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Last active July 23, 2024 19:53
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  • Save fracasula/5781710 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fracasula/5781710 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
How to get the MP3 metadata (StreamTitle) from a streaming URL
* Please be aware. This gist requires at least PHP 5.4 to run correctly.
* Otherwise consider downgrading the $opts array code to the classic "array" syntax.
function getMp3StreamTitle($streamingUrl, $interval, $offset = 0, $headers = true)
$needle = 'StreamTitle=';
$ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.110 Safari/537.36';
$opts = [
'http' => [
'method' => 'GET',
'header' => 'Icy-MetaData: 1',
'user_agent' => $ua
if (($headers = get_headers($streamingUrl))) {
foreach ($headers as $h) {
if (strpos(strtolower($h), 'icy-metaint') !== false && ($interval = explode(':', $h)[1])) {
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
if ($stream = fopen($streamingUrl, 'r', false, $context)) {
$buffer = stream_get_contents($stream, $interval, $offset);
if (strpos($buffer, $needle) !== false) {
$title = explode($needle, $buffer)[1];
return substr($title, 1, strpos($title, ';') - 2);
} else {
return getMp3StreamTitle($streamingUrl, $interval, $offset + $interval, false);
} else {
throw new Exception("Unable to open stream [{$streamingUrl}]");
var_dump(getMp3StreamTitle('', 19200));
echo "\n\n";
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I try to get your code work on a Icecast Server, but he prints me some strange things on my site:

string(22) "Befour - How Do You Do"

What das the string mean?
The number changes with every title.

Thanks for your help, 'cause my coding really sucks! :D

P.S.: I tried both scripts; the original one above and the last one from luckydonald.
same results with both scripts!

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haykuro commented Apr 30, 2015

I changed your callback function to a while loop. This saves you from making unneeded HTTP requests and completes the task much quicker.

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how would one get the artist from the stream too? also, would this need to be called regular? or would i need an ajax call to it

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This is awesome. Thank you.

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To get a result without the "string(n)" infront of the title, change var_dump to echo in the line at the end of the script.
Thanx for a great script!

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I tried your code and for a while it worked but all of a sudden, it stopped working.

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brdn commented Feb 10, 2019

curl version?

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ko-n commented Apr 5, 2020

curl version?
cURL version.

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two-t-fruity commented Jun 25, 2020


Can anybody tell me why this code works on localhost, all stations I try, but 3 or 4 will not when on a server

PHP version 7.4 on localhost all stations work - server PHP version 5.5 about 3-4 do not work.

I tried all PHP versions available on the server and only 5.5 works at all

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rthymis commented Dec 11, 2021

When I run the script it returns the Artist and Title correctly but it does not update automatically when the next track plays.
Is this possible or do I need extra code to achieve this?

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@rthymis You can achieve this by 2 ways (okay, there are more ways, but I'm giving common ones) - create cron task on server or call this script with AJAX request.

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Hello, I’ve been using this snippet in my foreign music internet radio for few months now and its working great… !
I’m not a php programmer, a developer did this work a while ago. I have basic programming skills.
Right now, I ‘m trying to build a new internet radio that will play Greek music.
All the tracks that play there have Greek characters for Artist and Title in their tags.
AIMP player plays the stream and picks up the Artist / Title metadata (directly from the mp3 stream), and displays them correctly in Greek no problem as Artist and Title.
The Greek radio stream is : and the foreign music radio is

Using this php snippet (from fracasula) (which is a part of my API), see here, I modified the calling code for the new Greek radio and created this but it never returns anything!

When I changed the MP3 tags to English characters in one track and called the getGreekSongJson.php then it did work fine, so the function isnt't working with the Greek character set.

Here's the phps that I use:


$xml = simplexml_load_file("grk_config.xml");
$StreamingUrl = '';
$BackupUrl = '';
$ThirdUrl =  '';
$NoPlayerMessage = '';
$MessageSent = '';
$ReplyPageReturn = '';
$SongLiked = '';
$SongAlreadyLiked = '';
$MiniUrl = '';
$MiniMessage = '';
$SlideShowVisible = 'false';
$LikeFacebookMessage = '';
if (is_object($xml))
foreach($xml->children() as $child) {
	if ($child->getName() == 'Url') $StreamingUrl =  $child;
	if ($child->getName() == 'BackupUrl') $BackupUrl =  $child;
	if ($child->getName() == 'ThirdUrl') $ThirdUrl =  $child;
	if ($child->getName() == "NoPlayer") $NoPlayerMessage =  $child;
	if ($child->getName() == 'MessageSent') $MessageSent =  $child;
	if ($child->getName() == 'ReplyPageReturn') $ReplyPageReturn =  $child;
	if ($child->getName() == 'SongLiked') $SongLiked =  $child;
	if ($child->getName() == 'SongAlreadyLiked') $SongAlreadyLiked =  $child;
	if ($child->getName() == 'MiniUrl') $MiniUrl =  $child;
	if ($child->getName() == 'MiniMessage') $MiniMessage =  $child;
	if ($child->getName() == 'SlideShowVisible') $SlideShowVisible =  $child;
	if ($child->getName() == 'LikeFacebookMessage') $LikeFacebookMessage =  $child;

