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Created May 8, 2023 13:51
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An experimental implementation of library_search and propose using try this widgets in Lean 4
import Mathlib.Tactic.LibrarySearch
import Mathlib.Tactic.Propose
open Lean Elab Server Lsp RequestM Parser Mathlib Tactic LibrarySearch Meta Std.Tactic.TryThis
structure TryThisInfo where
replacement : Syntax
deriving TypeName
@[codeActionProvider] def tryThisProvider : CodeActionProvider := fun params snap => do
let doc ← readDoc
let startPos := doc.meta.text.lspPosToUtf8Pos params.range.start
let endPos := doc.meta.text.lspPosToUtf8Pos params.range.end
have results := snap.infoTree.foldInfo (init := #[]) fun _ctx info result => do
let .ofCustomInfo info := info | result
let some tti := info.value.get? TryThisInfo | result
let (some head, some tail) := (info.stx.getPos?, info.stx.getTailPos?) | result
unless head ≤ endPos && startPos ≤ tail do return result
result.push (head, tail, tti)
results.mapM fun (head, tail, tti) => do
let eager : CodeAction := { title := "Apply 'Try this'", kind? := "refactor" }
let lazy? : IO CodeAction := do
let td := params.textDocument
let action := PrettyPrinter.ppCategory `tactic tti.replacement
let fmt ← match ← (snap.runCoreM doc.meta action).toBaseIO with
| .ok e => pure e
| .error e => throw (.userError (← e.toMessageData.toString))
let edit? := WorkspaceEdit.ofTextEdit td.uri {
range.start := doc.meta.text.utf8PosToLspPos head
range.end := doc.meta.text.utf8PosToLspPos tail
newText := Format.pretty fmt
return { eager with edit? }
return { eager, lazy? }
@[widget] def tryThisWidget : Widget.UserWidgetDefinition where
name := "Tactic replacement"
javascript := "
import * as React from 'react';
import { EditorContext, RpcContext } from '@leanprover/infoview';
const e = React.createElement;
export default function(props) {
const editorConnection = React.useContext(EditorContext)
function onClick() {
changes: { [props.pos.uri]: [{ range: props.range, newText: props.replacement }] }
return e('div', {className: 'ml1'}, e('pre', {className: 'font-code pre-wrap'},
['Try this: ', e('a', { onClick }, props.replacement),]))
def tryThisAt (ref stx : Syntax) (msg : Format := "") : CoreM Unit := do
pushInfoLeaf (.ofCustomInfo { stx := ref, value := ( stx) })
let text := Format.pretty (← PrettyPrinter.ppCategory `tactic stx)
let info := Format.pretty msg
if let (some head, some tail) := (stx.getPos?, stx.getTailPos?) then
let map ← getFileMap
let range := (map.utf8PosToLspPos head) (map.utf8PosToLspPos tail)
let json := Json.mkObj [("replacement", text), ("range", toJson range), ("info", toJson info)]
Widget.saveWidgetInfo ``tryThisWidget json ref
syntax (name := suggest) "suggest" (config)? (simpArgs)?
(" using " (colGt term),+)? : tactic
/-- Add a `exact e` or `refine e` suggestion. (TODO: this depends on code action support) -/
def addExactSuggestion2 (origTac : Syntax) (e : Expr) : TermElabM Unit := do
let stx ← delabToRefinableSyntax e
let tac ← if e.hasExprMVar then `(tactic| refine $stx) else `(tactic| exact $stx)
tryThisAt origTac tac
/-- Add a `refine e` suggestion, also printing the type of the subgoals.
(TODO: this depends on code action support) -/
def addRefineSuggestion2 (origTac : Syntax) (e : Expr) : TermElabM Unit := do
let stx ← delabToRefinableSyntax e
let tac ← if e.hasExprMVar then `(tactic| refine $stx) else `(tactic| exact $stx)
let subgoals := Std.Format.prefixJoin "\n⊢ "
(← (← getMVars e).mapM fun g => do ppExpr (← g.getType)).toList
-- We resort to using `logInfoAt` here rather than `addSuggestion`,
-- as I've never worked out how to have `addSuggestion` render comments.
-- logInfoAt origTac m!"{tac}\n-- Remaining subgoals:{subgoals}"
tryThisAt origTac tac f!"\nRemaining subgoals:{subgoals}"
elab_rules : tactic | `(tactic| suggest%$tk $[using $[$required:term],*]?) => do
let mvar ← getMainGoal
let (_, goal) ← (← getMainGoal).intros
goal.withContext do
let required := (← (required.getD #[]).mapM getFVarId) .fvar
if let some suggestions ← librarySearch goal required then
reportOutOfHeartbeats tk
for suggestion in suggestions do
withMCtx suggestion.1 do
addRefineSuggestion2 tk (← instantiateMVars (mkMVar mvar)).headBeta
if suggestions.isEmpty then logError "suggest didn't find any relevant lemmas"
else logInfoAt tk m!"Suggestions found!"
admitGoal goal
logInfoAt tk m!"Suggestions found!"
addExactSuggestion2 tk (← instantiateMVars (mkMVar mvar)).headBeta
/-- Add a suggestion for `have : t := e`. (TODO: this depends on code action support) -/
def addHaveSuggestion2 (origTac : Syntax) (t? : Option Expr) (e : Expr) :
TermElabM Unit := do
let estx ← delabToRefinableSyntax e
let prop ← isProp (← inferType e)
let tac ← if let some t := t? then
let tstx ← delabToRefinableSyntax t
if prop then
`(tactic| have : $tstx := $estx)
`(tactic| let this : $tstx := $estx)
if prop then
`(tactic| have := $estx)
`(tactic| let this := $estx)
tryThisAt origTac tac
syntax (name := recommend) "recommend" "!"? (" : " term)? (" using " (colGt term),+) : tactic
elab_rules : tactic |
`(tactic| recommend%$tk $[!%$lucky]? $[ : $type:term]? using $[$terms:term],*) => do
let goal ← getMainGoal
goal.withContext do
let required ← terms.mapM (elabTerm · none)
let type ← match type with
| some stx => elabTermWithHoles stx none (← getMainTag) true <&> (·.1)
| none => mkFreshTypeMVar
let proposals ← propose (← proposeLemmas.get) type required
if proposals.isEmpty then
throwError "recommend could not find any lemmas using the given hypotheses"
logInfoAt tk m!"Suggestions found!"
-- TODO we should have `proposals` return a lazy list, to avoid unnecessary computation here.
for p in proposals.toList.take 10 do
addHaveSuggestion2 tk (← inferType p.2) p.2
if lucky.isSome then
let mut g := goal
for p in proposals.toList.take 10 do
(_, g) ← g.let p.1 p.2
replaceMainGoal [g]
example (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p ∧ q := by suggest
example (p q : Prop) : p ∧ q := by
example (p q : Prop) : p := by
example (K L M : List α) (w : L.Disjoint M) (m : K ⊆ L) : True := by
recommend using m
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