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Created September 21, 2018 04:33
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  • Save franckc/026d49a433cd587661f3bc2764db5aa6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save franckc/026d49a433cd587661f3bc2764db5aa6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
francks-mbp:deployment franck$ ./ -c origin-dapp -n staging
Deployed container tag is fdb11e5
This will build and deploy a container for origin-dapp@782028c, proceed (y/n)? y
Building container for origin-dapp...
Sending build context to Docker daemon 271.1MB
Step 1/20 : FROM node:9 as origin-js-build
---> 08a8c8089ab1
Step 2/20 : WORKDIR /app
---> Using cache
---> 8bc43674d47c
Step 3/20 : ADD /version.json
Downloading 349B
---> Using cache
---> 02700489e354
Step 4/20 : RUN git clone --depth 1 --branch staging /app
---> Using cache
---> 6fcc4063d4aa
Step 5/20 : RUN npm cache clean --force
---> Running in 63c1052e4350
npm WARN using --force I sure hope you know what you are doing.
Removing intermediate container 63c1052e4350
---> 9e8a9d483cf5
Step 6/20 : RUN npm install --quiet --no-progress
---> Running in fba0abee25e1
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] lodash has the following vulnerability: 1 low. Go here for more details: - Run `npm i npm@latest -g` to upgrade your npm version, and then `npm audit` to get more info.
npm WARN notice [SECURITY] bl has the following vulnerability: 1 moderate. Go here for more details: - Run `npm i npm@latest -g` to upgrade your npm version, and then `npm audit` to get more info.
npm ERR! sha512-UjgapumWlbMhkBgzT7Ykc5YXUT46F0iKu8SGXq0bcwP5dz/h0Plj6enJqjz1Zbq2l5WaqYnrVbwWOWMyF3F47g== integrity checksum failed when using sha512: wanted sha512-UjgapumWlbMhkBgzT7Ykc5YXUT46F0iKu8SGXq0bcwP5dz/h0Plj6enJqjz1Zbq2l5WaqYnrVbwWOWMyF3F47g== but got sha512-z4PhNX7vuL3xVChQ1m2AB9Yg5AULVxXcg/SpIdNs6c5H0NE8XYXysP+DGNKHfuwvY7kxvUdBeoGlODJ6+SfaPg==. (0 bytes)
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2018-09-21T04_26_51_598Z-debug.log
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