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Last active March 26, 2019 21:43
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Gitcoin Grants Fee Models


  1. Gitcoin Grants is a self-sustaining revenue stream.
  2. Adoption has been strong enough since the release of Gitcoin Grants (along with CLR incentive matching) to consider charging a fee.
  3. Users won't sidestep Grants completely to tip individuals outside of our network.


What is a fair and sustainable way of earning revenue off Gitcoin Grants?


We are trying to learn what users will pay for, and what the MVP is for the fee that best incentivizes users to stay.

  1. foundation model for larger grants

    • foundation/organization gets a different grants page
    • e.g $500k is deployed, x% of that is taken for CLR, let's say x=10%, so $50k
    • y% of the $50k is taken as revenue for Gitcoin, the rest goes to CLR
    • it's sort of like a social marketing thing that we say "this org is helping to do CLR stuff"
    • hopefully that's a social incentive to stay and not just tip the amount
  2. % subminer fee in grants

    • method on the grants smart contract that sets a fee percentage
    • default fee percentage = 5% on all new grants
    • how should the % fee be applied?
      • does this default fee percentage get applied to every contribution?
      • does this default fee only kick in on contributions past a certain point?
      • does this default fee percentage get applied to every grant, on a monthly basis if the goal is met?
    • how do we avoid users going off-platform and just tipping each other
      • marketing their grant for them to expose it to additional grant contributions (but we charge the grantee (contributor) then)
  3. featured grants option

    • featured grant gets extra visibility and top of the page real estate
    • additional exposure somehow?
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To hypothesis 1:

  • @ceresstation thinks the foundation model makes more sense
  • the fee isn't "really" a fee, just a CLR enhancement, money is going back into core enhancement
  • creating separate pages for larger grants might be high lift but necessary ( has done this for zcash)

To hypothesis 2:

  • % fee can be taken from grants, even a % can be taken and put back into CLR
  • an idea is to have a slider for donation amount similar to humble bundle choosing slider (maybe a v2?)
  • % subminer fee involves editing the contract, which can be dicey
  • first version, grant recipients to send some of it to us (no engineering lift)
    • implementation? ethereum address in the email (there are 4 Gitcoin campaigns) can help boost our own campaigns
    • larger donation pools can donate back to the CLR pool, and have a reserve pool that sustains the funding source
    • when someone does a grant successfully, Gitcoin has a grant as well, do you want to support us, or help support a CLR pot? there are different pools of funding (large and small)
    • another option is to generate revenue just through promotion of our own Gitcoin grant campaigns, relies on donations, less scalable
    • CAVEAT from @vivek about the asking for donations from contributors who are part of a smaller funding pool (weird / wrong place to ask contributors for a small percentage if all they're giving is 5 DAI, as an example). In the case for a larger funder, they would usually be asked from the foundational model for a % of their funding anyway for CLR contributions. I think it's just two ways of saying the same thing, with the foundational model being more sincere and upfront, and easier to finesse, but not necessarily long-term scalable unless with large amounts of funding.
    • implement inflation funding if donations fail (backlash from donations failing), then we have to focus on 1789, or not?

Next steps:

  • @owocki & @vivek to ask about the foundational model for Grants round 2
  • blue team product to support fulfilling the 50k CLR Grants round 2 (crypto twitter bot)
  • find a researcher to sit in at mid-April for collusion detection look-ahead

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frankchen07 commented Mar 26, 2019

2019-03-26 update:

  1. no answer yet from V about getting a cut of the EF $50k (foundational model).

  2. there's a bit of confusion about who we're asking the % fee from, based on the discussion last time, so I've outlined our v1 options as they stand - we can implement a fee on:

    • organization who is giving money to grants: if we do the foundational model with them, it doesn't make sense to take a cut from the grant creator him/herself who receives the money from the organization. We just take a cut of the CLR amount.
    • the grant creator him/herself: it might make sense to take a cut if the grant contributor reaches the monthly amount or when they start a grant or ask them to donate a bit to Gitcoin.
    • contributors to a grant: it doesn't make sense to charge every contributor that contributes to a grant a % fee (e.g I donate 5 DAI to burner wallet but really, only 4 DAI because a 20% fee is charged). We deal with small amounts, and can potentially promote unintended consequences (tipping instead).
    • "inverse fee with Gitcoin Grants": straight up have marketing around some grants for the Gitcoin core team after a contributor finishes contributing to a grant, which is reliant on straight or scaled donations, and potentially less scalable
    • subminer fee: is this under one of the above categories? (I think grant creator) high lift and low probability in terms of engineering complexity
    • dominance assurance contracts:
    • inflation funding:

regardless of format the % fee we charge can be be setup for CLR:

  • $ for grants -> % for CLR -> % fee -> revenue (larger funding pools)
  • $ from grant creator -> might not make sense here?
  • $ from contributors -> % fee -> % CLR -> revenue & CLR money (potentially for smaller funding pools who haven't been charged by $ for grants scenario)

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