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Last active June 18, 2017 11:03
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Benchmark shell to test performances of CTI read/write operations.
* BEdita, API-first content management framework
* Copyright 2017 ChannelWeb Srl, Chialab Srl
* This file is part of BEdita: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* See LICENSE.LGPL or <> for more details.
namespace BEdita\Core\Shell;
use BEdita\Core\Model\Entity\ObjectType;
use BEdita\Core\ORM\QueryFilterTrait;
use Cake\Cache\Cache;
use Cake\Console\Shell;
use Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression;
use Cake\Datasource\ConnectionManager;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
use Faker\Factory;
use Faker\Generator;
* Run benchmarks to test performances of CTI read/write operations.
class BenchmarkShell extends Shell
use QueryFilterTrait;
* List of tables required for the benchmark.
* @var string[]
protected $tables = [
* List of object types to be included in the benchmark.
* @var string[]
protected $objectTypes = [
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getOptionParser()
return parent::getOptionParser()
'help' => 'Insert records for benchmarking.',
'parser' => [
'arguments' => [
'count' => [
'help' => 'Number of records to be inserted.',
'required' => true,
'options' => [
'connection' => [
'short' => 'c',
'help' => 'Connection to use.',
'default' => 'test',
'choices' => array_diff(ConnectionManager::configured(), ['default']),
'locale' => [
'short' => 'l',
'help' => 'Locale of generated records.',
'default' => 'en_US',
'help' => 'Run benchmarking on select queries.',
'parser' => [
'arguments' => [
'objectType' => [
'help' => 'Object type to run query against.',
'choices' => $this->objectTypes,
'samples' => [
'help' => 'Number of samples.',
'default' => 100,
'filter' => [
'help' => 'Filter to add to query, in the form of a query string.',
'options' => [
'connection' => [
'short' => 'c',
'help' => 'Connection to use.',
'default' => 'test',
'choices' => array_diff(ConnectionManager::configured(), ['default']),
* {@inheritDoc}
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public function startup()
// Disable cache, alias default connection and clear table registry.
ini_set('memory_limit', -1);
ConnectionManager::alias($this->param('connection'), 'default');
// Prepare datasource.
$this->verbose('=====> Creating <info>tables</info>...');
$this->verbose('=====> Creating <info>object types</info>...');
$this->verbose('=====> Creating <info>first user</info>...');
* {@inheritDoc}
* @codeCoverageIgnore
protected function _welcome()
// Output connection info.
if ($this->param('connection')) {
$info = ConnectionManager::get($this->param('connection'))->config();
$info['vendor'] = explode('\\', $info['driver']);
$info['vendor'] = strtolower(end($info['vendor']));
if (isset($info['host'])) {
$this->out(sprintf('<info>%8s</info>: %s', 'Host', $info['host']));
$this->out(sprintf('<info>%8s</info>: %s', 'Database', $info['database']));
$this->out(sprintf('<info>%8s</info>: %s', 'Vendor', $info['vendor']));
* Ensure that a list of tables is present in the datasource.
* Table definition is copied from `default` connection.
* @param string[] $tables List of tables that should be checked for presence.
* @return void
protected function ensureTables(array $tables)
/* @var \Cake\Database\Connection $connection */
$connection = ConnectionManager::get('default');
$existing = $connection->getSchemaCollection()->listTables();
if (count(array_diff($existing, $tables)) > 0) {
$this->abort('Database has extra tables. Refusing to proceed.');
$tables = array_diff($tables, $existing);
/* @var \Cake\Database\Connection $defaultConnection */
$defaultConnection = ConnectionManager::get('default', false);
$schemaCollection = $defaultConnection->getSchemaCollection();
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$table = $schemaCollection->describe($table, ['forceRefresh' => true]);
$table->setOptions(['collation' => null]);
foreach ($table->columns() as $column) {
$options = $table->column($column);
$table->addColumn($column, $options);
if ($table->name() === 'objects') {
foreach ($table->createSql($connection) as $statement) {
* Ensure that a list of object types is present in the datasource.
* Object types definition is copied from `default` connection.
* @param string[] $objectTypes List of object types that should be present.
* @return void
protected function ensureObjectTypes(array $objectTypes)
$table = TableRegistry::get('ObjectTypes');
$objectTypes = array_diff($objectTypes, $table->find('list')->toArray());
if (empty($objectTypes)) {
/* @var \Cake\Database\Connection $defaultConnection */
$defaultConnection = ConnectionManager::get('default', false);
$defaultTable = TableRegistry::get('SourceObjectTypes', [
'connection' => $defaultConnection,
'className' => 'BEdita/Core.ObjectTypes',
$objectTypes = $defaultTable
