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Last active July 9, 2020 14:53
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  • Save fractaledmind/ea15a72df99debae411c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fractaledmind/ea15a72df99debae411c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Cleaned up the script. Made it more readable. Removed unnecessary stuff.
(* ///
/// *)
property line_feed : (ASCII character 10)
property md_line_feed : (ASCII character 32) & (ASCII character 32) & (ASCII character 10)
property as_delims : AppleScript's text item delimiters
--If you don't want to tag the notes, set `en_tag` to ""
property en_notebook : "Skim Export"
property en_tag : "skim_notes"
property export_style : "HTML"
property export_destination : "Evernote"
-- See the `get_annotation_hyperlink` handler for more formatting information
--Text Note HTML
property text_prefix : "<p>"
property text_body_wrap_front : ""
property text_body_wrap_back : ""
property text_page_wrap_front : " (<a href=\""
property text_page_abbr : "\">p."
property text_page_wrap_back : "</a>)"
--Anchor Note HTML
property anchored_prefix : "<p>"
property anchored_title_wrap_front : "<strong>"
property anchored_title_wrap_back : "</strong>"
property anchored_body_wrap_front : ""
property anchored_body_wrap_back : ""
property anchored_page_wrap_front : "(<a href=\""
property anchored_page_abbr : "\">p."
property anchored_page_wrap_back : "</a>)"
--Underline Note HTML
property underline_prefix : "<p>"
property underline_body_wrap_front : "\""
property underline_body_wrap_back : "\""
property underline_page_wrap_front : "(<a href=\""
property underline_page_abbr : "\">p."
property underline_page_wrap_back : "</a>)"
--Strike-Thru Note HTML
property strike_prefix : "<p>"
property strike_body_wrap_front : "\""
property strike_body_wrap_back : "\""
property strike_page_wrap_front : "(<a href=\""
property strike_page_abbr : "\">p."
property strike_page_wrap_back : "</a>)"
--Highlight Note HTML FAV1
property one_highlight_prefix : "<h2><br>"
property one_highlight_title_wrap_front : "<strong>"
property one_highlight_title_wrap_back : "</strong>"
property one_highlight_body_wrap_front : ""
property one_highlight_body_wrap_back : ""
property one_highlight_page_wrap_front : "(<a href=\""
property one_highlight_page_abbr : "\">p."
property one_highlight_page_wrap_back : "</a>)"
--Highlight Note HTML FAV2
property two_highlight_prefix : "<h3>"
property two_highlight_title_wrap_front : "<strong>"
property two_highlight_title_wrap_back : "</strong>"
property two_highlight_body_wrap_front : ""
property two_highlight_body_wrap_back : ""
property two_highlight_page_wrap_front : "(<a href=\""
property two_highlight_page_abbr : "\">p."
property two_highlight_page_wrap_back : "</a>)"
--Highlight Note HTML FAV3
property three_highlight_prefix : "<h4>"
property three_highlight_title_wrap_front : "<strong>"
property three_highlight_title_wrap_back : "</strong>"
property three_highlight_body_wrap_front : ""
property three_highlight_body_wrap_back : ""
property three_highlight_page_wrap_front : "(<a href=\""
property three_highlight_page_abbr : "\">p."
property three_highlight_page_wrap_back : "</a>)"
--Highlight Note HTML FAV4
property four_highlight_prefix : "<p>"
property four_highlight_title_wrap_front : "<strong>"
property four_highlight_title_wrap_back : "</strong>"
property four_highlight_body_wrap_front : ""
property four_highlight_body_wrap_back : ""
property four_highlight_page_wrap_front : ""
property four_highlight_page_abbr : ""
property four_highlight_page_wrap_back : ""
--Highlight Note HTML FAV5
property five_highlight_prefix : "<p>"
property five_highlight_title_wrap_front : "<strong>"
property five_highlight_title_wrap_back : "</strong>"
property five_highlight_body_wrap_front : "<font color=\""
property five_highlight_body_text_color : "#CC7A29" --can use hex from Skim's favorite color palette (see line 442)
property five_highlight_end_quote : "\">"
property five_highlight_body_wrap_back : "</font> "
property five_highlight_page_wrap_front : ""
property five_highlight_page_abbr : ""
property five_highlight_page_wrap_back : ""
--set body to (six_highlight_body_wrap_front & six_highlight_body_text_color & six_highlight_end_quote & note_text & six_highlight_body_wrap_back)
--Highlight Note HTML FAV6
property six_highlight_prefix : "<p>"
property six_highlight_title_wrap_front : "<strong>"
property six_highlight_title_wrap_back : "</strong>"
property six_highlight_body_wrap_front : "<font color=\""
property six_highlight_body_text_color : "#B00000"
property six_highlight_end_quote : "\">"
property six_highlight_body_wrap_back : "</font> "
property six_highlight_page_wrap_front : ""
property six_highlight_page_abbr : ""
property six_highlight_page_wrap_back : ""
--Highlight Note HTML
--property highlight_prefix : "<h2>"
--property highlight_title_wrap_front : "<strong>"
--property highlight_title_wrap_back : ":</strong>"
--property highlight_body_wrap_front : ""
--property highlight_body_wrap_back : ""
--property highlight_page_wrap_front : "(<a href=\""
--property highlight_page_abbr : "\">p."
