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Last active November 6, 2019 14:45
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Bash command prompt PS1
#... portion of .bashrc
export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true # staged '+', unstaged '*'
export GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true # '%' untracked files
export GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM="auto" # '<' behind, '>' ahead, '<>' diverged, '=' no difference
export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true # '$' something is stashed
function __prompt_command() {
local ERRORCODE="$?"
# colour codes
local c_grey="\[\e[90m\]"
local c_red="\[\e[1;31m\]"
local c_green="\[\e[32m\]"
local c_yellow="\[\e[33;1m\]"
local c_clear="\[\e[0m\]"
# Errorcode (conditional)
if [ ${ERRORCODE} != 0 ]; then
PS1+="${c_grey} $(echo -e '\u2570\u2500\u2770')${c_red}${ERRORCODE}${c_grey}$(echo -e '\u2771')${c_clear}\n"
# Main line
local pre_line="$(echo -e '\u256d\u2500')"
if [[ "$(dirs -p | wc -l)" != "1" ]] ; then
local pre_line="$(echo -e '\u2934') "
if [[ ! -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" ]]; then
PS1+="${c_grey}$(echo -e '\u2770')${c_green}$(basename $VIRTUAL_ENV)${c_grey}$(echo -e '\u2771')${c_clear}"
PS1+=" ${c_yellow}\w${c_clear}"
# Command Line
PS1+="\n${c_grey}$(echo -e '\u2570\u2500\u2bc8') ${c_clear}"
export PROMPT_COMMAND=__prompt_command
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