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Last active February 6, 2023 17:35
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Errors on commit 4d0921d2 of mathlib4
import Mathlib.Init.Data.Nat.Notation
import Mathlib.Lean.Message
import Mathlib.Lean.Expr.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.String.Defs
import Mathlib.Tactic.Simps.NotationClass
open Lean Elab Parser Command
open Meta hiding Config
open Elab.Term hiding mkConst
def updateName (nm : Name) (s : String) (isPrefix : Bool) : Name :=
nm.updateLast fun s' ↦ if isPrefix then s ++ "_" ++ s' else s' ++ "_" ++ s
namespace Lean.Meta
open Tactic Simp
def mkSimpContextResult (cfg : Meta.Simp.Config := {}) (simpOnly := false) (kind := SimpKind.simp)
(dischargeWrapper := DischargeWrapper.default) (hasStar := false) :
MetaM MkSimpContextResult := do
match dischargeWrapper with
| .default => pure ()
| _ =>
if kind == SimpKind.simpAll then
throwError "'simp_all' tactic does not support 'discharger' option"
if kind == SimpKind.dsimp then
throwError "'dsimp' tactic does not support 'discharger' option"
let simpTheorems ← if simpOnly then
simpOnlyBuiltins.foldlM (·.addConst ·) ({} : SimpTheorems)
let congrTheorems ← getSimpCongrTheorems
let ctx : Simp.Context := {
config := cfg
simpTheorems := #[simpTheorems], congrTheorems
if !hasStar then
return { ctx, dischargeWrapper }
let mut simpTheorems := ctx.simpTheorems
let hs ← getPropHyps
for h in hs do
unless simpTheorems.isErased (.fvar h) do
simpTheorems ← simpTheorems.addTheorem (.fvar h) (← h.getDecl).toExpr
let ctx := { ctx with simpTheorems }
return { ctx, dischargeWrapper }
def mkSimpContext (cfg : Meta.Simp.Config := {}) (simpOnly := false) (kind := SimpKind.simp)
(dischargeWrapper := DischargeWrapper.default) (hasStar := false) :
MetaM Simp.Context := do
let data ← mkSimpContextResult cfg simpOnly kind dischargeWrapper hasStar
return data.ctx
end Lean.Meta
def hasSimpAttribute (env : Environment) (declName : Name) : Bool :=
simpExtension.getState env |>.lemmaNames.contains <| .decl declName
namespace Lean.Parser
namespace Attr
attribute [notation_class] Add
syntax simpsArgsRest := (Tactic.config)? (ppSpace ident)*
syntax (name := simps) "simps" "?"? simpsArgsRest : attr
macro "simps?" rest:simpsArgsRest : attr => `(attr| simps ? $rest)
end Attr
namespace Command
syntax simpsRule.rename := ident " → " ident
syntax simpsRule.erase := "-" ident
syntax simpsRule.add := "+" ident
syntax simpsRule.prefix := &"as_prefix" ident
syntax simpsRule := simpsRule.prefix <|> simpsRule.rename <|> simpsRule.erase <|> simpsRule.add
syntax simpsProj := (ppSpace ident (" (" simpsRule,+ ")")?)
syntax (name := initialize_simps_projections)
"initialize_simps_projections" "?"? simpsProj : command
macro "initialize_simps_projections?" rest:simpsProj : command =>
`(initialize_simps_projections ? $rest)
end Command
end Lean.Parser
initialize registerTraceClass `simps.verbose
initialize registerTraceClass `simps.debug
namespace Simps
structure UnusedStructure where
name : Name
expr : Expr
projNrs : List ℕ
isDefault : Bool
isPrefix : Bool
deriving Inhabited
instance : ToMessageData UnusedStructure where toMessageData
| ⟨a, b, c, d, e⟩ => .group <| .nest 1 <|
"⟨" ++ .joinSep [toMessageData a, toMessageData b, toMessageData c, toMessageData d,
toMessageData e] ("," ++ Format.line) ++ "⟩"
initialize structureExt : NameMapExtension (List Name × Array UnusedStructure) ←
registerNameMapExtension (List Name × Array UnusedStructure)
structure ParsedProjectionData where
origName : Name × Syntax
newName : Name × Syntax
isDefault : Bool := true
isPrefix : Bool := false
expr? : Option Expr := none
projNrs : Array Nat := #[]
isCustom : Bool := false
def ParsedProjectionData.toUnusedStructure (p : ParsedProjectionData) : UnusedStructure :=
{ p with name := p.newName.1, expr := p.expr?.getD default, projNrs := p.projNrs.toList }
instance : ToMessageData ParsedProjectionData where toMessageData
| ⟨x₁, x₂, x₃, x₄, x₅, x₆, x₇⟩ => .group <| .nest 1 <|
"⟨" ++ .joinSep [toMessageData x₁, toMessageData x₂, toMessageData x₃, toMessageData x₄,
toMessageData x₅, toMessageData x₆, toMessageData x₇]
("," ++ Format.line) ++ "⟩"
inductive ProjectionRule where
| rename (oldName : Name) (oldStx : Syntax) (newName : Name) (newStx : Syntax) :
| add : Name → Syntax → ProjectionRule
| erase : Name → Syntax → ProjectionRule
| prefix : Name → Syntax → ProjectionRule
instance : ToMessageData ProjectionRule where toMessageData
| .rename x₁ x₂ x₃ x₄ => .group <| .nest 1 <|
"rename ⟨" ++ .joinSep [toMessageData x₁, toMessageData x₂, toMessageData x₃, toMessageData x₄]
("," ++ Format.line) ++ "⟩"
| .add x₁ x₂ => .group <| .nest 1 <|
"+⟨" ++ .joinSep [toMessageData x₁, toMessageData x₂] ("," ++ Format.line) ++ "⟩"
| .erase x₁ x₂ => .group <| .nest 1 <|
"-⟨" ++ .joinSep [toMessageData x₁, toMessageData x₂] ("," ++ Format.line) ++ "⟩"
| .prefix x₁ x₂ => .group <| .nest 1 <|
"prefix ⟨" ++ .joinSep [toMessageData x₁, toMessageData x₂] ("," ++ Format.line) ++ "⟩"
def projectionsInfo (l : List UnusedStructure) (pref : String) (str : Name) : MessageData :=
let ⟨defaults, nondefaults⟩ := l.partition (·.isDefault)
let toPrint : List MessageData := fun s ↦
let prefixStr := if s.isPrefix then "(prefix) " else ""
m!"Projection {prefixStr}{}: {s.expr}"
let print2 : MessageData :=
String.join <| ( fun nm : UnusedStructure ↦ toString nm.1).intersperse ", "
let toPrint :=
toPrint ++
if nondefaults.isEmpty then [] else
[("No lemmas are generated for the projections: " : MessageData) ++ print2 ++ "."]
