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Last active April 10, 2018 12:57
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#change for By centering
reflectHorizontal <- function(R, z){
return (-1 * as.numeric(z) + 2 * as.numeric(R))
jgc <- function()
.jcall("java/lang/System", method = "gc")
chisq <- function(data){
#R2 <- 0;
apply_chifunction <- function(f, e){
c2 <- ((as.numeric(f) - as.numeric(e)) ^ 2) / abs(as.numeric(e))
if( || is.infinite(c2)){
#print('na | inf --------')
c2 <- 100000000 - 1
#R2 = R2 + c2
data$chi <- apply(data, 1, function(x){apply_chifunction(x['f'], x['e'])})
#getScalesFactor <- function(data, ){
reflectHoriz <- function(data, data_reflected, x){
data_reflected$z <- apply(data, 1, function(y){
reflectHorizontal(x["z"], y["z"])
reflectHorizVert <- function(data, data_reflected, x){
data_reflected$z <- apply(data, 1, function(y){
reflectHorizontal(x["z"], y["z"])
data_reflected$NormalizedBy <- data_reflected$NormalizedBy * -1
reflectedCHISq <- function(x, data, data_reflected, comparer, reflector){
data_reflected <- reflector(data, data_reflected, x)
#data_reflected$z <- apply(data, 1, function(y){
# reflectHorizontal(x["z"], y["z"])
data <- data[order(data$z),]
data_reflected <- data_reflected[order(data_reflected$z),]
d <- merge(data, data_reflected, by=c("z", "Sector", "Run", "Hole"), all = TRUE)
# omit over lap
d <- na.omit(d)
#d[] <- 0
#d[] <- -10000000
d <- subset(d, z != x["z"])
if(nrow(d) < nrow(data) / 4){
d <- comparer(d)#data.frame(d$Bz.x, d$Bz.y)
colnames(d) <- c("f", "e")
#d[] <- -100000
#d <- na.omit(d)
d <- chisq(d)
#print(subset(d, !
#d <- na.omit(d)
#ct <- chisq.test(d$f, d$e)
getReflectedChiSQ <- function(data, point, comparer, reflector){
x = seq(from=40, to=60, by=1)
if(max(data$z) > 120){
x = seq(from=70, to=130, by=1)
data <- subset(data, z %in% x)
data <- data[order(data$z),]
data_reflected <- data
data_reflected <- data_reflected[order(data_reflected$z),]
data$chi2 <-apply(data, 1, function(x){
return(reflectedCHISq(x, data, data_reflected, comparer, reflector))
#get the offset with the min chi2
mindata <- subset(data, z == point)
getCenterReflectedChiSQ <- function(data){
data <- data[order(data$z),]
data_reflected <- data
data_reflected <- data_reflected[order(data_reflected$z),]
#data$chi2 <-apply(data, 1, function(x){
# return(reflectedCHISq(x, data, data_reflected, function(d){return(data.frame(d$Bz.x, d$Bz.y))}, reflectHoriz))
data$chi2Bz <-apply(data, 1, function(x){
return(reflectedCHISq(x, data, data_reflected, function(d){return(data.frame(d$Bz.x, d$Bz.y))}, reflectHoriz))
data$chi2Bx <- 0
data$chi2By <- 0
#data$chi2Bx <-apply(data, 1, function(x){
# return(reflectedCHISq(x, data, data_reflected, function(d){return(data.frame(d$Bx.x, d$Bx.y))}, reflectHoriz))
#data$chi2By <-apply(data, 1, function(x){
# return(reflectedCHISq(x, data, data_reflected, function(d){return(data.frame(d$By.x, d$By.y))}, reflectHorizVert))
#get the offset with the min chi2
#mindata <- subset(data, chi2 == min(data$chi2))
#data <- na.omit(data)
minz <- subset(data, chi2Bz == min(data$chi2Bz))
#minx <- subset(data, chi2Bx == min(data$chi2Bx))
#miny <- subset(data, chi2By == min(data$chi2By))
#if(nrow(minx)) minz$CenterZBx <- minx$z
#if(nrow(miny)) minz$CenterZBy <- miny$z
RegressionPlots <- function(fit){
# Extract fitted values from lm() object
Fitted.Values <- fitted(fit)
