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Created February 19, 2020 16:22
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Icinga Teams Connector (Via webhook)
object NotificationCommand "notify-teams" {
import "plugin-notification-command"
command = [ PluginDir + "/" ]
arguments += {
"--h" = "$hostn$"
"--hn" = {
description = "Host"
value = "$host_name$"
"--ho" = {
description = "Host output"
value = "$host_output$"
"--hsn" = {
description = "Host state new"
required = true
value = "$host_state_new$"
"--hso" = {
description = "Host state old"
required = true
value = "$host_state_old$"
"--s" = "$servicen$"
"--sn" = "$service_name$"
"--so" = {
description = "Service output"
value = "$state_output$"
"--ssn" = {
description = "Service state new"
value = "$service_state_new$"
"--sso" = {
description = "Service state old"
value = "$service_state_old$"
} = "$$"
vars.host_name = "$host.display_name$"
vars.host_output = "$host.output$"
vars.host_state_new = "$host.state$"
vars.host_state_old = "$host.last_state$"
vars.hostn = "$$"
vars.notif_name = "$$"
vars.notif_state = "$host.last_hard_state$"
vars.service = "$$"
vars.service_name = "$service.display_name$"
vars.service_state_new = "$service.state$"
vars.service_state_old = "$service.last_state$"
vars.servicen = "$$"
vars.state_output = "$service.output$"
apply Notification "Teams Notifcations (Hosts)" to Host {
import "Teams Notifications"
assign where
users = [ "teams-bot" ]
apply Notification "Teams Notifcations (Services)" to Service {
import "Teams Notifications"
assign where
users = [ "teams-bot" ]
template Notification "Teams Notifications" {
command = "notify-teams"
interval = 0s
import requests
import argparse
import json
import os
def main():
url = ''
baseUrl = ""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Send a message.')
parser.add_argument('--h', dest='h', type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument('--hn', dest='hn', type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument('--ho', dest='ho', type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument('--hsn', dest='hsn', type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument('--hso', dest='hso', type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument('--s', dest='s', type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument('--sn', dest='sn', type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument('--so', dest='so', type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument('--ssn', dest='ssn', type=str, required=False)
parser.add_argument('--sso', dest='sso', type=str, required=False)
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
if args['hso'] == args['hsn'] and args['sso'] == args['ssn']:
color = "dc3545"
if not args['s']:
message = "Host down"
if args['hsn'] == "Up":
color = "28a745"
message = "Host back online", json={
"@type": "MessageCard",
"@context": "",
"summary": message,
"title": message,
"themeColor": color,
"sections": [
"facts": [
"name": "Host:",
"value": "[" + args['hn'] + "]("+baseUrl+"/monitoring/host/show?host="+args["h"] + ")"
"name": "State:",
"value": args['hso']+" ➠ " +args['hsn']
"text": ">"+args['ho']
if args['ssn'] == "OK":
color = "28a745"
if args['ssn'] == "Warning":
color = "ffc107", json={
"@type": "MessageCard",
"@context": "",
"summary": "Service state changed",
"title": "Service state changed",
"themeColor": color,
"sections": [
"startGroup": True,
"facts": [
"name": "Host:",
"value": "[" + args['hn'] + "]("+baseUrl+"/monitoring/host/show?host="+args["h"] + ")"
"name": "Service:",
"value": "[" + args['sn'] + "]("+baseUrl+"/monitoring/host/show?host="+args["h"]+"&service="+args["s"] + ")"
"name": "State:",
"value": "test" + args['sso']+" ➠ " +args['ssn']
"text": ">"+args['so']
if __name__ == "__main__":
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