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Last active February 15, 2016 17:33
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Dockerfile for Greenplum SNE
FROM centos:6.6
MAINTAINER "Francisco Lopez"
# update & upgrade packages
RUN yum update -y & yum upgrade -y
# install extra packages and basic tools (included some required for Greenplum installer)
RUN yum install -y epel-release git unzip which tar sed wget curl nano expect
# cleanup packages
RUN yum clean -all
# set password to SSH with root
RUN echo root:docker | chpasswd
# create admin user group and admin user
RUN groupadd -g 8000 gpadmin
RUN useradd -m -s /bin/bash -d /home/gpadmin -g gpadmin -u 8000 gpadmin
RUN echo "greenplum" | passwd gpadmin --stdin
# create data directories (master and 2 segments)
RUN mkdir -p /data/gpmaster /data/gpseg1 /data/gpseg2 /data/greenplum
RUN chown -R gpadmin:gpadmin /data
# install Greenplum
COPY bin/
RUN unzip -d /
COPY bin/
RUN sh
# housekeeping (remove non necessary files)
# configure system
COPY config/sysctl.conf /tmp/sysctl.conf
RUN cat /tmp/sysctl.conf >> /etc/sysctl.conf
# next line is not working; it seems the only option is tuning the kernel outside this Dockerfile (using docker run -w)
RUN sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf
COPY config/limits.conf /tmp/limits.conf
RUN cat /tmp/limits.conf >> /etc/security/limits.conf
USER gpadmin
# configure Greenplum environment
RUN echo "source /data/greenplum/" > /home/gpadmin/.bash_profile
RUN echo "export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=/data/gpmaster/gpsne-1" >> /home/gpadmin/.bash_profile
#RUN source /home/gpadmin/.bash_profile
RUN echo "$(hostname)" > /home/gpadmin/sne_hostlist
# next line is not working; why?
RUN gpssh-exkeys -f /home/gpadmin/sne_hostlist
#RUN gpcheckos -f /home/gpadmin/sne_hostlist
COPY config/sne_gpinit /home/gpadmin/sne_gpinit
RUN gpinitsystem -c /home/gpadmin/sne_gpinit
# expose ports and data folder
EXPOSE 22 5432
VOLUME ["/data"]
# start Greenplum
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]
CMD ["gpstart"]
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Note: Greenplum is not open source but the installer can be downloaded from for testing purposes. It requires a user account to be created in Pivotal website.

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At the moment I am stuck with two problems:

  • Kernel tuning (should I use 'docker run -w'? should I tune this in the Vagrant host instead?)
  • SSH key exchange (not sure what´s going on here yet)

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Mironor commented Oct 12, 2015

Hi teraflopx,

you seem to be the only one (over the internet) who tried to create a docker image for greenplum.
Have you succeed? Or this is the final version of the dockerfile that you have?

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korczis commented Nov 3, 2015

Greenplum is now open source, Maybe this is best time to dockerize it?

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Hi guys,

Hey, I have been able to "dockerize" Greenplum database in "singlenode" mode, just for testing purposes. Thanks for your Dockerfile, it was a light in the darkness to me, when I started last week.

Here I have placed the "Dockerfile build" repo on Github:

You'll notice some gross hacks in my version (for example, this choice bit: su gpadmin -l -c "gpstart -a --verbose" && sleep 86400 # HACK: it's difficult to get Docker to attach to the GPDB process(es) ... so, instead attach to process "sleep for 1 day") ... if anyone manages to figure out more elegant ways to do these things, I would love to hear about it! (I initially tried using "supervisord" but, it was just too much work for what I needed this for ...).

Kevin Trowbridge

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