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Created May 27, 2020 23:44
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# REALLY SHITTY SCRIPT to download BigBlueButton recording
# (this does not record BBB presentations, just archives already recorded ones)
# Requires wget, jq ( and xq ( to be installed.
# This script downloads only the resources for a particular presentation without the playback code. That you can get by doing a HAR capture from Firefox and giving it to the command at the bottom of this file.
# This also works if a download is missing some extra features (polls, etc.).
wget='wget -nc -x -nH -q --show-progress '
[ -z "$1" ] && echo "You need to provide a link!" && exit 1
meetingId="$(echo $1 | sed 's/.*meetingId=\(.*\)/\1/')"
baseUrl="$(echo $1 | sed 's/\(.*\)\/playback\/.*/\1/')"
echo "Base URL: $baseUrl"
echo "Meeting ID: $meetingId"
read -p "Checks out? (Enter to go, CTRL+C to abort) " -n 1 -r
$wget "${baseUrl}/presentation/${meetingId}/metadata.xml"
meetingTitle="$(xq -r <"presentation/${meetingId}/metadata.xml" .recording.meta.meetingName)"
read -p "Meeting title: " -e -i "${meetingTitle}" meetingTitle
slides="$(xq -r <"presentation/${meetingId}/metadata.xml" '.recording.playback.extensions.preview.images[][]["#text"]')"
for filePath in "${files[@]}"; do
$wget "${baseUrl}/presentation/${meetingId}${filePath}"
slides="$slides"$'\n'"$(jq -r 'keys[] as $k | .[$k] as $s | $s | keys[] as $a | "'$baseUrl"/presentation/"$meetingId'/presentation/" + $k + "/" + $a + ".png"' <"presentation/${meetingId}/presentation_text.json")"
echo "$slides" | xargs -n1 $wget
echo "<a href=\"playback/presentation/2.0/playback.html?meetingId=${meetingId}\">${meetingTitle}</a><br>" >> index.html
# HAR-based download:
# jq -r <"FILENAME_GOES_HERE" .log.entries[].request.url | sort | uniq | grep -v '/playback/' | xargs -n1 wget -nc -x -nH
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