--property highlight_page_wrap_back : "</a>)"
on run
(* ///
/// *)
--Get path to current directory
set base_path to my get_base_path()
--Load Workflow helper scripts
set wf to load script (base_path & "_wf-helpers.scpt")
--Get user's export Preferences
--set rec to my get_settings(wf)
--set export_style to rec's |style|
--set export_destination to rec's destination
--Get user's Highlight Preferences
set annotations_path to wf's get_storage() & "annotations_config.json"
set json to read (POSIX file annotations_path)
set clean to wf's replace(json, "\"", "\\\"")
set highlight_rec to wf's read_json(clean)
on error
--If user hasn't configured, set defaults
set highlight_rec to {{_title:"Summary", _color:{65535, 65531, 2689, 65535}}, {_title:"Disagree", _color:{64634, 467, 1798, 65535}}, {_title:"Agree", _color:{64907, 32785, 2154, 65535}}, {_title:"Reference", _color:{8608, 65514, 1548, 65535}}, {_title:"Quotable", _color:{8372, 65519, 65472, 65535}}, {_title:"Technique", _color:{64587, 609, 65481, 65535}}}
end try
(* ///
/// *)
tell application "Skim"
(* ///
PRE-PROCESSING: Check if annotated on iOS. If yes, convert annotations.
Then save original document
/// *)
if every note of front document = {} then convert notes front document
save front document
on error msg
return msg & " in Pre-Processing."
end try
(* ///
PART 1: Dialog Box
set _icon to base_path & "icon.png"
set _icon to POSIX file _icon as alias
set page_relation to text returned of (display dialog "Subtract printed page number from Skim's indexed page number." with title "Skimmer" default answer "0" with icon _icon) as number
on error msg
return msg & " in Part 1: Dialog Box"
end try
/// *)
(* ///
PART 2: Get all necessary Information
/// *)
set pdf_name to (name of front document)
set _file to (path of front document)
set file_url to my encode_text(_file, false, false)
set skimmer_url to "skimmer://" & file_url & "?page="
set all_notes to every note of front document
set notes_text to my get_header(export_style, "Text Notes")
set notes_anchor to my get_header(export_style, "Topics")
set notes_underline to my get_header(export_style, "Underlined")
set notes_strikethru to my get_header(export_style, "Strike-Through")
set notes_highlight to my get_header(export_style, "Outline")
set {_text_, _anchor_, _underline_, _strikethru_, _highlight_} to {false, false, false, false, false}
(* ///
PART 3: The Meat-n-Potatoes of the Script
/// *)
repeat with i from 1 to count of all_notes
set _note to item i of all_notes
set _page to index of page of _note
--set real_page to (_page + page_relation) as string
set real_page to _page as string
set this_url to skimmer_url & _page
if type of _note is text note then
set note_text to text of _note
set notes_text to notes_text & (my get_annotation_hyperlink((type of _note), "", note_text, this_url, real_page))
set _text_ to true
else if type of _note is anchored note then
set title_text to text of _note
set note_text to extended text of _note
set notes_anchor to notes_anchor & (my get_annotation_hyperlink((type of _note), title_text, note_text, this_url, real_page))
set _anchor_ to true
else if type of _note is underline note then
set note_text to text of _note
set notes_underline to notes_underline & (my get_annotation_hyperlink((type of _note), "", note_text, this_url, real_page))
set _underline_ to true
else if type of _note is strike out note then
set note_text to text of _note
set notes_strikethru to notes_strikethru & (my get_annotation_hyperlink((type of _note), "", note_text, this_url, real_page))