# Extract residuals from lm() object
Residuals <- resid(fit)
# Extract standardized residuals from lm() object
Standardized.Residuals <- MASS::stdres(fit)
# Extract fitted values for lm() object
Theoretical.Quantiles <- qqnorm(Residuals, = F)$x
# Square root of abs(residuals)
Root.Residuals <- sqrt(abs(Standardized.Residuals))
# Calculate Leverage
Leverage <- lm.influence(fit)$hat
# Create data frame
# Will be used as input to plot_ly
regMat <- data.frame(Fitted.Values,
# Plot using Plotly
# Fitted vs Residuals
# For scatter plot smoother
LOESS1 <- loess.smooth(Fitted.Values, Residuals)
plt1 <- regMat %>%
plot_ly(x = Fitted.Values, y = Residuals,
type = "scatter", mode = "markers", hoverinfo = "x+y", name = "Data",
marker = list(size = 10, opacity = 0.5), showlegend = F) %>%
add_trace(x = LOESS1$x, y = LOESS1$y, type = "scatter", mode = "line", name = "Smooth",
line = list(width = 2)) %>%
layout(title = "Residuals vs Fitted Values", plot_bgcolor = "#e6e6e6", width = 1000)
# QQ Pot
plt2 <- regMat %>%
plot_ly(x = Theoretical.Quantiles, y = Standardized.Residuals,
type = "scatter", mode = "markers", hoverinfo = "x+y", name = "Data",
marker = list(size = 10, opacity = 0.5), showlegend = F) %>%
add_trace(x = Theoretical.Quantiles, y = Theoretical.Quantiles, type = "scatter", mode = "line", name = "",
line = list(width = 2)) %>%
layout(title = "Q-Q Plot", plot_bgcolor = "#e6e6e6")
# Scale Location
# For scatter plot smoother
LOESS2 <- loess.smooth(Fitted.Values, Root.Residuals)
plt3 <- regMat %>%
plot_ly(x = Fitted.Values, y = Root.Residuals,
type = "scatter", mode = "markers", hoverinfo = "x+y", name = "Data",
marker = list(size = 10, opacity = 0.5), showlegend = F) %>%
add_trace(x = LOESS2$x, y = LOESS2$y, type = "scatter", mode = "line", name = "Smooth",
line = list(width = 2)) %>%
layout(title = "Scale Location", plot_bgcolor = "#e6e6e6", width = 1000)
# Residuals vs Leverage
# For scatter plot smoother
LOESS3 <- loess.smooth(Leverage, Residuals)
plt4 <- regMat %>%
plot_ly(x = Leverage, y = Residuals,
type = "scatter", mode = "markers", hoverinfo = "x+y", name = "Data",
marker = list(size = 10, opacity = 0.5), showlegend = F) %>%
add_trace(x = LOESS3$x, y = LOESS3$y, type = "scatter", mode = "line", name = "Smooth",
line = list(width = 2)) %>%
layout(title = "Leverage vs Residuals", plot_bgcolor = "#e6e6e6")
plt = list(plt1, plt2, plt3, plt4)
retrieveRunData <- function(){
file.list <- list.files("Measurement Raw Data", pattern='*.xlsx')
for (name in file.list) {
tmp <- gsub("[.]xlsx", "", gsub("Run", "", name))
tmp <- gsub(" ", "", tmp)
tmp <- gsub("Sector ?", "", tmp)
tmp <- gsub("Hole ?", "",tmp)
parts <- strsplit(tmp, "_")[[1]]
run <- read.xlsx(paste("Measurement Raw Data", name, sep="/"),
sheetName = "Run Data",
colClasses = c('numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric'))
info <- read.xlsx(paste("Measurement Raw Data", name, sep="/"), sheetName = "Run Info", header=FALSE)
colnames(run) <- c("z", "Bz", "By", "Bx")
colnames(info) <- c("Key", "Value")
r <- as.character(parts[1])
current <- as.character(info[6,]$Value)
comments <- ""
} else {
comments <- as.character(info[11,]$Value)
info <- data.frame(Run = character(1), Current = character(1), Comments = character(1))
#info <- data.frame(r, current, comments)
info$Run <- r
info$Current <- current
info$Comments <- comments
#colnames(info) = c("Run", "Current", "Comments")
run$Hole <- parts[5]
