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Last active May 31, 2019 17:08
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Save fractaledmind/7226785 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This little program uses the Mac app Skim to split scanned PDFs that have two pages layed out on a single PDF page in landscape mode.
--Stephen Margheim
-- 11/2/13
-- open source
--Version 3 adds a feature for OCR'd PDFs. If your PDF has been OCR'd, the script now automatically crops the individual pages so that the text field is centered.
This little program uses the Mac app Skim to split scanned PDFs that have two pages layed out on a single PDF page in landscape mode:
| | |
| | |
If your PDF is oriented such that you first need to ROTATE LEFT or ROTATE RIGHT, you will need to save the PDF in the proper, landscape mode (see above) and then run the script. This is required because Skim's border detection is fixed for the opened PDF. So, if when you open the PDF it is in portrait mode, even if you rotate the PDF, the borders will remain those from the portrait mode. With a rotated PDF, the script will generate a test page split, which you will have to determine whether it is the Left-Hand or Right-Hand page. The script will then run automatically.
Also, the script creates a sub-folder within your Documents folder where it saves all of the individual PDF pages before combining them. This sub-folder, entitled "Split PDFs", is also where the final PDF will be saved. Note, all of the individual PDFs are deleted once the script finishes running, so the only left in "Split PDFs" is the final, single page PDF.
Finally, I have yet to find an elegant way for the script to run without each individual PDF page popping up for a moment as it is being saved. This is at the top of my list for Version 2. Let me know if you have any suggestions. For now, you will have to deal with the Skim documents opening and closing.
Time: Approximately 1 second per original double page
property moveOn : true
property OCR : false
--create the "Split PDFs" folder if necessary
tell application "Finder"
set targetFolder to (path to home folder as string) & "Documents:" as alias
set theLocation to (path to home folder as string) & "Documents:Split PDFs:" as alias
on error
set theFolder to "Split PDFs"
make new folder at targetFolder with properties {name:theFolder}
set theLocation to (path to home folder as string) & "Documents:Split PDFs:" as alias
end try
end tell
--split the PDF using Skim
tell application "Skim"
(* ///
PART ONE: Get Key Metadata
/// *)
--get the PDF title
set theTitle to name of front document
if theTitle contains ".pdf" then
set shortTitle to text items 1 thru -5 of theTitle as string
set shortTitle to theTitle
end if
--get the number of pages
set num to count of index of every page of document 1
--see if any pages have OCR'd text
set t to line bounds of every page of document 1
if not (count of t) = num then error
set OCRpages to {}
repeat with i from 1 to count of t
if not item i of t = {} then
set OCR to true
copy i to end of OCRpages
end if
end repeat
(* ///
PART TWO: Handle all Left-Hand Pages
/// *)
repeat with i from 1 to num
--get the rectangular bounds for the full, double page PDF
set {xleft, ytop, xright, ybottom} to get bounds for page i of document theTitle
--ensure the PDF is properly oriented
if ((xright - xleft) / (ytop - ybottom)) > 1 then
if ((xright - xleft) / (ytop - ybottom)) < 1.5 then
set moveOn to true
end if
set moveOn to false
exit repeat
end if
if moveOn = true then
--if page is not OCR'd
if OCRpages does not contain i then
set nxright to xleft + ((xright - xleft) / 2 as integer)
my splits(i, theTitle, xleft, ytop, nxright, ybottom)
delay 0.2
set newTitle to shortTitle & "_left_" & i
save front document as "PDF" in ((theLocation as string) & newTitle)
delay 0.2
close document newTitle
--if page is OCR'd
else if OCRpages contains i then
set nxright to xleft + ((xright - xleft) / 2 as integer)
my splits(i, theTitle, xleft, ytop, nxright, ybottom)
--get rectangular bounds of text field
set textBounds_full to line bounds of page 1 of document 1
set textBounds to my get_textBounds(textBounds_full)
set {tleft, ttop, tright, tbottom} to textBounds
--delete uncentered cropping attempt
close document 1 without saving
--prepare centered dimensions
set nleft to tleft - 20 as integer
set nright to tright + 20 as integer
--recrop the double page
my splits(i, theTitle, nleft, ytop, nright, ybottom)
