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Created June 1, 2011 19:26
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Save fraga/1003096 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Program to copy vs font color settings to sql management studio settings
// Program.cs
// Author:
// Tomas Restrepo (email was hidden for privacy concerns)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Win32;
namespace Winterdom.Utilities.VSColorsToSql
class ColorImporter
private const string SRC_KEY = @"Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\FontAndColors\{A27B4E24-A735-4D1D-B8E7-9716E1E3D8E0}";
private const string DST_KEY = @"Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Shell\FontAndColors\{A27B4E24-A735-4D1D-B8E7-9716E1E3D8E0}";
private IDictionary<string, string> _map;
private IList<string> _ignorePrefixes;
public ColorImporter()
_map = new Dictionary<string, string>();
#region values we map from one to the other
_map.Add("String Background", "SQL String Background");
_map.Add("String FontFlags", "SQL String FontFlags");
_map.Add("String Foreground", "SQL String Foreground");
_map.Add("Operator Foreground", "SQL Operator Foreground");
_map.Add("Operator Background", "SQL Operator Background");
_map.Add("Operator FontFlags", "SQL Operator FontFlags");
_map.Add("User Types Foreground", "SQL Stored Procedure Foreground");
_map.Add("User Types Background", "SQL Stored Procedure Background");
_map.Add("User Types FontFlags", "SQL Stored Procedure FontFlags");
_map.Add("User Types (Interfaces) Foreground", "SQL System Function Foreground");
_map.Add("User Types (Interfaces) Background", "SQL System Function Background");
_map.Add("User Types (Interfaces) FontFlags", "SQL System Function FontFlags");
_map.Add("User Types (Value types) Foreground", "SQL System Table Foreground");
_map.Add("User Types (Value types) Background", "SQL System Table Background");
_map.Add("User Types (Value types) FontFlags", "SQL System Table FontFlags");
_map.Add("XML Attribute Foreground", "XmlAttribute Foreground");
_map.Add("XML Attribute Background", "XmlAttribute Background");
_map.Add("XML Attribute FontFlags", "XmlAttribute FontFlags");
_map.Add("XML Attribute Quotes Foreground", "XmlAttributeQuotes Foreground");
_map.Add("XML Attribute Quotes Background", "XmlAttributeQuotes Background");
_map.Add("XML Attribute Quotes FontFlags", "XmlAttributeQuotes FontFlags");
_map.Add("XML CData Section Foreground", "XmlCData Foreground");
_map.Add("XML CData Section Background", "XmlCData Background");
_map.Add("XML CData Section FontFlags", "XmlCData FontFlags");
_map.Add("XML Comment Foreground", "XmlComment Foreground");
_map.Add("XML Comment Background", "XmlComment Background");
_map.Add("XML Comment FontFlags", "XmlComment FontFlags");
_map.Add("XML Delimiter Foreground", "XmlDelimiter Foreground");
_map.Add("XML Delimiter Background", "XmlDelimiter Background");
_map.Add("XML Delimiter FontFlags", "XmlDelimiter FontFlags");
_map.Add("XML Keyword Foreground", "XmlKeyword Foreground");
_map.Add("XML Keyword Background", "XmlKeyword Background");
_map.Add("XML Keyword FontFlags", "XmlKeyword FontFlags");
_map.Add("XML Name Foreground", "XmlName Foreground");
_map.Add("XML Name Background", "XmlName Background");
_map.Add("XML Name FontFlags", "XmlName FontFlags");
_map.Add("XML Processing Instruction Foreground", "XmlProcessingInstruction Foreground");
_map.Add("XML Processing Instruction Background", "XmlProcessingInstruction Background");
_map.Add("XML Processing Instruction FontFlags", "XmlProcessingInstruction FontFlags");
_map.Add("XML Text Foreground", "XmlText Foreground");
_map.Add("XML Text Background", "XmlText Background");
_map.Add("XML Text FontFlags", "XmlText FontFlags");
_map.Add("XSLT Keyword Foreground", "XsltKeyword Foreground");
_map.Add("XSLT Keyword Background", "XsltKeyword Background");
_map.Add("XSLT Keyword FontFlags", "XsltKeyword FontFlags");
_ignorePrefixes = new string[] {
"CSS ", "Disassembly ", "HTML ", "Refactoring ", "XML Doc "
public void Copy()
RegistryKey src = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(SRC_KEY);
RegistryKey dst = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(DST_KEY, true);
string[] values = src.GetValueNames();
foreach ( string valname in values )
CopyValue(valname, src, dst);
private void CopyValue(string valname, RegistryKey src, RegistryKey dst)
if ( !Ignore(valname) )
string rv = valname;
if ( _map.ContainsKey(valname) )
rv = _map[valname];
dst.SetValue(rv, src.GetValue(valname));
// hack: we also copy the Identifier ones over to plain text
if ( valname.StartsWith("Identifier") && !valname.Contains("Background") )
valname.Replace("Identifier", "Plain Text"),
private bool Ignore(string valname)
foreach ( string prefix in _ignorePrefixes )
if ( valname.StartsWith(prefix) )
return true;
return false;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ColorImporter importer = new ColorImporter();
Console.WriteLine("Completed successfully. Press enter to exit.");
} catch ( Exception ex )
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