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Last active February 8, 2021 16:21
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Manually downloading from RTV 4D

  1. Open devtools and refresh the video page

  2. Take playlist URL from devtools


  1. Download that file and save it here as list.m3u

  2. Prefix all lines in the file that don't start with # and start with media_, with the begining of the above URL (up to the last /)


  • Prefix:
  • Before: media_w2141640485_b1800000_6.ts?keylockhash=mGs19v8oXZ5bVDcCR50MFkj97MHB3XyoHQJO35g_i3M
  • After:

You can do that quickly using search-replace with RegExpr enabled (most text editors can do this):
Search: ^media_ Replace: URL_PREFIX/media_

  1. run this:
ffmpeg -y \
	-protocol_whitelist "file,http,https,tcp,tls" \
	-v warning \
	-loglevel debug \
	-i "list.m3u" \
	-vcodec copy \
	-c copy -f mpegts out.ts

RTV SLO 4D archive reverse-engineering

Input URL

Only the file portion (after last /) of the URL is important - it's the VOD_ID.

The video is embedded via iframe, so we want to request that URL instead: " VOD_ID".


VOD_ID: 174584131
Embed URL:


We need 2 things:

  1. A client identifier, valid per-session CLIENT_ID
  2. A token, valid per-clip JWT

Client ID

Included as JavaScript in the embed page.

Around line 254:

options['client'] = "82013fb3a531d5414f478747c1aca622";


Requested using CLIENT_ID at "`VOD_ID`". Returns JSON object with the token at .response.jwt.


curl -s '' | jq .response.jwt

Video URLs

Returned from " VOD_ID" as JSON

The key .response.addaptiveMedia.hls (sic) here contains a URL to an M3U8 file, which we can then download using already implemented functions.


curl -s ''  | jq .response.addaptiveMedia.hls
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