set _strikethru_ to true
else if type of _note is highlight note then
set note_text to text of _note
set rgba to color of _note
--set title_text to my color2text(highlight_rec, rgba)
set rgb to items 1 thru 3 of rgba
set hex to my RBG_to_HTML(rgb)
set fave_colors to favorite colors
set title_text to my color2text(rgba, fave_colors)
set notes_highlight to my notes_highlight & (my get_annotation_highlight(rgba, fave_colors, title_text, note_text, this_url, real_page, hex))
set _highlight_ to true
end if
end repeat
(* ///
PART 4: Remove any Empty Annotation Sections
/// *)
set final_text to ""
if _text_ = true then set final_text to final_text & notes_text
if _anchor_ = true then set final_text to final_text & notes_anchor
if _underline_ = true then set final_text to final_text & notes_underline
if _strikethru_ = true then set final_text to final_text & notes_strikethru
if _highlight_ = true then set final_text to final_text & notes_highlight
(* ///
PART 5: Export the Notes
/// *)
if export_destination = "Evernote" then
set _evernote_ to false
repeat until _evernote_ = true
tell application "System Events"
if not (exists process "Evernote") then
tell application id "com.evernote.Evernote" to activate
delay 1
tell application id "com.evernote.Evernote" to activate
end if
if (exists process "Evernote") then set _evernote_ to true
end tell
end repeat
tell application id "com.evernote.Evernote"
if (not (notebook named en_notebook exists)) then
make notebook with properties {name:en_notebook}
end if
if export_style = "HTML" then
set newNote to create note title pdf_name with html final_text notebook en_notebook
else if export_style = "Markdown" then
set newNote to create note title pdf_name with text final_text notebook en_notebook
end if
if not en_tag = "" then
if (not (tag named en_tag exists)) then
set tg to make tag with properties {name:en_tag}
set tg to tag en_tag
end if
assign tg to newNote
end if
--synchronize Evernote
repeat until isSynchronizing is false
end repeat
repeat until isSynchronizing is false
end repeat
end tell
else if export_destination = "Clipboard" then
set the clipboard to final_text
end if
return "Exported notes to " & export_destination & " as " & export_style
end tell
end run
on get_base_path()
set {as_delims, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, "/"}
set _path to (text items 1 thru -2 of (POSIX path of (path to me)) as string) & "/"
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to as_delims
return _path
end get_base_path
on get_settings(wf)
set _bundle to wf's get_bundle()
set settings_path to (path to "cusr" as text) & "Library:Application Support:Aline_feedred 2:Workflow Data:" & _bundle & ":settings.json" as text
set the file_ to open for access file settings_path
set json_ to (read file_)
close access file_
set clean to wf's replace(json_, "\"", "\\\"")
set rec to wf's read_json(clean)
return rec
end get_settings
on get_header(_style, _header)
if _style = "HTML" then
return "<hr />" & line_feed & line_feed & "<h2>" & _header & "</h2>" & md_line_feed & line_feed & line_feed
else if _style = "Markdown" then
return "- - -" & line_feed & line_feed & "## " & _header & " ##" & md_line_feed & line_feed & line_feed
end if
end get_header
on get_annotation_hyperlink(_type, _title, note_text, hyperlink, real_page)
For the formulae below, properties are wrapped in {curlies} and passed parameters are wrapped in <carets>. Also, note where the spaces are.
