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Last active October 13, 2022 18:13
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Custom STM32Cube Makefile
NAME := firmware
# Utility commands
RM := rm -rf
DIR_DUP = mkdir -p $(@D)
# Compiler commands
GCC_PREFIX := arm-none-eabi
CC := $(GCC_PREFIX)-gcc
OBJCOPY := $(GCC_PREFIX)-objcopy
# Directories
SRC_DIR := Src
OBJ_DIR := Obj
BUILD_DIR := Build
INC_DIRS := $(shell find . -name "*.h" | xargs dirname | uniq | sed 's/^\.\///')
# Output files
ELF := $(BUILD_DIR)/$(NAME).elf
MAP := $(BUILD_DIR)/$(NAME).map
BIN := $(BUILD_DIR)/$(NAME).bin
# Input files
SRCS := $(shell find . -name "*.c" -or -name "*.s" | sed 's/^\.\///')
INCS := $(shell find . -name "*.h" | sed 's/^\.\///')
LINKER_SCRIPT := $(wildcard *.ld)
OBJS_TMP := $(SRCS:%.c=$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o)
OBJS := $(OBJS_TMP:%.s=$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o)
# Flags
IFLAGS := $(addprefix -I./, $(INC_DIRS))
CFLAGS := -mcpu=cortex-m4 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DDEBUG -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32F302x8 $(OPTIMISATION) -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall --specs=nano.specs -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -mthumb
LFLAGS := -mcpu=cortex-m4 -T"$(LINKER_SCRIPT)" --specs=nosys.specs -Wl,-Map="$(MAP)" -Wl,--gc-sections -static --specs=nano.specs -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -mthumb -Wl,--start-group -lc -lm -Wl,--end-group
# Recipes
all: $(BIN)
$(BIN): $(ELF)
$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
$(ELF) $(MAP): $(OBJS) $(LINKER_SCRIPT) Makefile
$(CC) -o $(ELF) $(OBJS) $(LFLAGS)
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.c
$(CC) "$<" $(CFLAGS) -c $(IFLAGS) -o "$@"
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.s
$(CC) "$<" $(CFLAGS) -c $(IFLAGS) $(OPTIMISATION) -o "$@"
.PHONY: clean
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