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Created May 10, 2018 21:25
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  • Save frainfreeze/73b03de70bc41c052252302bd44ecd32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save frainfreeze/73b03de70bc41c052252302bd44ecd32 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

This was written for debian 9. Download debian amd64 here


Using graphical install:

- install lang: english, 
- location: other->europe->croatia,
- locale: en_US,
- keymap: /
- hostname, domain: default
- partition: guided - use entire disc (if in VM or single boot install)
- scheeme: seperate /home /var /temp
> finish partitioning
> radio button set on yes
> use network mirror: yes, Switzerland;; blank proxy
> software selection: xfce, print server, standard sys utilities
> install grub to bootloader: yes (if in vm, or single boot)
> /dev/sda

after install stuff

Login into your new os:

  • xfce: use default config
  • open terminal emulator (up left, applications)
  • enter 'su' and press enter, enter your root password, (press 'y' and 'enter' when prompted) and run following commands (after $ sign):
    $ nano /etc/apt/sources.list    
        - delete or comment out with # line 3, deb cdrom:[Debian GNu/....
        - add 'contrib non-free' after each main
        - your screen should look like this
        - pres crtl-x then y then enter
    $ apt update && apt upgrade
    $ apt install sudo gksu synaptic apt-xapian-index policykit-1-gnome curl wget
    $ wget -O - | bash
    $ usermod -aG sudo YOUR_USERNAME
    $ reboot
  • open new terminal, now you re going to work as user instad of root

bloat (eye candy)

- go to aplications menu > settings > appearance and select theme you want, for me its adapta-noko-eta
- then applications > settings > window manager: again adapta nokto
- aplications > settings > pannel, dropdown select panel 2 and remove it, select panel 1 again, row size: 20, lock panel uncheck and drag on bottom lock again, uncheck dont reserve space on borders
- under items tab add weather pannel, setup for your city, appearance - liquid dark, days in columns, scrolbox - only temperature
- settings > apearance > icons, select paper-mono-dark; fonts-noto sans ui
- right click on desktop > desktop settings > click on wallpaper, set color to solid color, black

development tools

  • visual studio code
    $ cd ~/Downloads
    $ wget -O vscode.deb
    $ sudo dpkg -i vscode.deb
    $ sudo apt install terminator tmux mc w3m links python-pip
    then  open vscode and install following extensions: 
        - code runner, 
        - c/c++ from microsoft, 
        - c/c++ snippets from harsh (for autocomplete like visual studio), 
        - c++ intellisense from austing, 
        - clang-format
        - code spell checker
        - markdown prevoew enhanced
        - python
  • jetbrains CLion

## misc
- browser plugins:
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