tell application "Skim"
if _type = text note then
--{prefix}{wrap}<note text>{/wrap}{wrap}<link>{p.} <#>{/wrap}
set body to (text_prefix & text_body_wrap_front & note_text & text_body_wrap_back)
set page_front to (text_page_wrap_front & hyperlink & text_page_abbr)
set page_back to (real_page & text_page_wrap_back)
return body & space & page_front & space & page_back & line_feed & line_feed
else if _type = anchored note then
--{prefix}{wrap}<title>{/wrap} {wrap}<note text>{/wrap} {wrap}<link>{p.} <#>{/wrap}
set anchor to (anchored_prefix & anchored_title_wrap_front & _title & anchored_title_wrap_back)
set body to (anchored_body_wrap_front & note_text & anchored_body_wrap_back)
set page_front to (anchored_page_wrap_front & hyperlink & anchored_page_abbr)
set page_back to (real_page & anchored_page_wrap_back)
return anchor & space & body & space & page_front & space & page_back & line_feed & line_feed
else if _type = underline note then
--{prefix}{wrap}<note text>{/wrap} {wrap}<link>{p.} <#>{/wrap}
set body to (underline_prefix & underline_body_wrap_front & note_text & underline_body_wrap_back)
set page_front to (underline_page_wrap_front & hyperlink & underline_page_abbr)
set page_back to (real_page & underline_page_wrap_back)
return body & space & page_front & space & page_back & line_feed & line_feed
else if _type = strike out note then
--{prefix}{wrap}<note text>{/wrap} {wrap}<link>{p.} <#>{/wrap}
set body to (strike_prefix & strike_body_wrap_front & note_text & strike_body_wrap_back)
set page_front to (strike_page_wrap_front & hyperlink & strike_page_abbr)
set page_back to (real_page & strike_page_wrap_back)
return body & space & page_front & space & page_back & line_feed & line_feed
else if _type = highlight note then
--{prefix}{wrap}<title>{/wrap} {wrap}<note text>{/wrap} {wrap}<link>{p.} <#>{/wrap}
set header to (highlight_prefix & highlight_title_wrap_front & _title & highlight_title_wrap_back)
set body to (highlight_body_wrap_front & note_text & highlight_body_wrap_back)
set page_front to (highlight_page_wrap_front & hyperlink & highlight_page_abbr)
set page_back to (real_page & highlight_page_wrap_back)
return header & space & body & space & page_front & space & page_back & line_feed & line_feed
end if
end tell
end get_annotation_hyperlink
on get_annotation_highlight(rgba, fave_colors, _title, note_text, hyperlink, real_page, hex)
set {fav1, fav2, fav3, fav4, fav5, fav6} to fave_colors
if rgba is equal to fav1 then
--{prefix}{wrap}<title>{/wrap} {wrap}<note text>{/wrap} {wrap}<link>{p.} <#>{/wrap}
set header to (highlight1_prefix & highlight1_title_wrap_front & _title & highlight1_title_wrap_back)
set body to (highlight1_body_wrap_front & note_text & highlight1_body_wrap_back)
set page_front to (highlight1_page_wrap_front & hyperlink & highlight1_page_abbr)
set page_back to (real_page & highlight1_page_wrap_back)
return header & space & body & space & page_front & space & page_back & line_feed & line_feed
else if rgba is equal to fav2 then
--{prefix}{wrap}<title>{/wrap} {wrap}<note text>{/wrap} {wrap}<link>{p.} <#>{/wrap}
set header to (highlight2_prefix & highlight2_title_wrap_front & _title & highlight2_title_wrap_back)
set body to (highlight2_body_wrap_front & note_text & highlight2_body_wrap_back)
set page_front to (highlight2_page_wrap_front & hyperlink & highlight2_page_abbr)
set page_back to (real_page & highlight2_page_wrap_back)
return header & space & body & space & page_front & space & page_back & line_feed & line_feed
else if rgba is equal to fav3 then
--{prefix}{wrap}<title>{/wrap} {wrap}<note text>{/wrap} {wrap}<link>{p.} <#>{/wrap}
set header to (highlight3_prefix & highlight3_title_wrap_front & _title & highlight3_title_wrap_back)
set body to (highlight3_body_wrap_front & note_text & highlight3_body_wrap_back)
set page_front to (highlight3_page_wrap_front & hyperlink & highlight3_page_abbr)
set page_back to (real_page & highlight3_page_wrap_back)
return header & space & body & space & page_front & space & page_back & line_feed & line_feed
else if rgba is equal to fav4 then
--{prefix}{wrap}<title>{/wrap} {wrap}<note text>{/wrap} {wrap}<link>{p.} <#>{/wrap}
set header to (highlight4_prefix & highlight4_title_wrap_front & _title & highlight4_title_wrap_back)
set body to (highlight4_body_wrap_front & note_text & highlight4_body_wrap_back)
