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Last active October 21, 2016 08:03
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  • Save franciscotln/6d8dc4c55076afb201cb0c2843280e53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save franciscotln/6d8dc4c55076afb201cb0c2843280e53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// why are you passing this 'currentStatus' from the view (first element in the array) if it's
// not being used here anywhere? You only use status and productId to dispatch the action;
// BTW: don't use array indices like arr[0], arr[1] ;-) that's not the reactive way.
.switchMap(([currentStatus, status]: string[]): Observable<any> =>
this.product$.filter(Boolean).first().map((product: any) => {
const productId = product.get('id');
return { currentStatus, status, productId };
.switchMap(({ status, productId }: any): Observable<boolean> => {
this.productStatusesActions.reject(status, productId);
return this.isProductRejectSuccess$.filter(Boolean);
.subscribe(() => this.router.navigate(['/dashboard/product-ideas/products']));
.switchMap(([currentStatus, status]: string[]): Observable<any> =>
this.product$.filter(Boolean).first().map((product: any) => {
const productId = product.get('id');
return { currentStatus, status, productId };
.switchMap(({ status, productId }: any): Observable<number> => { //productId is a number or string? Change the type here
this.productStatusesActions.readyToSell(status, productId);
return this.isProductReadyToSellSuccess$
.subscribe((productId: number) => this.productActions.calculateELC(productId));
* skipUntil won't work because the source emits one value and then completes
* so it skips the first - and only - item of the source observable
* and waits for more value but no more values will come so you'll never hit the subscribe().
* It's like doing Observable.of(1).skipUntil(Observable.empty()).subscribe(console.log)
* The number 1 will never be passed to the subscriber.
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