delay 0.2
set newTitle to shortTitle & "_left_" & i
save front document as "PDF" in ((theLocation as string) & newTitle)
delay 0.2
close document newTitle
end if
end if
end repeat
(* ///
PART THREE: Handle all Right-Hand Pages
/// *)
repeat with i from 1 to num
--get the rectangular bounds for the full, double page PDF
set {xleft, ytop, xright, ybottom} to get bounds for page i of document theTitle
--ensure the PDF is properly oriented
if ((xright - xleft) / (ytop - ybottom)) > 1 then
if ((xright - xleft) / (ytop - ybottom)) < 1.5 then
set moveOn to true
end if
set moveOn to false
exit repeat
end if
if moveOn = true then
--if page is not OCR'd
if OCRpages does not contain i then
set nxleft to xleft + ((xright - xleft) / 2 as integer)
my splits(i, theTitle, nxleft, ytop, xright, ybottom)
delay 0.2
set newTitle to shortTitle & "_right_" & i
save front document as "PDF" in ((theLocation as string) & newTitle)
delay 0.2
close document newTitle
--if page is OCR'd
else if OCRpages contains i then
set nxleft to xleft + ((xright - xleft) / 2 as integer)
my splits(i, theTitle, nxleft, ytop, xright, ybottom)
--get rectangular bounds of half page
set {hleft, htop, hright, hbottom} to bounds of page 1 of front document
--get rectangular bounds of text field
set textBounds_full to line bounds of page 1 of front document
set textBounds to my get_textBounds(textBounds_full)
set {tleft, ttop, tright, tbottom} to textBounds
--delete uncentered cropping attempt
close front document without saving
--prepare centered dimensions
set nleft to ((nxleft + (tleft - hleft)) - 20) as integer
set nright to ((xright - (hright - tright)) + 20) as integer
--recrop the double page
my splits(i, theTitle, nleft, ytop, nright, ybottom)
delay 0.2
set newTitle to shortTitle & "_right_" & i
save front document as "PDF" in ((theLocation as string) & newTitle)
delay 0.2
close document newTitle
end if
end if
end repeat
my combinePDFPages(num, shortTitle)
(* ///
PART FOUR: Crop Rotated PDFs
/// *)
if moveOn = false then
--get the rectangular bounds for the full, double page PDF
set {xleft, ytop, xright, ybottom} to get bounds for page 1 of document theTitle
--crop a trial page to determine PDF rotation
set ntop to ybottom + ((ytop - ybottom) / 2)
my splits(1, theTitle, xleft, ntop, xright, ybottom)
set pageQu to display dialog "Is this the Left-Hand page or the Right-Hand page?" with title "Skim Page Splitter" buttons {"Left", "Right"}
set pageSide to button returned of pageQu
if exists button returned of pageQu then
close front document without saving
end if
if pageSide = "Left" then
--crop and save all left hand pages individually
repeat with i from 1 to num
set ntop to ybottom + ((ytop - ybottom) / 2)
my splits(i, theTitle, xleft, ntop, xright, ybottom)
delay 0.2
set newTitle to shortTitle & "_left_" & i
save front document as "PDF" in ((theLocation as string) & newTitle)
delay 0.2
close document newTitle
end repeat
--crop and save all right hand pages individually
repeat with i from 1 to num
set nbottom to ybottom + ((ytop - ybottom) / 2)
my splits(i, theTitle, xleft, ytop, xright, nbottom)
delay 0.2
set newTitle to shortTitle & "_right_" & i
save front document as "PDF" in ((theLocation as string) & newTitle)
delay 0.2
close document newTitle
end repeat
--take the individual PDFs and combine into a new, single PDF
my combinePDFPages(num, shortTitle)
else if pageSide = "Right" then
--crop and save all left hand pages individually
repeat with i from 1 to num
set {xleft, ytop, xright, ybottom} to get bounds for page i of document 1
set nbottom to ybottom + ((ytop - ybottom) / 2)
set leftpage to grab page i of document 1 for {xleft, ytop, xright, nbottom}
set the clipboard to result
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Skim" to tell menu bar 1 to ¬
tell menu bar item 3 to tell menu 1 to click menu item 1
delay 0.2
save front document as "PDF" in ((theLocation as string) & theTitle & "_left_" & i)
delay 0.2
close front document
end repeat
--crop and save all right hand pages individually
repeat with i from 1 to num
set {xleft, ytop, xright, ybottom} to get bounds for page i of document 1
set ntop to ybottom + ((ytop - ybottom) / 2)
set rightpage to grab page i of document 1 for {xleft, ntop, xright, ybottom}
set the clipboard to result
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Skim" to tell menu bar 1 to ¬
tell menu bar item 3 to tell menu 1 to click menu item 1
delay 0.2
save front document as "PDF" in ((theLocation as string) & theTitle & "_right_" & i)