run$Sector <- parts[4]
run$Run <- as.numeric(parts[1])
run$Name <- name
run$z <- as.numeric(run$z)
rd <- rbind(rd, run)
} else {
rd <- run
ri <- rbind(ri, info)
} else {
ri <- info
retrieveModelData <- function(){
# Import model data
model <- read.table("ReferenceData/srr-solenoid.dat.txt")
colnames(model) <- c("transverse", "longitudinal", "By", "Bz")
#set z and r in cm instead of meters
model$r <- model$transverse * 100
model$z <- model$longitudinal * 100
#convert units
model$Bz <- model$Bz * 10000
model$By <- model$By * -10000
model$Bx <- 0
model %>% count(r, Bz) %>% filter(Bz == max(Bz))
model %>% count(z, Bz) %>% filter(Bz == max(Bz))
m1 <- subset(model, r == 1.0)
m1.5 <- subset(model, r == 1.5)
m1.25 <- merge(m1, m1.5, by=c("z"))
m1.25$Bx <- (m1.25$Bx.x + m1.25$Bx.y) /2
m1.25$Bz <- (m1.25$Bz.x + m1.25$Bz.y) /2
m1.25$By <- (m1.25$By.x + m1.25$By.y) /2
m1.25$transverse <- 0.0125
m1.25$longitudinal <- m1.25$longitudinal.x
m1.25$r <- 1.25
m1.25$r.x <- NULL
m1.25$r.y <- NULL
m1.25$transverse.x <- NULL
m1.25$transverse.y <- NULL
m1.25$longitudinal.x <- NULL
m1.25$longitudinal.y <- NULL
m1.25$Bx.x <- NULL
m1.25$Bx.y <- NULL
m1.25$Bz.x <- NULL
m1.25$Bz.y <- NULL
m1.25$By.x <- NULL
m1.25$By.y <- NULL
#get 10% of dats
mt <- subset(model, r >= 1 & r <= 2)
model_sampled <- subset(model, r == 0 | r == 1.25 | r == 30)
model_sampled <- rbind(model_sampled, m1.25)
master_lookup <- function(){
# This performs a chi^2 minimization based on the reflection point
rundata$Run <- as.factor(rundata$Run)
# Drop Bz = 0, 0 is not a valid value for Bz and indicates probe saturation
rundata <- subset(rundata, Bz != 0)
#rundata <- subset(rundata, z <= 210)
for (ch in levels(rundata$Run)) {
center <- getCenterReflectedChiSQ(subset(rundata, Run == ch))
if(nrow(center) == 0){
firstdr <- subset(rundata, Run == ch)[1,]
colnames(center) <- c("z","Bz","By","Bx","Hole","Sector","Run","Name","chi2")
center[nrow(center)+1,] <- NA
center$Run <- c(ch)
center$Name <- firstdr$Name
center$Sector <- firstdr$Sector
center$Hole <- firstdr$Hole
info <- subset(runinfo, Run == ch)
center$Current <- info$Current
center$Comments <- info$Comments
mind <- center
} else {
mind <- rbind(mind, center)
folder <- paste("output", ch, sep = "/")
colnames(mind) <- c("CenterZ", "CenterBz", "CenterBy", "CenterBx", "Hole", "Sector", "Run", "File", "CHI2Bz", "CHI2Bx", "CHI2By", "Current", "Comments")
rp <- read.csv("run-properties.csv")
mind <- merge(mind, rp, by=c("Run"))
mind$SensorMeasuringBr <- apply(mind[c("pr")], 1, function(r_item){
if(r_item['pr'] == 90){
#print('updated for 90')
if(r_item['pr'] == 180){
#print('updated for 180')
if(r_item['pr'] == 270){
#print('updated for 270')
mind$RunLength <- apply(mind, 1, function(x){
if(as.numeric(x['CenterZ']) > 60) return('L')
mind$Good <- apply(mind, 1, function(x){
if(as.numeric(x['Current']) <= 1000) return('N')
if(as.numeric(x['Run']) %in% c(296,298)) return ('N')
rownames(mind) <- 1:nrow(mind)
mind$rownumber <- as.numeric(rownames(mind))
#mind$Symbol <- a
syms = c("cross", "square", "triangle-down", "triangle-up")
mind$Symbol <-apply(mind, 1, function(x){
mod <- as.numeric(x['rownumber']) %% 4
return(syms[mod + 1])
mind$rownumber <- NULL
mind$FittedCenterZ <- 0
normalizeRundata <- function(rundata){
#y = r, x = phi, z = z
#if 90 then y records x, x records -y
# x = y, y = -x
#if 180 then y records -y, x records -x
