázek.');
$form->addSubmit('upload', 'Upload image')
->onClick[] = $this->processUpload;
return $form;
* @param \Nette\Forms\Controls\SubmitButton $button
public function processUpload(SubmitButton $button)
try {
$image = $this->imageStorage->upload($button->form['file']->value);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// $this->flashMessage('Huray!');
// $this->redirect('this');
namespace Img;
use Nette;
* @author Filip Procházka <>
* @property-read string $file
* @property \Size $size
* @property-read \Size $size
class Image extends Nette\Object
* @var string
private $file;
* @var \Size
private $size;
* @param string $file
public function __construct($file)
$this->file = $file;
$this->size = Size::fromFile($file);
* @return bool
public function exists()
return file_exists($this->file);
* @return float|int
public function getFile()
return $this->file;
* @return \Size
public function getSize()
return $this->size;
namespace Img;
use Kdyby;
use Nette\Http\Request;
use Nette;
* @author Filip Procházka <>
class ImagePipe extends Nette\Object
const TEMP = 1;
* @var string
private $assetsDir;
* @var string
private $wwwDir;
* @var string
private $baseUrl;
* @param string $wwwDir
* @param \Nette\Http\Request $httpRequest
* @param string $assetsDir
* @throws \Nette\IOException
public function __construct($wwwDir, Request $httpRequest, $assetsDir = 'assets')
// public assets dir
$assetsDir = $wwwDir . '/' . $assetsDir;
if (!is_dir($assetsDir) || !is_writable($assetsDir)) {
throw new Nette\IOException("Directory $assetsDir is not writable.");
$this->wwwDir = $wwwDir;
$this->assetsDir = $assetsDir;
// for temporary files
if (!is_dir($tempDir = ($this->assetsDir . '/temp'))) {
// base of public url
$this->baseUrl = rtrim($httpRequest->url->baseUrl, '/');
* @param string|Image $sourceImage
* @param array $size
* @param int $flags
* @return string
* @throws \Nette\IOException
public function request($sourceImage, array $size = array(), $flags = 0)
if (!$sourceImage instanceof Image) {
$sourceImage = new Image($sourceImage);
$image = NULL;
/** @var Nette\Image $image */
if ($sourceImage->size->width > 500 || $sourceImage->size->height > 500) { // w & h
$image = Nette\Image::fromFile($sourceImage->file)->resize(500, 500);
} // elseif($size) todo: zpracování velikosti
// figure out public directory
$dir = $flags & self::TEMP ? $this->assetsDir . '/temp' : $this->assetsDir;
$dir .= '/' . (implode('x', $size) ? : 'original');
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
// filename
$targetPath = $dir . '/' . basename($sourceImage->file);
// continue processing only if newer version is available
if (file_exists($targetPath) && filectime($targetPath) < filectime($sourceImage->file)) {
return $this->publicPath($targetPath);
// copy source file
if ($image) {
if (!$image->save($targetPath)) {
throw new Nette\IOException("Cannot resize $sourceImage->file to $targetPath");
} else {
if (!@copy($sourceImage->file, $targetPath)) {
throw new Nette\IOException("Cannot copy $sourceImage->file to $targetPath");
return $this->publicPath($targetPath);
* @param string $file
* @return string
private function publicPath($file)
return $this->baseUrl . str_replace($this->wwwDir, '', $file);
* @param string $dir
* @throws \Nette\IOException
* @return void
private static function mkdir($dir)
$oldMask = umask(0);
@mkdir($dir, 0777);
@chmod($dir, 0777);
if (!is_dir($dir) || !is_writable($dir)) {
throw new Nette\IOException("Please create writable directory $dir.");
namespace Img;
use Kdyby;
use Nette;
use Nette\Http\FileUpload;
use Nette\Utils\Finder;
use Nette\Utils\Strings;
* @author Filip Procházka <>
class ImageStorage extends Nette\Object
* @var string
private $imagesDir;
* @param string $dir
public function __construct($dir)
$dir .= '/images';
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
mkdir($dir, 0777);
$this->imagesDir = $dir;
* @param FileUpload $file
* @return Image
* @throws \Nette\InvalidArgumentException
public function upload(FileUpload $file)
if (!$file->isOk() || !$file->isImage()) {
throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException;
do {
$name = Strings::random(10) . '.' . $file->getSanitizedName();
} while (file_exists($path = $this->imagesDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name));
return new Image($path);
* @param string $content
* @param string $filename
* @return Image
public function save($content, $filename)
do {
$name = Strings::random(10) . '.' . $filename;
} while (file_exists($path = $this->imagesDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name));
file_put_contents($path, $content);
return new Image($path);
* @return string
public function getImagesDir()
return $this->imagesDir;
* @param $param
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @return string
public function find($param)
foreach (Finder::findFiles($param)->from($this->imagesDir) as $file) {
/** @var \SplFileInfo $file */
return $file->getPathname();
throw new FileNotFoundException("File $param not found.");
* @author Filip Procházka <>
class FileNotFoundException extends \RuntimeException
namespace Img;
use Kdyby;
use Nette;
use Nette\Latte\PhpWriter;
use Nette\Latte\MacroNode;
use Nette\Latte\Compiler;
* @author Filip Procházka <>
class ImgMacro extends Nette\Latte\Macros\MacroSet
* @var bool
private $isUsed = FALSE;
* @param \Nette\Latte\Compiler $compiler
* @return ImgMacro|\Nette\Latte\Macros\MacroSet
public static function install(Compiler $compiler)
$me = new static($compiler);
// todo: předání parametrů s velikostí
* {img} je obecně pro jakýkoliv obrázek, který je veřejný na webu.
