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Forked from jdanyow/app.html
Last active August 21, 2018 10:22
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Aurelia Gist
<require from="./children"></require>
<p>Below are groups which get's re-rendered every time you add a child or re-name one. You can see it because of the logged getter calls.</p>
<div repeat.for="group of groupedChildren">
<div repeat.for="child of group.children">
<children child.bind="child"></children>
<label>Add new child</label>
<input type="text" value.bind="newChildName" />
<button click.delegate="addChildren(newChildName)">Add</button>
import {computedFrom} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {Store} from './store';
import {ChildGroup} from './child-group';
export class App {
static inject = [Store]
* Get object updates
* @param {Store} store
constructor(store) { = store;{
object: {
name: 'I\'m the only and real object',
children: [
{id: 1, name: 'Nami'},
{id: 2, name: 'Zoro'},
{id: 3, name: 'Luffy'},
{id: 4, name: 'Shopper'},
{id: 5, name: 'Sanji'},
{id: 6, name: 'Brook'}
store.subscribe(state => {
console.log('new state');
this.object = state.clone().object;
* Add a children with name
addChildren(name) {
// Would normally be done by an action class
const state =;
id: state.object.children.length,
* Group children based on their id
* @returns {Array}
get groupedChildren() {
return ChildGroup.groupChildren(this.object.children);
export class ChildGroup {
* @param {string} title
constructor(title) {
this.title = title;
this.amount = 0;
this.children = [];
* @param {Object} child
addChild(child) {
recalculateValues() {
this.amount = this.children.length + 0;
* @param {Array<Object>} children
* @returns {Array<PositionGroup>}
static groupChildren(children) {
const groups = children.reduce((groups, child) => {
const groupingKey = % 2;
// Create new group
if (!groups.has(groupingKey)) {
groups.set(groupingKey, new ChildGroup('Group ' + groupingKey));
const group = groups.get(groupingKey);
groups.set(groupingKey, group);
return groups;
}, new Map());
return Array.from(groups.values()).map(group => {
return group;
<input type="text" value="${childName}" change.delegate="changeName($" />
import {bindable, computedFrom, customElement} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {Store} from './store';
export class ChildrenCustomElement {
static inject = [Store];
@bindable child;
* @param {Store} store
constructor(store) { = store;
* Change name of current child
changeName(newName) {
// Would normally be done by an action class
const state =;
state.object.children.find(child => === = newName;;
* Get child name an log for debugging
get childName() {
console.log('Got name for ',;
<!doctype html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<body aurelia-app>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
import {freeze} from './util';
export class Store {
* Current application state
* @type {Object}
* List of subscribers to notify on state change
* @type {Array}
_callbacks:Array = [];
* Initialize store
constructor() {
this._state = freeze({});
* Subscribe to state changes and get the initial state
* @param {Function} callback Will be initially called and when state changes. The state is passed as parameter.
subscribe(callback: Function): void {
// Call back with current state
* Replaces the current application state with a new one
* @param {State} newState
replaceState(newState: Object): void {
const nextState = freeze(newState);
this._callbacks.forEach(callback =>
callback(nextState, this._state)
this._state = nextState;
* Get a clone of the current state
* @returns {Object}
getState(): Object {
return this._state;
* Dispatch a action and update the application state
* @param {AbstractAction} action
dispatch(action: AbstractAction): void {
* Helper function to use splice to add an array entry or to just assign the property
* Splice is important because otherwise JS/Aurelia observers doesn't recognize changes
* @param {Object|Array} objOrArray
* @param {string} keyOrIndex
* @param {*} value
function setOrSplice(objOrArray, keyOrIndex, value): void {
if (Array.isArray(objOrArray) && isFinite(keyOrIndex)) {
objOrArray.splice(keyOrIndex, 0, value);
} else {
objOrArray[keyOrIndex] = value;
* Merge objects or arrays deep
* @param {Object|Array} destination
* @param {Array<Object|Array>} objects
* @returns {Object}
export function deepMerge(destination: Object, ...objects: Array<Object>) {
// Iterate over objects object by object
for (let o = 0; o < objects.length; o++) {
// Iterate over object levels
const levels = [{target: destination, source: objects[o], path: []}];
for (let l = 0; l < levels.length; l++) {
// Iterate over level properties
const {target, source, path} = levels[l];
const keys = Object.keys(source);
for (let k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) {
const key = keys[k];
const value = source[key];
// If the value is an array concat with target
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
// Create new array (or array extending class) if not exist in target
if (Array.isArray(target[key])) {
target[key].splice(0, target[key].length);
} else {
setOrSplice(target, key, new value.constructor());
levels.push({target: target[key], source: value, path: path.concat([key])});
// If the value is an object add it as level
} else if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
// Ensure the target is an object we can merge into
if (typeof target[key] !== 'object') {
setOrSplice(target, key, new value.constructor());
levels.push({target: target[key], source: value, path: path.concat([key])});
} else {
setOrSplice(target, key, value);
return destination;
* Freezes an object deep and prevent any modification
* @param {Object} obj
* @returns {Object}
export function freeze(obj: Object): Object {
// Iterate over all nesting levels to freeze them
const levels = [obj];
for (let l = 0; l < levels.length; l++) {
const target = levels[l];
// Create clone function to create a unfrozen object
if (!Object.isFrozen(target)) {
Object.defineProperty(target, 'clone', {
enumerable: false,
writable: false,
value: function cloneFrozen() {
const clone = deepMerge({}, {target});
const keys = Object.keys(target);
for (let k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) {
const key = keys[k];
if (target[key] && typeof target[key] === 'object') {
return obj;
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