# x = -x, y = -y
#if 270 then y records -x, x records y
# x = -y, y = x
rundata$NormalizedBx <- apply(rundata[c("pr", "Bx", "By")], 1, function(r_item){
if(r_item['pr'] == 90){
if(r_item['pr'] == 180){
return(-1 * as.numeric(r_item["Bx"]))
if(r_item['pr'] == 270){
return(-1 * as.numeric(r_item["By"]))
rundata$NormalizedBy <- apply(rundata[c("pr", "Bx", "By")], 1, function(r_item){
if(r_item['pr'] == 90){
#print('updated for 90')
return(-1 * as.numeric(r_item["Bx"]))
if(r_item['pr'] == 180){
#print('updated for 180')
return(-1 * as.numeric(r_item["By"]))
if(r_item['pr'] == 270){
#print('updated for 270')
fitted_center <- function(m_item, clabel, comparer, reflector){
x <- seq(from=-100, to=100, by=.1)
if(exists("mod")){ rm(mod) }
# shift off center
s = seq(from=as.numeric(m_item['CenterZ']) - 2 , to=as.numeric(m_item['CenterZ']) + 2, by=2)
if(as.numeric(m_item['Run']) == 311){
s = seq(from=as.numeric(m_item['CenterZ']) - 5, to=as.numeric(m_item['CenterZ']) + 5, by=5)
for(i in s){
yyyy <- getReflectedChiSQ( subset(rundata, Run == as.numeric(m_item['Run'])), i, comparer, reflector)
#colnames(yyyy) <- c("Hole","Sector","Run", "z", "Bz", "By", "Bx", "Name", "CenterZ", "CenterBz", "CenterBy", "CenterBx", "File", "CHI2", "CHI2Bz", "CHI2Bx", "CHI2By", "Current", "Comments", "r", "theta", "full", "pr", "SensorMeasuringBr", "RunLength", "Good", "Symbol", "FittedCenterZ", "NormalizedBx", "NormalizedBy", "K2")
abbreviated <- yyyy[c("z", "chi2")]
colnames(abbreviated) <- c("CenterZ", "CHI2")
mod <- rbind(mod, abbreviated)
} else {
mod <- abbreviated
#threshold <- ifelse(m_item['r']==30, 530000, 100000)
#pts <- subset(mod, CHI2 < threshold)
#if(nrow(pts) < 3){
# pts <- subset(mod, CHI2 < threshold * 10)
# if(nrow(pts) < 3){
# pts <- subset(mod, CHI2 < threshold * 100)
# }
#mod <- pts
model <- tryCatch(
lm(mod$CHI2 ~ mod$CenterZ + I(mod$CenterZ ^ 2) ), error = function(e){
df <- data.frame(x)
df$y <- apply(df, 1, function(p_item){
result <- (model$coefficients[3] * (model$coefficients[3] / abs(model$coefficients[3]))) * p_item['x'] * p_item['x'] + model$coefficients[2] * p_item['x'] + model$coefficients[1]
return (result)
df$coefficients3 <- model$coefficients[3]
df$coefficients2 <- model$coefficients[2]
df$coefficients1 <- model$coefficients[1]
df$distance <- abs(df$y)
jgc() <- paste("Fit Data File", clabel, sep = " - ")
write.xlsx(df, paste(, "xlsx", sep = "."), paste(clabel, m_item['Run'], sep = "-"), append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
mini = subset(df, distance == min(df$distance))
fixModel <- function(model_center){
model_center$RunLength <- 'M'
model_center$Sector <- '0'
model_center$Hole <- 'M'
model_center$Run <- 1
model_center$CenterZ <- 0
model_center$CenterBz <- 0
model_center$CenterBy<- 0
model_center$CenterBx <- 0
model_center$CHI2 <- 0
model_center$CHI2Bz <- 0
model_center$CHI2Bx <- 0
model_center$CHI2By <- 0
model_center$Current <- 0
model_center$Comments <- ""
model_center$Name <- "Model"
model_center$File <- "Model"
model_center$Good <- "Y"
model_center$NormalizedZ <- model_center$z
model_center$NormalizedBx <- model_center$Bx
model_center$NormalizedBy <- model_center$r
model_center$By <- model_center$r
model_center$transverse <- NULL
model_center$longitudinal <- NULL
model_center$Symbol <- "square"
model_center$RunLength <- as.factor(model_center$RunLength)
model_center$Hole <- as.factor(model_center$Hole)