set page_front to (highlight4_page_wrap_front & highlight4_page_abbr)
set page_back to (highlight4_page_wrap_back)
return header & space & body & space & page_front & space & page_back
else if rgba is equal to fav5 then
--{prefix}{wrap}<title>{/wrap} {wrap}<note text>{/wrap} {wrap}<link>{p.} <#>{/wrap}
set header to (highlight5_prefix & highlight5_title_wrap_front & _title & highlight5_title_wrap_back)
--set body to (highlight5_body_wrap_front & hex & highlight5_end_quote & note_text & highlight5_body_wrap_back) --USE FAV COLOR HEX
set body to (highlight5_body_wrap_front & highlight5_body_text_color & highlight5_end_quote & note_text & highlight5_body_wrap_back)
set page_front to (highlight5_page_wrap_front & highlight5_page_abbr)
set page_back to (highlight5_page_wrap_back)
return header & space & body & space & page_front & space & page_back
else if rgba is equal to fav6 then
--{prefix}{wrap}<title>{/wrap} {wrap}<note text>{/wrap} {wrap}<link>{p.} <#>{/wrap}
set header to (highlight6_prefix & highlight6_title_wrap_front & _title & highlight6_title_wrap_back)
--set body to (highlight6_body_wrap_front & hex & highlight6_end_quote & note_text & highlight6_body_wrap_back) --USE FAV COLOR HEX
set body to (highlight6_body_wrap_front & highlight6_body_text_color & highlight6_end_quote & note_text & highlight6_body_wrap_back)
set page_front to (highlight6_page_wrap_front & highlight6_page_abbr)
set page_back to (highlight6_page_wrap_back)
return header & space & body & space & page_front & space & page_back
end if
end get_annotation_highlight
--convert highlights into text values
on color2text(rec, noteColor)
set colorText to "[***]"
repeat with i from 1 to count of rec
set this to item i of rec
if noteColor is this's _color then
set colorText to this's _title
end if
end repeat
return colorText
end color2text
on color2text(rgba, fave_colors)
set colorText to ""
set html_tab to "&nbsp;"
if rgba is (item 1 of fave_colors) then
set colorText to "⬛️" & html_tab
else if rgba is (item 2 of fave_colors) then
set colorText to my str_multiply(4, html_tab) & "▪️"
else if rgba is (item 3 of fave_colors) then
set colorText to my str_multiply(7, html_tab) & "▫️"
else if rgba is (item 4 of fave_colors) then
set colorText to my str_multiply(16, html_tab)
else if rgba is (item 5 of fave_colors) then
set colorText to "💊" & str_multiply(12, html_tab)
else if rgba is (item 6 of fave_colors) then
set colorText to "❗️" & str_multiply(12, html_tab)
end if
return colorText
end color2text
on str_multiply(x, str)
set new to str
repeat x times
set new to new & str
end repeat
return new
end str_multiply
on RBG_to_HTML(RGB_values)
-- NOTE: this sub-routine expects the RBG values to be from 0 to 65535
set the hex_list to {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}
set the the hex_value to ""
repeat with i from 1 to the count of the RGB_values
set this_value to (item i of the RGB_values) div 256
if this_value is 256 then set this_value to 255
set x to item ((this_value div 16) + 1) of the hex_list
set y to item (((this_value / 16 mod 1) * 16) + 1) of the hex_list
set the hex_value to (the hex_value & x & y) as string
end repeat
return ("#" & the hex_value) as string
end RBG_to_HTML
--URL encode text
on encode_text(this_text, encode_URL_A, encode_URL_B)
set the standard_characters to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
set the URL_A_chars to "$+!'/?;&@=#%><{}[]\"~`^\\|*"
set the URL_B_chars to ".-_:"
set the acceptable_characters to the standard_characters
if encode_URL_A is false then set the acceptable_characters to the acceptable_characters & the URL_A_chars
if encode_URL_B is false then set the acceptable_characters to the acceptable_characters & the URL_B_chars
set the encoded_text to ""
repeat with this_char in this_text
if this_char is in the acceptable_characters then
set the encoded_text to (the encoded_text & this_char)
set the encoded_text to (the encoded_text & encode_char(this_char)) as string
end if
end repeat
return the encoded_text
end encode_text
on encode_char(this_char)
set the ASCII_num to (the ASCII number this_char)
set the hex_list to {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}
set x to item ((ASCII_num div 16) + 1) of the hex_list
set y to item ((ASCII_num mod 16) + 1) of the hex_list
return ("%" & x & y) as string
end encode_char
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