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Last active October 25, 2021 19:09
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  • Save franferrax/6be355eac5a7839d66a76135943fb9cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save franferrax/6be355eac5a7839d66a76135943fb9cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create a POW (Python OpenSSL Wrappers) Wheel for Python 2.7.12, linking against OpenSSL 1.0.1h
@echo off
REM Check permissions
net session >nul 2>&1 || (
echo Aborting: this script must be run elevated!
exit /b 1
pushd "%UserProfile%\Downloads"
REM Install Python 2.7.12
set f=python-2.7.12.msi
set u=
curl -Lo "%f%" "%u%" && start /wait MsiExec /i "%f%" /qn /passive ADDLOCAL=ALL && del "%f%"
REM Install Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler Package for Python 2.7
set f=VCForPython27.msi
set u=
curl -Lo "%f%" "%u%" && start /wait MsiExec /i "%f%" /qn /passive ADDLOCAL=ALL && del "%f%"
REM Install Visual C++ Redistributable Package
set f=vcredist_x86.exe
set u=
curl -Lo "%f%" "%u%" && start /wait %f% /install /passive && del "%f%"
REM Python simple replacement maker
set do_replacement=python -c "d=open(r'%%f%%','rb').read().replace(%%r%%);open(r'%%f%%','wb').write(d)"
REM Create a virtual environment
set m=C:\Python27\python.exe -m
%m% pip install --upgrade pip==20.3
%m% pip install virtualenv==20.4.0
%m% virtualenv venv && call venv\Scripts\activate.bat
REM Install and patch conan to work in Python 2.7 without user interaction
pip install conan==1.33.0
set f=venv\Lib\site-packages\conans\client\
set r='_warn_python_version(self):', '_warn_python_version(self):\r\n return'
call %do_replacement%
REM Install conan and download OpenSSL 1.0.1h
set h=6f2f3b0c15b05f704ad0dc3e210856b9e1d5f124
conan download OpenSSL/1.0.1h@conan/stable:%h%
set openssldir=%UserProfile%\.conan\data\OpenSSL\1.0.1h\conan\stable\package\%h%
REM Patch stuff to make it build even when we know that no MD2 nor RC5 support will be available in runtime
curl -Lo "%openssldir%\include\openssl\md2.h"
set f=%openssldir%\include\openssl\opensslconf.h
set r='# define OPENSSL_NO_MD2', '/* # define OPENSSL_NO_MD2 */'
call %do_replacement%
set r='# define OPENSSL_NO_RC5', '/* # define OPENSSL_NO_RC5 */'
call %do_replacement%
REM Horrible hook for a forgotten include in POW.c
set f=%openssldir%\include\openssl\crypto.h
echo #include ^<openssl/ripemd.h^>>> "%f%"
REM Ignore missing functions when linking!!!
set _CL_=/I %openssldir%\include
set _LINK_=/LIBPATH:%openssldir%\lib /FORCE:UNRESOLVED
REM Create POW wheel
set unpacked=POW-0.7
pip wheel
for %%f in (POW-*.whl) do wheel unpack "%%f"
xcopy /y /e "%openssldir%\bin\*.*" "%unpacked%\POW"
REM We shouldn't ship msvcr120.dll inside the wheel, here it is included as a 'just works' example
copy /y "%WinDir%\SysWOW64\msvcr120.dll" "%unpacked%\POW"
wheel pack "%unpacked%" && rd /s /q "%unpacked%"
REM Cleanup
rd /s /q %UserProfile%\.conan
call deactivate && rd /s /q venv
REM Final message
echo. && echo. && echo.
for %%f in (POW-*.whl) do echo Wheel created: %CD%\%%f
Copy link

franferrax commented Jan 28, 2021

Execute in a modern Windows 10 version (tested in 20H2 & 21H1), in an elevated command line, with:

set z=build_pow_wheel.bat&&set i=6be355eac5a7839d66a76135943fb9cc
curl -Lo %z% && %z% && del %z%

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