model_center$Sector <- as.factor(model_center$Sector)
model_center$Run <- as.factor(model_center$Run)
model_center$theta <- 0
model_center$full <- 1
model_center$pr <- 0
model_center$BxOverBz <- model_center$Bx / model_center$Bz
model_center$ByOverBz <- model_center$By / model_center$Bz
model_center$FittedCenterZ <- 0
model_center$FittedCenterZBx <- 0
model_center$FittedCenterZBy <- 0
model_center$SensorMeasuringBr <- "Y"
writeMasterDataDile <- function(m, r){
write.xlsx(m, "Master Data File.xlsx", "Meta", row.names = FALSE, append = FALSE)
for (ch in levels(rundata$Run)) {
write.xlsx(subset(r, Run == ch), "Master Data File.xlsx", ch, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
makeBzplot <- function(data, model, scaled = F){
p <- plot_ly(data = data, x =~NormalizedZ,
y = ~ScaledBz, type="scatter", mode="markers",
name=~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" "), symbol = ~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" ")) %>%
add_trace(x =~model_center$NormalizedZ, y = ~model_center$Bz, name = 'Model', type="scatter", mode = 'lines', inherit=FALSE) %>%
layout(title = 'Bz vs Z at 0 Radius')
} else {
p <- plot_ly(data = data, x =~NormalizedZ,
y = ~Bz, type="scatter", mode="markers",
name=~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" "), symbol = ~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" ")) %>%
add_trace(x =~model_center$NormalizedZ, y = ~model_center$Bz, name = 'Model', type="scatter", mode = 'lines', inherit=FALSE) %>%
layout(title = 'Bz vs Z at 0 Radius')
makeByplot <- function(data, model, scaled = F){
p <- plot_ly(data = data, x =~NormalizedZ,
y = ~ScaledBy, type="scatter", mode="markers",
name=~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" "), symbol = ~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" ")) %>%
add_trace(x =~model_center$NormalizedZ, y = ~model_center$Bz, name = 'Model', type="scatter", mode = 'lines', inherit=FALSE) %>%
layout(title = 'Bz vs Z at 0 Radius')
} else {
p <- plot_ly(data = data, x =~NormalizedZ,
y = ~NormalizedBy, type="scatter", mode="markers",
name=~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" "), symbol = ~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" ")) %>%
add_trace(x =~model_center$NormalizedZ, y = ~model_center$Bz, name = 'Model', type="scatter", mode = 'lines', inherit=FALSE) %>%
layout(title = 'Bz vs Z at 0 Radius')
options(java.parameters = "-Xmx8000m")
rundata <- merge(rundata, mind, by=c("Hole", "Sector", "Run"), all.x = TRUE)
rundata <- normalizeRundata(rundata)
mind$FittedCenterZ <- apply(mind[c('Run', 'r', 'CenterZ', 'RunLength')], 1, function(m_item){
return(fitted_center(m_item, "Bz", function(d){return(data.frame(d$Bz.x, d$Bz.y))}, reflectHoriz))
mind$FittedCenterZBy <- apply(mind[c('Run', 'r', 'CenterZ', 'RunLength')], 1, function(m_item){
return(fitted_center(m_item, "By", function(d){return(data.frame(d$NormalizedBy.x, d$NormalizedBy.y))}, reflectHorizVert))
rundata <- merge(rundata, mind[c("Run", "FittedCenterZ")], by=c("Run"), all.x = TRUE)
rundata$FittedCenterZ <- rundata$FittedCenterZ.y
rundata$FittedCenterZ.x <- NULL
rundata$FittedCenterZ.y <- NULL
mind$CenterDelta <- mind$CenterZ - mind$FittedCenterZ
mind$FittedDelta <- mind$FittedCenterZ - mind$FittedCenterZBy
rundata$BxOverBz <- rundata$Bx / rundata$Bz
rundata$ByOverBz <- rundata$By / rundata$Bz
rundata$Run <- as.factor(rundata$Run)
rundata$Hole <- as.factor(rundata$Hole)