function getMp3StreamTitle($streamingUrl, $interval, $offset = 0, $headers = true)
	$needle = 'StreamTitle=';
	$ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.110 Safari/537.36';

	$opts = [
			'http' => [
			'method' => 'GET',
			'header' => 'Icy-MetaData: 1',
			'user_agent' => $ua

	if (($headers = get_headers($streamingUrl))) {
		foreach ($headers as $h) {
			if (strpos(strtolower($h), 'icy-metaint') !== false && ($interval = explode(':', $h)[1])) {

	$context = stream_context_create($opts);

	if ($stream = fopen($streamingUrl, 'r', false, $context)) {
		$buffer = stream_get_contents($stream, $interval, $offset);

		if (strpos($buffer, $needle) !== false) {
			$title = explode($needle, $buffer)[1];
			return substr($title, 1, strpos($title, ';') - 2);
		} else {
			return getMp3StreamTitle($streamingUrl, $interval, $offset + $interval, false);
	} else {
		throw new Exception("Unable to open stream [{$streamingUrl}]");


include "grk_functions.php";

  • Array 2 XML class
  • Convert an array or multi-dimentional array to XML
  • @author Kevin Waterson
  • @copyright 2009 PHPRO.ORG

class array2xml extends DomDocument

public $nodeName;

private $xpath;

private $root;

private $node_name;

* Constructor, duh
* Set up the DOM environment
* @param    string    $root        The name of the root node
* @param    string    $nod_name    The name numeric keys are called
public function __construct($root='root', $node_name='node')

    /*** set the encoding ***/
    $this->encoding = "utf-8";

    /*** format the output ***/
    $this->formatOutput = true;

    /*** set the node names ***/
    $this->node_name = $node_name;

    /*** create the root element ***/
    $this->root = $this->appendChild($this->createElement( $root ));

    $this->xpath = new DomXPath($this);

* creates the XML representation of the array
* @access    public
* @param    array    $arr    The array to convert
* @aparam    string    $node    The name given to child nodes when recursing
public function createNode( $arr, $node = null)
    if (is_null($node))
        $node = $this->root;
    foreach($arr as $element => $value) 
        $element = is_numeric( $element ) ? $this->node_name : $element;

        $child = $this->createElement($element);

        if (is_array($value))
            self::createNode($value, $child);
		else if (strlen($value) > 0)
* Return the generated XML as a string
* @access    public
* @return    string
public function __toString()
    return $this->saveXML();

* array2xml::query() - perform an XPath query on the XML representation of the array
* @param str $query - query to perform
* @return mixed
public function query($query)
    return $this->xpath->evaluate($query);

} // end of class



header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');

include "grk_api_func.php";

$song = getMp3StreamTitle('', 19200);

$array = array(

echo json_encode($array, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
catch (Exception $e)
echo $e->getMessage();



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Config> <Url></Url> <BackupUrl></BackupUrl> <ThirdUrl></ThirdUrl> <MiniUrl></MiniUrl> <SlideShowVisible>true</SlideShowVisible> <NoPlayer>We are sorry but currently there's no streaming server available. Please try again later by refreshing this page</NoPlayer> <MessageSent>Message Sent!</MessageSent> <ReplyPageReturn>Click here to return</ReplyPageReturn> <SongLiked>was added to database. Thank you!</SongLiked> <SongAlreadyLiked>has been already added to database. Thank you!</SongAlreadyLiked> <LikeFacebookMessage>#GnisiosTracks</LikeFacebookMessage> <MiniMessage>This is the NON-Members Player!!!</MiniMessage> </Config>

I would appreciate any help in fixing this!

Thank you again…

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andmt1 commented Jul 23, 2024

Hello. Great script!)
Please tell me how I can grab the stream name from Metadata? (Stream-Name)

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