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Created June 3, 2015 07:23
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Tiny bitmap font rendering
// c++ -o nanofont nanofont.cpp && time ./nanofont /tmp/font.png && open /tmp/font.png
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
// Glyphs from (8x14 version, most common ascii characters only)
// Arguments are the ascii character to print, and x and y positions within the glyph.
// This function must be paired with some mechanism to plot pixels (sample below).
inline bool glyph_pixel(unsigned int c, unsigned int x, unsigned int y) {
c -= 33; x--; if (c > 93 || x > 6 || y > 13) return 0; int i = 98 * c + 7 * y + x;
return (("0@P01248@00120000P49B0000000000000:DXlW2UoDX@10008@h;IR4n@R<Y?48000PYDF"
"24`@P01R30000000S9S10000000"[i / 6] - '0') >> (i % 6)) & 1;
// Example usage:
struct Img {
Img(unsigned w, unsigned h) : w(w), h(h), p(w * h, 0) {}
// draw characters one at a time
void draw_string(const char* msg, int bx, int by) {
for (int lx = bx; *msg;
lx = *msg == '\n' ? bx : lx + 8,
by = *msg != '\n' ? by : by + 14,
for (int y = 0; y < 14; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 8 ; x++)
if (glyph_pixel(*msg, x, y))
plot(lx + x, by + y);
void plot(unsigned x, unsigned y) {
if (x < w && y < h) p[y * w + x] = 0xff;
unsigned w, h; std::vector<unsigned char> p;
// nanopng:
// tweaked for single channel output
struct Png {
FILE*f; unsigned int tab[256], crc; ~Png() { fclose(f); }
Png(const char* fn, int w, int h, const unsigned char* c) {
crc=0x575e51f5;unsigned char d[]={137,80,78,71,13,
0,0,73,69,78,68,174,66,96,130};/*chunk headers*/
for (int i=0;i<256;i++)/*precompute crc tables*/
for (unsigned int j=8,&v=tab[i]=i;j--;)
fwrite(d,1,16,f=fopen(fn,"w")); /*write IHDR+IDAT*/
*this>>w>>h<<8<<2<<0<<0<<0;int a=1,b=0;/*adler-32*/
*this>>~crc>>(h*(w*3+6)+6);int len=w*3+1;/*nbytes*/
for (;h--;) {/*DEFLATE raw block*/
/*filter=0*/*this <<0;/*adler(0)*/b=(a+b)%65521;
for (int x=w,v;x--;){ /*write & checksum*/
Png& operator<<(int b){crc=(crc>>8)^tab[(crc^fputc(b,f))&255];return *this;}
Png& operator>>(unsigned int v) {return *this<<(v>>24)<<(v>>16)<<(v>>8)<<v;}
int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
Img img(560, 128); img.draw_string(
"| #include <stdio.h>\n"
"| // The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\n"
"| int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {\n"
"| printf(\"Hello World!\\n\");\n"
"| return 0;\n"
"| }\n"
"|", 144, 0);
for (char s[] = { 0, 0 }; *s < 127; s[0]++)
img.draw_string(s, 8 * (*s % 16), 14 * (*s / 16));
Png(argc < 2 ? "/tmp/test.png" : argv[1], img.w, img.h, &img.p[0]);
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