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Created August 4, 2017 17:24
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//Silly small javascript router to help me learn how they worked in a very simple way
(function (){
const appDiv = "app";
// Both set of different routes and template generation functions
let routes = {};
let templates = {};
// Generate DOM tree from a string
let createDiv = (id, xmlString) => {
let d = document.createElement('div'); = id;
d.innerHTML = xmlString;
return d.firstChild;
// Register a template (this is to mimic a template engine)
let template = (name, templateFunction) => {
return templates[name] = templateFunction;
// Define the routes. Each route is described with a route path & a template to render
// when entering that path. A template can be a string (file name), or a function that
// will directly create the DOM objects.
let route = (path, template) => {
if (typeof template == "function") {
return routes[path] = template;
else if (typeof template == "string") {
return routes[path] = templates[template];
else {
// Give the correspondent route (template) or fail
let resolveRoute = (route) => {
try {
return routes[route];
} catch (error) {
throw new Error("The route is not defined");
// The actual router, get the current URL and generate the corresponding template
let router = (evt) => {
const url = window.location.hash.slice(1) || "/";
const routeResolved = resolveRoute(url);
// Helper function to create a link.
let createLink = (title, text, href) => {
let a = document.createElement('a');
let linkText = document.createTextNode(text);
a.title = title;
a.href = href;
return a;
// Register the templates.
template('template1', () => {
let myDiv = document.getElementById(appDiv);
myDiv.innerHTML = "";
const link1 = createLink('view1', 'Go to view1', '#/view1');
const link2 = createLink('view2', 'Go to view2', '#/view2');
return myDiv.appendChild(link2);
template('template-view1', () => {
let myDiv = document.getElementById(appDiv);
myDiv.innerHTML = "";
const link1 = createDiv('view1', "<div><h1>This is View 1 </h1><a href='#/'>Go Back to Index</a></div>");
return myDiv.appendChild(link1);
template('template-view2', () => {
let myDiv = document.getElementById(appDiv);
myDiv.innerHTML = "";
const link2 = createDiv('view2', "<div><h1>This is View 2 </h1><a href='#/'>Go Back to Index</a></div>");
return myDiv.appendChild(link2);
// Define the mappings route->template.
route('/', 'template1');
route('/view1', 'template-view1');
route('/view2', 'template-view2');
// For first load or when routes are changed in browser url box.
window.addEventListener('load', router);
window.addEventListener('hashchange', router);
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