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Type Constructor Polymorphism: Implementation Specs
interface Category<M>
// identity value in this category
public function id <A>():OfOf<M, A, A>;
* Category composition Operator.
public function dot <A,B,C>(g:OfOf<M, B, C>, f:OfOf<M, A, B>):OfOf<M, A, C>;
// A->A is equivalent to OfOf<In->In, A->A> because In->In is a type constructor (could also be written as (->)<A,A>)
class FunctionCategory implements Category<In->In>
// identity function
public function id <A>():A->A
return function (x) return x;
// Function composition
public function dot <A,B,C>(g:B->C, f:A->B):A->C
return function (x) return g(f(x));
class CategorySyntax {
public static function id <M,A>(c:Category<M>):OfOf<M, A, A> {
* Category composition Operator.
public static function dot <M,A,B,C>(g:OfOf<M, B, C>, f:OfOf<M, A, B>, c:Category<M>):OfOf<M, A, C>
using CategorySyntax;
class Main {
public static function main () {
var cat = new FunctionCategory();
var f = (function (x) return "result: " + Std.string(x)).dot(function (x) return x+2, cat); // Int->String
trace(f(4)); // "result: " + 6
// Of represents a Type Constructor
abstract Of<M,A>(Dynamic) {} // alternative name MA
// OfOf represents a Type constructor function that takes two types.
abstract OfOf<M,A,B>(Dynamic) {} // alternative name MAB
// alternative OfOf implementation, maybe easier to implement
typedef OfOf<M,A,B> = Of<Of<M, A>, B>;
// In is used to represent a specific but not applied type constructor, e.g. Array => Array<In>
abstract In(Dynamic) {}
interface Monad<M> {
public function fmap<A,B>(x:Of<M,A>, f:A->B):Of<M,B>;
public function flatMap<A,B>(x:Of<M,A>, f:A->Of<M,B>):Of<M,B>;
public function pure<A>(x:A):Of<M,A>;
// Some monads
class ArrayMonad implements Monad<Array<In>>
public function new () {}
public function fmap<A,B>(x:Array<A>, f:A->B):Array<B> {
public function flatMap<A,B>(x:Array<A>, f:A->Array<B>):Array<B> {
var r = [];
for (e in x) {
for (e1 in f(e)) {
return r;
public function pure<A>(x:A):Array<A> {
return [x];
class EitherMonad<L> implements Monad<Either<L, In>>
public function new () {}
public function fmap<A,B>(x:Either<L, A>, f:A->B):Either<L, B> {
return switch (x) {
case Right(r): Right(f(r));
case Left(l): Left(l);
public function flatMap<A,B>(x:Either<L, A>, f:A->Either<L, B>):Either<L, B> {
return switch (x) {
case Right(r): f(r);
case Left(l): Left(l);
public function pure<A>(x:A):Either<L, A> {
return Right(x);
class MonadSyntax {
public static function fmap<M,A,B>(x:Of<M,A>, f:A->B, m:Monad<M>):Of<M,B>
return m.fmap(x,f);
public static function flatMap<M,A,B>(x:Of<M,A>, f:A->Of<M,B>, m:Monad<M>):Of<M,B>
return m.flatMap(x, f);
public static function pure<M, A>(x:A, m:Monad<M>):Of<M,A> {
return m.pure(x);
// explicit usage (implicit usage can be achieved by macros)
using MonadSyntax;
class Main {
public static function main () {
// Array usage
var monad = new ArrayMonad();
// Array<Int> is equivalent to Of<Array<In>, Int>.
// f (Int->Array<Int>) is compatible to Int->Of<Array<In>, Int>
[1].flatMap(function (x) return [x, x+1], monad); // [1,2]
[1].fmap(function (x) return x + 1, monad); // [2]
1.pure(monad); // [1]
// Either usage
var monad = new EitherMonad();
// If a type has more than one type parameters like Either it unifies with Of<Either<L, In> R>
// (because type parameters are applied from Right to Left).
Right(1).fmap(function (x) return x+1, monad); // Right(2)

Unification Rules - type parameters are applied from right to left by default (good idea?)

Expected -- Current => Unification

  • Of<M, T> -- Array<T> => passes: M = Array<In> && T = T
  • Array<A> -- Of<Array<In>, T> => passes: A = T
  • Array<String> -- Of<Array<In>, Int> => fails: Int should be String
  • Either<A,B> -- Of<Either<L, In>, R> => passes: A = L && B = R
  • Either<A,B> -- Of<Of<Either<In, In>, L>, R> => passes A = L && B = R
  • Of<M,T> -- Either<L,R> => passes: M = Either<L, In> && T = R
  • Of<Of<M,A>,B> -- Either<L,R> => passes: M = Either<In, In> && A = L && B = R
  • Of<Of<M,A>,B> -- Array<R> => fails: Array<R> should be OfOf<M,A,B>
  • Of<M,T> -- P1->P2 => passes: M = P1->In && T = P2
  • Of<M, Option<>T> -- Array<Option<S>> => passes: M=Array<In> && T = S
  • Array<Option<T>> -- Of<Array<In>, Option<S>> => passes: T = S
  • Of<Of<M,A>,B> -- P1->P2 -- passes: M = In->In && A = P1 && B = P2>
  • Of<Of<M, A>, B> -- Array<Option<T>> => passes: M = Array<In> && A = Option<In> && = B = T
  • Array<Option<T>> -- Of<Of<Array<In>, Option<In>>, B> => passes: T = B

Left to Right substitution could be achieved with a reversed abstract:

abstract LeftProjection<R,L>(Either<L,R>) {}

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frabbit commented Dec 15, 2013

here is another example use case:

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frabbit commented Dec 15, 2013

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