rundata$Sector <- as.factor(rundata$Sector)
rundata$Symbol <- as.factor(rundata$Symbol)
rundata$r <- as.numeric(rundata$r)
model_center <- subset(model_sampled, r == 0)
mean_l <- mean(subset(mind, RunLength == 'L' & Good == 'Y')$CenterZ)
mean_s <- mean(subset(mind, RunLength == 'S' & Good == 'Y')$CenterZ)
rundata$NormalizedZ <- apply(rundata, 1, function(x){
if(x['RunLength'] == 'S'){
return((as.numeric(x['z']) - as.numeric(x['FittedCenterZ'])) / 10 )
return(as.numeric(x['z']) - as.numeric(x['FittedCenterZ']))
writeMasterDataFile(m, r)
r0 <- subset(rundata, r == 0 & Good == "Y")
r1 <- subset(rundata, r == 1.25 & Good == "Y")
r30 <- subset(rundata, r == 30 & Good == "Y")
model_center <- fixModel(model_center)
model_1 <- fixModel(subset(model_sampled, r == 1.25))
model_30 <- fixModel(subset(model_sampled, r == 30))
scalefactor_0_Bz <- max(model_center$Bz) / max(r0$Bz)
scalefactor_0_Bx <- max(model_center$Bx) / max(r0$NormalizedBx)
scalefactor_0_By <- max(model_center$By) / max(r0$NormalizedBy)
r0_scaled <- r0
r0_scaled$ScaledBz = r0_scaled$Bz * scalefactor_0_Bz
r0_scaled$ScaledBy = r0_scaled$NormalizedBy * scalefactor_0_By
r0_scaled$ScaledBx = r0_scaled$NormalizedBx * 1
r0_scaled$RunLength <- 'AS'
model_1max <- max(model_1$Bz)
r1max <- max(r1$Bz)
scalefactor_1_Bz <- max(model_1$Bz) / max(r1$Bz)
scalefactor_1_Bx <- max(model_1$Bx) / max(r1$NormalizedBx)
scalefactor_1_By <- max(model_1$By) / max(r1$NormalizedBy)
r1_scaled <- r1
r1_scaled$Bz = r1_scaled$Bz * scalefactor_1_Bz
r1_scaled$ScaledBy = r1_scaled$NormalizedBy * scalefactor_1_By
r1_scaled$ScaledBx = r1_scaled$NormalizedBx * 1
r1_scaled$RunLength <- 'AS'
model_30max <- max(model_30$Bz)
r30max <- max(r30$Bz)
scalefactor_30_Bz <- max(model_30$Bz) / max(r30$Bz)
scalefactor_30_Bx <- max(model_30$Bx) / max(r30$NormalizedBx)
scalefactor_30_By <- max(model_30$By) / max(r30$NormalizedBy)
r30_scaled <- r30
r30_scaled$ScaledBz = r30_scaled$Bz * scalefactor_30_Bz
r30_scaled$ScaledBy = r30_scaled$NormalizedBy * scalefactor_30_By
r30_scaled$ScaledBx = r30_scaled$NormalizedBx * 1
r30_scaled$RunLength <- 'AS'
#@TODO: Place Title
#@TODO: Bx Over Bz, By Over Bz
#export(p = ptBzVx, file = "output/center-bz-v-z-with-model.png")
r0BzVx <- plot_ly(data = r0_scaled, x =~NormalizedZ,
y = ~ScaledBz, type="scatter", mode="markers",
name=~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" "), symbol = ~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" ")) %>%
add_trace(x =~model_center$NormalizedZ, y = ~model_center$Bz, name = 'Model', type="scatter", mode = 'lines', inherit=FALSE) %>%
layout(title = 'Bz vs Z at 0 Radius')
r0BxVz <- plot_ly(data = r0_scaled, x =~NormalizedZ,
y = ~NormalizedBy, type="scatter", mode="markers",
name=~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" "), symbol = ~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" ")) %>%
add_trace(x =~model_center$NormalizedZ, y = 0, name = 'Model', type="scatter", mode = 'lines', inherit=FALSE) %>%
layout(title = 'Bx vs Z at 0 Radius')
ptByVz <- plot_ly(data = r0_scaled, x =~NormalizedZ,
y = ~NormalizedBy, type="scatter", mode="markers",
name=~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" "), symbol = ~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" ")) %>%
add_trace(x =~model_center$NormalizedZ, y = ~model_center$By, name = 'Model', type="scatter", mode = 'lines', inherit=FALSE) %>%