delay 0.2
close front document
end repeat
--take the individual PDFs and combine into a new, single PDF
my combinePDFPages(num, shortTitle)
end if
end if
end tell
on splits(i, theTitle, l, t, r, b)
tell application "Skim"
set leftpage to grab page i of document theTitle for {l, t, r, b}
set the clipboard to result
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Skim" to tell menu bar 1 to ¬
tell menu bar item 3 to tell menu 1 to click menu item 1
end tell
end splits
on get_textBounds(t)
set xlefts to {}
set ytops to {}
set xrights to {}
set ybottoms to {}
repeat with i from 1 to count of t
set x to item i of t
set {xleft, ytop, xright, ybottom} to {item 1 of x, item 2 of x, item 3 of x, item 4 of x}
copy xleft to end of xlefts
copy ytop to end of ytops
copy xright to end of xrights
copy ybottom to end of ybottoms
end repeat
set xlefts to sortlist xlefts
set ytops to sortlist ytops
set xrights to sortlist xrights
set ybottoms to sortlist ybottoms
set {nleft, ntop, nright, nbottom} to {item 1 of xlefts, item -1 of ytops, item -1 of xrights, item 1 of ybottoms}
return nleft & ntop & nright & nbottom
end get_textBounds
on combinePDFPages(num, shortTitle)
--save all left hand page PDF files to list
set l to {}
repeat with i from 1 to num
set f to "Macintosh HD:Users:smargheim:Documents:Split PDFs:" & shortTitle & "_left_" & i & ".pdf"
set f to f as alias
copy f to end of l
end repeat
--save all right hand page PDF files to list
repeat with i from 1 to num
set f to "Macintosh HD:Users:smargheim:Documents:Split PDFs:" & shortTitle & "_right_" & i & ".pdf"
set f to f as alias
copy f to end of l
end repeat
--reorder list to go: left1, right1, left2, right2, etc.
set n to ((count of l) / 2)
set nl to my groupList(l, n)
set thePDFs to my interlaceLists(item 1 of nl, item 2 of nl)
--prepare final PDF file
set outputFolder to "Macintosh HD:Users:smargheim:Documents:Split PDFs:" as alias
set outputFile to (outputFolder as text) & shortTitle & "_cropped.pdf"
tell application "Skim"
--check if user wishes to keep or discard first left-hand page (which is sometimes the last page of another text)
set leftCheck to display dialog "Include the first left hand page in final PDF?" with title "Skim Page Splitter" buttons {"Keep", "Discard"}
end tell
if button returned of leftCheck = "Keep" then
--combine ALL individual PDF pages into new, single PDF
set pdfArgs to ""
repeat with i from 1 to count of thePDFs
set p to item i of thePDFs
set pdfArgs to pdfArgs & " " & quoted form of POSIX path of p
end repeat
do shell script "\"/System/Library/Automator/Combine PDF Pages.action/Contents/Resources/\" -o " & quoted form of POSIX path of outputFile & pdfArgs
--combine ALL individual PDF pages into new, single PDF
set pdfArgs to ""
repeat with i from 2 to count of thePDFs
set p to item i of thePDFs
set pdfArgs to pdfArgs & " " & quoted form of POSIX path of p
end repeat
do shell script "\"/System/Library/Automator/Combine PDF Pages.action/Contents/Resources/\" -o " & quoted form of POSIX path of outputFile & pdfArgs
end if
--delete the individual page PDFs
tell application "Finder"
delete every item of thePDFs
end tell
tell application "Skim"
open outputFile as alias
end tell
end combinePDFPages
on interlaceLists(list1, list2)
-- HAS (
local list1, list2
if list1's class is not list then error "not a list." number -1704
if list2's class is not list then error "not a list." number -1704
script k
property l1 : list1
property l2 : list2
property res : {}
end script
if (count of k's l1) is not (count of k's l2) then error "lists are different lengths."
repeat with i from 1 to count k's l1
set k's res's end to k's l1's item i
set k's res's end to k's l2's item i
end repeat
return k's res
on error eMsg number eNum
error "Can't interlaceLists: " & eMsg number eNum
end try
end interlaceLists
on groupList(lst, groupLen)
-- HAS (
local lst, tailLen, groupLen, idx
if lst's class is not list then error "not a list." number -1704
script k
property l : lst
property res : {}
end script
set tailLen to (count of k's l) mod groupLen
repeat with idx from 1 to ((count of k's l) - tailLen) by groupLen
set k's res's end to k's l's items idx thru (idx + groupLen - 1)
end repeat
if tailLen is not 0 then
set k's res's end to k's l's items -tailLen thru -1
end if
return k's res
on error eMsg number eNum
error "Can't groupList: " & eMsg number eNum
end try
end groupList
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