$me->addMacro('img', array($me, 'macroImg'), NULL, array($me, 'macroAttrImg'));
* {tempImg} je kvůli obrázkům, které nejsou "schválené" a je pravděpodobné,
* že se budou mazat. Tak aby byly ve zvláštní složce, kterou může promazávat robot.
* Pokud nic takového nepotřebujete, používejte prostě {img}.
$me->addMacro('tempImg', array($me, 'macroImgTemp'), NULL, array($me, 'macroAttrImgTemp'));
return $me;
* @param \Nette\Latte\MacroNode $node
* @param \Nette\Latte\PhpWriter $writer
* @return string
public function macroImg(MacroNode $node, PhpWriter $writer)
$this->isUsed = TRUE;
return $writer->write('echo %escape($_imagePipe->request(%node.word))');
* @param \Nette\Latte\MacroNode $node
* @param \Nette\Latte\PhpWriter $writer
* @return string
public function macroAttrImg(MacroNode $node, PhpWriter $writer)
$this->isUsed = TRUE;
return $writer->write('?>src="<?php echo %escape($_imagePipe->request(%node.word))?>" <?php');
* @param \Nette\Latte\MacroNode $node
* @param \Nette\Latte\PhpWriter $writer
* @return string
public function macroImgTemp(MacroNode $node, PhpWriter $writer)
$this->isUsed = TRUE;
return $writer->write('echo %escape($_imagePipe->request(%node.word, array(), $_imagePipe::TEMP))');
* @param \Nette\Latte\MacroNode $node
* @param \Nette\Latte\PhpWriter $writer
* @return string
public function macroAttrImgTemp(MacroNode $node, PhpWriter $writer)
$this->isUsed = TRUE;
return $writer->write('?>src="<?php echo %escape($_imagePipe->request(%node.word, array(), $_imagePipe::TEMP))?>" <?php');
public function initialize()
$this->isUsed = FALSE;
* Finishes template parsing.
* @return array(prolog, epilog)
public function finalize()
if (!$this->isUsed) {
return array();
return array(
get_called_class() . '::validateTemplateParams($template);',
* @param \Nette\Templating\Template $template
* @throws \Nette\InvalidStateException
public static function validateTemplateParams(Nette\Templating\Template $template)
$params = $template->getParameters();
if (!isset($params['_imagePipe']) || !$params['_imagePipe'] instanceof ImagePipe) {
$where = isset($params['control']) ?
" of component " . get_class($params['control']) . '(' . $params['control']->getName() . ')'
throw new Nette\InvalidStateException(
'Please provide an instanceof Img\\ImagePipe ' .
'as a parameter $_imagePipe to template' . $where
namespace Img;
use Nette;
* @author Filip Procházka <>
* @property float|int $width
* @property float|int $height
* @property-read float|int $height
class Size extends Nette\Object
* @var float|int
private $width;
* @var float|int
private $height;
* @param float|int $width
* @param float|int $height
public function __construct($width, $height)
$this->width = $width;
$this->height = $height;
* @return float|int
public function getHeight()
return $this->height;
* @return float|int
public function getWidth()
return $this->width;
* @param string $file
* @return Size
public static function fromFile($file)
list($width, $height) = @getimagesize($file);
return new Size($width, $height);
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Berte v úvahu, že dané řešení dává smysl v konkrétní aplikaci a proto tam mám například natvrdo maximální velikost obrázku 500x500 a jiné neřeším. Tyhle drobnůstky je třeba doladit ;)

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