->where(function (QueryExpression $exp) use ($defaultTable, $objectTypes) {
return $exp->in($defaultTable->aliasField('name'), $objectTypes);
->map(function (ObjectType $objectType) {
return $objectType;
* Ensure that first user is present in the database.
* This is required in order to insert new records.
* @return void
protected function ensureFirstUser()
$table = TableRegistry::get('Users');
if ($table->find()->where(['' => 1])->count() === 1) {
$user = $table->newEntity([
'created_by' => 1,
'modified_by' => 1,
'username' => 'bedita',
'password' => 'bedita',
], ['accessibleFields' => ['*' => true]]);
$user->set('type', 'users');
$table->saveOrFail($user, ['checkRules' => false]);
* Get data for an entity.
* @param string $type Entity type.
* @param \Faker\Generator $generator Faker generator.
* @return array
protected function getData($type, Generator $generator)
$created = $generator->dateTimeThisYear;
$modified = $generator->dateTimeThisYear;
$data = [
'type' => $type,
'deleted' => $generator->boolean(10),
'status' => $generator->randomElement(['on', 'off', 'draft']),
'uname' => sprintf('%s-%s', $type, $generator->unique()->uuid),
'title' => $generator->sentence,
'description' => $generator->paragraph,
'body' => implode(PHP_EOL, (array)$generator->paragraphs),
'created_by' => 1,
'modified_by' => 1,
'created' => $created < $modified ? $created : $modified,
'modified' => $created < $modified ? $modified : $created,
switch ($type) {
case 'users':
$data += [
'username' => $generator->unique()->userName,
'password' => $generator->password,
'blocked' => $generator->boolean(10),
// no break
case 'profiles':
$data += [
'name' => $generator->firstName,
'surname' => $generator->lastName,
'email' => $generator->unique()->email,
'birthdate' => $generator->dateTimeThisCentury,
case 'locations':
$data += [
'coords' => sprintf('POINT(%s %s)', $generator->longitude, $generator->latitude),
'address' => $generator->address,
'postal_code' => $generator->postcode,
'country_name' => $generator->country,
return $data;
* Insert batch of records.
* @param int $count Number of records to insert.
* @return void
public function insert($count)
$this->out(sprintf('=====> Generating <info>%d</info> records...', $count));
/* @var \Cake\Shell\Helper\ProgressHelper $progress */
$progress = $this->helper('Progress');
'total' => $count,
// Insert records.
$generator = Factory::create($this->param('locale'));
$totalTime = $peakTime = $errors = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
$type = $generator->randomElement($this->objectTypes);
$table = TableRegistry::get($type);
$entity = $table->newEntity($this->getData($type, $generator), ['accessibleFields' => ['*' => true]]);
$start = microtime(true);
$result = $table->save($entity);
$delta = microtime(true) - $start;
if ($result === false) {
$errors += 1;
$totalTime += $delta;
$peakTime = max($peakTime, $delta);
// Output stats.
$this->out(sprintf('=====> <success>%15s</success>: %7d', 'Saved entities', $count - $errors));
$this->out(sprintf('=====> <error>%15s</error>: %7d', 'Save errors', $errors));
$this->out(sprintf('=====> <info>%15s</info>: %.05fs', 'Avg. save time', $totalTime / $count));
$this->out(sprintf('=====> <info>%15s</info>: %.05fs', 'Peak save time', $peakTime));
* Run sample queries to load data.
* @param string $objectType Name of object type to use.
* @param int $samples Number of samples to measure.
* @param string|null $filter Query filter.
* @return void
public function select($objectType, $samples = 100, $filter = null)
$table = TableRegistry::get($objectType);
parse_str($filter, $options);
if (!array_key_exists('filter', $options)) {
$options = [
'filter' => $options,
/* @var \Cake\Shell\Helper\ProgressHelper $progress */
$progress = $this->helper('Progress');
'total' => $samples,
$totalTime = $peakTime = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $samples; $i++) {
$query = $table->find();
if (!empty($options['filter'])) {
$query = $this->fieldsFilter($query, $options['filter']);
$start = microtime(true);
$delta = microtime(true) - $start;
$totalTime += $delta;
$peakTime = max($peakTime, $delta);
// Output stats.
$this->out(sprintf('=====> <success>%15s</success>: %7d', 'Found results', $query->count()));
$this->out(sprintf('=====> <info>%15s</info>: %.05fs', 'Avg. query time', $totalTime / $samples));
$this->out(sprintf('=====> <info>%15s</info>: %.05fs', 'Peak query time', $peakTime));
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fquffio commented Jun 17, 2017

Place this file in BEDITA4/plugins/BEdita/Core/src/Shell/BenchmarkShell.php.

Run bin/cake benchmark --help for help.

Available commands:

  • bin/cake benchmark insert <count>: insert <count> records.
  • bin/cake benchmark select <objectType> <samples> [<filter>]: run <samples> queries to select objects of type <objectType>, with an optional filter <filter> (a string with the same format of ?filter query string).

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