layout(title = 'By vs Z at 0 Radius')
r1BzVz <- plot_ly(data = r1_scaled, x =~NormalizedZ,
y = ~ScaledBz, type="scatter", mode="markers",
name=~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" "), symbol = ~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" ")) %>%
add_trace(x =~model_1$NormalizedZ, y = ~model_1$Bz, name = 'Model', type="scatter", mode = 'lines', inherit=FALSE) %>%
layout(title = 'Bz vs Z at 1.25cm Radius')
r1BxVz <- plot_ly(data = r1_scaled, x =~NormalizedZ,
y = ~ScaledBx, type="scatter", mode="markers",
name=~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" "), symbol = ~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" ")) %>%
add_trace(x =~model_1$NormalizedZ, y = ~model_1$By, name = 'Model', type="scatter", mode = 'lines', inherit=FALSE) %>%
layout(title = 'Bx vs z at 1.25cm Radius')
r1ByVz <- plot_ly(data = r1_scaled, x =~NormalizedZ,
y = ~ScaledBy, type="scatter", mode="markers",
name=~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" "), symbol = ~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" ")) %>%
add_trace(x =~model_1$NormalizedZ, y = 0, name = 'Model', type="scatter", mode = 'lines', inherit=FALSE) %>%
layout(title = 'By vs z at 1.25cm Radius')
r1BxBzVz <- plot_ly(data = r1_scaled, x =~NormalizedZ,
y = ~BxOverBz, type="scatter", mode="markers",
name=~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" "), symbol = ~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" ")) %>%
#add_trace(x =~model_1$NormalizedZ, y = 0, name = 'Model', type="scatter", mode = 'lines', inherit=FALSE) %>%
layout(title = 'Bx/Bz vs z at 1.25cm Radius')
r1ByVz <- plot_ly(data = r1_scaled, x =~NormalizedZ,
y = ~ScaledBy, type="scatter", mode="markers",
name=~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" "), symbol = ~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" ")) %>%
add_trace(x =~model_1$NormalizedZ, y = ~model_1$Bx, name = 'Model', type="scatter", mode = 'lines', inherit=FALSE) %>%
layout(title = 'By vs Z at 1.25cm Radius')
r30BzVz <- plot_ly(data = r30_scaled, x =~NormalizedZ,
y = ~ScaledBz, type="scatter", mode="markers",
name=~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" "), symbol = ~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" ")) %>%
add_trace(x =~model_30$NormalizedZ, y = ~model_30$Bz, name = 'Model', type="scatter", mode = 'lines', inherit=FALSE) %>%
layout(title = 'Bz vs Z at 30cm Radius')
r30BxVz <- plot_ly(data = r30_scaled, x =~NormalizedZ,
y = ~ScaledBx, type="scatter", mode="markers",
name=~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" "), symbol = ~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" ")) %>%
add_trace(x =~model_30$NormalizedZ, y = ~model_30$Bx, name = 'Model', type="scatter", mode = 'lines', inherit=FALSE) %>%
layout(title = 'Bx vs Z at 30cm Radius')
r30ByVz <- plot_ly(data = r30_scaled, x =~NormalizedZ,
y = ~ScaledBy, type="scatter", mode="markers",
name=~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" "), symbol = ~paste("Run# =", Run, "r = ", r, "Phi = ", theta, "pr = ", pr,sep=" ")) %>%
add_trace(x =~model_30$NormalizedZ, y = ~model_30$By, name = 'Model', type="scatter", mode = 'lines', inherit=FALSE) %>%
layout(title = 'By vs Z at 30cm Radius')
#write.xlsx(r30_scaled, "Plot Data File.xlsx", "R30 Scaled", append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
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