let toPrint := MessageData.joinSep toPrint ("\n" : MessageData)
m! "{pref} {str}:\n{toPrint}"
def findProjectionIndices (strName projName : Name) : MetaM (List ℕ) := do
let env ← getEnv
let .some baseStr := findField? env strName projName |
throwError "{strName} has no field {projName} in parent structure"
let .some fullProjName := getProjFnForField? env baseStr projName |
throwError "no such field {projName}"
let .some pathToField := getPathToBaseStructure? env baseStr strName |
throwError "no such field {projName}"
let allProjs := pathToField ++ [fullProjName]
return (env.getProjectionFnInfo? · |>.get!.i)
partial def getCompositeOfProjectionsAux (stx : Syntax)
(proj : String) (e : Expr) (pos : Array ℕ) (args : Array Expr) : MetaM (Expr × Array ℕ) := do
dbg_trace s!"1"
let env ← getEnv
let .const structName _ := (← whnf (←inferType e)).getAppFn |
throwError "{e} doesn't have a structure as type"
dbg_trace s!"2 {structName}"
let projs := getStructureFieldsFlattened env structName
dbg_trace s!"3 {projs.size}"
let projInfo := fun p ↦ do
(← ("_" ++ p.getString).isPrefixOf? proj, p)
dbg_trace s!"4 {projInfo.length} {projInfo}"
let some (projRest, projName) := projInfo.reduceOption.getLast? |
throwError "Failed to find constructor {proj.drop 1} in structure {structName}."
dbg_trace "z"
let newE ← mkProjection e projName
dbg_trace "4"
let newPos := pos ++ (← findProjectionIndices structName projName)
if projRest.isEmpty then
let newE ← mkLambdaFVars args newE
if !stx.isMissing then
_ ←' <| addTermInfo stx newE
return (newE, newPos)
let type ← inferType newE
forallTelescopeReducing type fun typeArgs _tgt ↦ do
getCompositeOfProjectionsAux stx projRest (mkAppN newE typeArgs) newPos (args ++ typeArgs)
def mkParsedProjectionData (structName : Name) : CoreM (Array ParsedProjectionData) := do
let env ← getEnv
let projs := getStructureFields env structName
if projs.size == 0 then
throwError "Declaration {structName} is not a structure."
let projData := fun fieldName ↦ {
origName := (fieldName, .missing), newName := (fieldName, .missing),
isDefault := isSubobjectField? env structName fieldName |>.isNone }
let parentProjs := getStructureFieldsFlattened env structName false
let parentProjs := parentProjs.filter (!projs.contains ·)
let parentProjData := fun nm ↦
{origName := (nm, .missing), newName := (nm, .missing)}
return projData ++ parentProjData
set_option linter.missingDocs false
/-! the crash seems to only appear -/
/-! if there are exactly two such documentation sections -/
/-- Execute the projection renamings (and turning off projections) as specified by `rules`. -/
def applyProjectionRules (projs : Array ParsedProjectionData) (rules : Array ProjectionRule) :
CoreM (Array ParsedProjectionData) := do
let projs : Array ParsedProjectionData := rules.foldl (init := projs) fun projs rule ↦
match rule with
| .rename oldName oldStx newName newStx =>
dbg_trace s!"{oldName} {oldStx} {newName} {newStx}"
if ( (·.newName.1)).contains oldName then fun proj ↦ if proj.newName.1 == oldName then
{ proj with
newName := (newName, newStx),
origName.2 := if proj.origName.2.isMissing then oldStx else proj.origName.2 }
projs.push {origName := (oldName, oldStx), newName := (newName, newStx)}
| _ => projs
pure projs
#eval liftCoreM <| do
_ ← applyProjectionRules #[{origName := (`val, .missing), newName := (`val, .missing)}]
#[.rename `val .missing `coe .missing]
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