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Last active December 3, 2020 02:33
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prints stats about typeclasses and instances
import tactic -- all
open tactic declaration environment native
meta def pos_line (p : option pos) : string :=
match p with
| some x := to_string x.line
| _ := ""
/- prints information about `decl` if it is an instance or a class. If `print_args` is true, it also prints
arguments of the class as "instances" (like `topological_monoid -> monoid`). -/
meta def print_item_yaml (env : environment) (print_args : bool) (decl : declaration)
: tactic unit :=
let name := decl.to_name in
when (env.decl_olean name).is_some $ do
olean_file ← env.decl_olean name,
let s:= ":\n File: " ++ olean_file ++ "\n Line: " ++
pos_line (env.decl_pos name),
tactic.has_attribute `instance name >> (do
(l, tgt) ← return decl.type.pi_binders,
guard (l.tail.all $ λ b, = binder_info.inst_implicit),
guard (tgt.get_app_args.head.is_var && l.ilast.type.get_app_args.head.is_var),
let src := to_string l.ilast.type.erase_annotations.get_app_fn.const_name,
let tgt := to_string tgt.erase_annotations.get_app_fn.const_name,
guard (src ≠ tgt),
trace $ to_string decl.to_name ++ s,
trace " Type: instance",
trace $ " Source: " ++ src,
trace $ " Target: " ++ tgt) <|>
tactic.has_attribute `class name >> (do
(l, tgt) ← return decl.type.pi_binders,
guard (l.tail.all $ λ b, = binder_info.inst_implicit),
trace $ to_string decl.to_name ++ s,
trace " Type: class",
when print_args $ l.tail.mmap' (λ arg, do
let nm := arg.type.erase_annotations.get_app_fn.const_name.to_string,
trace $ "arg_of_" ++ decl.to_name.to_string ++ "_" ++ nm ++ s,
trace " Type: instance",
trace $ " Source: " ++ decl.to_name.to_string,
trace $ " Target: " ++ nm)
) <|>
/-- prints information about unary classes and forgetful instances in the environment.
It only prints instances and classes that have at most 1 argument that is not a type-class argument (within square brackets), and the instances can only be forgetful instances (where the conclusion is a class applied to a variable) -/
meta def print_content : tactic unit :=
do curr_env ← get_env,
(curr_env.fold list.nil list.cons).mmap' (print_item_yaml curr_env tt)
meta def test : tactic unit :=
do curr_env ← get_env,
d ← get_decl `topological_monoid,
trace (to_string d.to_name),
print_item_yaml curr_env tt d
-- run_cmd test
run_cmd print_content
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