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Created July 10, 2013 23:27
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arduino teensy3 + MPU-6050 accelerometer
/* LED Blink, Teensyduino Tutorial #1
This example code is in the public domain.
#include <Wire.h>
// Teensy 2.0 has the LED on pin 11
// Teensy++ 2.0 has the LED on pin 6
// Teensy 3.0 has the LED on pin 13
const int ledPin = 13;
// the setup() method runs once, when the sketch starts
int reading = 0;
int device = 104;
void setup() {
// initialize the digital pin as an output.
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
Wire.begin(); // orange is clock, pin 19, yellow is data pin 18
Wire.beginTransmission(device); // transmit to device
//Wire.write(byte(0x42)); //
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
// the loop() methor runs over and over again,
// as long as the board has power
void loop() {
// set the LED on
//delay(2000); // wait for a second
//digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // set the LED off
//delay(1000); // wait for a second
//Wire.beginTransmission(device); // transmit to device
// the address specified in the datasheet is 224 (0xE0)
// but i2c adressing uses the high 7 bits so it's 112
//Wire.write(byte(0x00)); // sets register pointer to the command register (0x00)
//Wire.write(byte(0x50)); // command sensor to measure in "inches" (0x50)
// use 0x51 for centimeters
// use 0x52 for ping microseconds
//Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
// step 2: wait for readings to happen
delay(70); // datasheet suggests at least 65 milliseconds
// step 3: instruct sensor to return a particular echo reading
Wire.beginTransmission(device); // transmit to device
//Wire.write(byte(0x75)); // ask who am i
Wire.write(byte(0x3B)); // X Acceleration High Bit
//Wire.write(byte(0x42)); //
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
// step 4: request reading from sensor
Wire.requestFrom(device, 1); // request 2 bytes from slave device #112
reading =; // receive high byte (overwrites previous reading)
Serial.println(reading); // print the reading
if (reading > 150){
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
// step 5: receive reading from sensor
if(8 <= Wire.available()) // if bytes were received
reading =; // receive high byte (overwrites previous reading)
reading = reading << 8; // shift high byte to be high 8 bits
reading |=; // receive low byte as lower 8 bits
Serial.println(reading); // print the reading
delay(50); // wait a bit since people have to read the output :)
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