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Created May 30, 2022 14:30
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  • Save frabjous/340a339440149758567c3962176ad598 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Kitty configiration
include themer-dark.conf
cursor_shape beam
cursor_beam_thickness 2
font_size 14.0
font_family Fira Code
italic_font Fira Mono
bold_italic_font Fira Mono
font_features FiraCode-Regular +cv02 +ss01 +cv30 +ss05 +ss03 +cv24 +ss07 +cv25 +cv26 +cv27 +ss09 +cv27
font_features FiraCode-Bold +cv02 +ss01 +cv30 +ss05 +ss03 +cv24 +ss07 +cv25 +cv26 +cv27 +ss09 +cv27
# Symbols nerd font where appopriate
symbol_map U+E0A0-U+E0D4,U+23FB-U+23FE,U+2665,U+26A1,U+2B58,U+E000-U+E00A,U+E0A0-U+E0A3,U+E0B0-U+E0C8,U+E0CA,U+E0CC-U+E0D2,U+E0D4,U+E200-U+E2A9,U+E300-U+E3E3,U+E5FA-U+E62F,U+E700-U+E7C5,U+F000-U+F2E0,U+F300-U+F31C,U+F400-U+F4A9,U+F500-U+FD46 Symbols Nerd Font
adjust_column_width 0
copy_on_select yes
focus_follows_mouse yes
#background_opacity 0.8
background_opacity 0.7
inactive_text_alpha 0.5
map ctrl+v paste_from_clipboard
map ctrl+c copy_or_interrupt
close_on_child_death yes
# THEME BEFORE; now in themer-dark.conf
#cursor #ACFAA7
##black, bright black
#color0 #0A0A0A
#color8 #0C0C0C
## red, bright red
#color1 #DF8787
#color9 #D78787
## green, bright green
#color2 #AFDF87
#color10 #AFD787
## yellow, bright yellow
#color3 #FFFFAF
#color11 #F7F7AF
## blue, bright blue
#color4 #87AFDF
#color12 #87AFD7
## magenta, bright magenta
#color5 #DFAFDF
#color13 #D7AFD7
## cyan, bright cyan
#color6 #AFDFDF
#color14 #AFD7D7
## white, bright white
#color7 #EEEEEE
#color15 #E6E6E6
# allow reading/writing to clipboard even over ssh
clipboard_control write-clipboard write-primary read-clipboard read-primary
# get rid of audio bell
enable_audio_bell no
visual_bell_duration 0.2
#tabs on top
tab_bar_edge top
# don't close on me
confirm_os_window_close -1
# fix slow scroll under Wayland
touch_scroll_multiplier 5.0
# slightly different looking tab bar
tab_bar_style powerline
# let me map these in neovim
map ctrl+enter send_text normal,application \x1b[13;5u
map shift+enter send_text normal,application \x1b[13;2u
map ctrl+tab send_text normal,application \x1b[9;5u
map ctrl+shift+tab send_text normal,application \x1b[9;6u
# enable remote control
allow_remote_control yes
cursor #8f5ac9
cursor_text_color background
url_color #87afdf
active_border_color #afdf87
inactive_border_color #303236
bell_border_color #f5af71
active_tab_foreground #c1c6ca
active_tab_background #131518
inactive_tab_foreground #a4a8ad
inactive_tab_background #303236
foreground #c1c6ca
#background #131518
selection_foreground #131518
selection_background #87afdf
color0 #4d5053
color8 #6a6d71
color1 #df8787
color9 #DF999A
color2 #afdf87
color10 #B8E09A
color3 #ffffaf
color11 #F8F9BA
color4 #87afdf
color12 #98B9E1
color5 #dfafdf
color13 #DFB9E1
color6 #afdfdf
color14 #B8E0E1
color7 #c1c6ca
color15 #dee3e8
mark1_foreground #131518
mark1_background #afdfdf
mark2_foreground #131518
mark2_background #dfafdf
mark3_foreground #131518
mark3_background #ffffaf
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