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Created April 10, 2019 15:28
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My Custom Quasar Input Number
import { QInput } from 'quasar'
import { Money } from 'v-money'
import Util from '@services/util'
export default {
// Component <money> and Directive v-money
extends: QInput,
name: 'QInputNumber',
components: { Money },
props: {
precision: {
type: Number,
default: 2
decimal: {
type: String,
default: ','
thousands: {
type: String,
default: '.'
min: {
type: Number,
default: 0
max: {
type: Number,
default: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
step: {
type: Number,
default: null
maxLength: {
type: [Number, String],
default: null
align: {
type: String,
default: 'right'
data () {
return {
model: this.value,
lastValue: this.value
mounted () {
// Ajuste para "autofocus" não dar erro
this.$refs.input.focus = function (e) {
methods: {
focus () {
if (!this.disable && this.$refs.input && this.$refs.input.$el) {
blur () {
this.$refs.input && this.$refs.input.$el.blur()
select () {
onInput (value) {
// console.debug('QInputNumber - onInput - Value %s - Model: %s', value, this.model)
// Evita menor que minimo
if (value < this.min) {
// console.warn('onInput - Volta ao minimo:', this.min)
value = this.min
if (value !== this.model && value <= this.max) {
// console.debug('QInputNumber - onInput - Value %s - Model: %s', value, this.model)
this.$emit('input', value)
this.$emit('change', value)
preventNotNumber (event) {
// Plus:107|187, Minus:109|189, Comma:110|188, Period:190|190, Up:38, Down:40
if ([107, 187, 109, 189, 110, 188, 190, 194, 38, 40].includes(event.keyCode)) {
// console.warn('preventNotNumber - value: %s - key: %s - result: OK',, event.keyCode)
return false
return true
onKeydown (event) {
// console.debug('keydown - Key: %s - Model: %s - lastValue: %s - value: %s', event.keyCode, this.model, this.lastValue, this.value)
// Up:38, Down:40, Plus:107|187, Minus:109|189
if (this.step && [38, 40, 107, 187, 109, 189].includes(event.keyCode)) {
// Aplica Step
this.applyStep([38, 107, 187].includes(event.keyCode))
return false
if (!this.preventNotNumber(event)) return false
// Se está nos Limites
if (Util.limitLength(event)) {
this.lastValue =
this.$emit('keydown', event)
return false
onKeyup (event) {
// console.debug('keyup - Key: %s - Model: %s - lastValue: %s - value: %s', event.keyCode, this.model, this.lastValue, this.value)
if (!this.preventNotNumber(event)) return
// Se não está nos limites
if (!Util.limitLength(event)) {
// console.warn('keyup - Volta ao valor anterior:', this.lastValue) = this.lastValue
this.$emit('error-max', true)
// Evita menor que minimo
if (this.min && < this.min) {
// console.warn('keyup - Volta ao minimo:', = this.min.toNumeric(this.precision)
this.$emit('error-max', false)
this.$emit('keyup', event)
onWheel (event) {
// Sem delta ou nao usa Step
if (!event.wheelDelta || !this.step) {
return false
// Aplica Step
this.applyStep(event.wheelDelta > 0)
increment () {
decrement () {
applyStep (increment = true) {
// Define novo valor
const next = increment ? this.model + this.step : this.model - this.step
// console.warn('applyStep ', increment ? '+' : '-', this.step, ' - next:', next, '- model:', this.model)
// Se dentro dos limites, usa novo valor
if (next >= this.min && next <= this.max) {
this.model = next
this.$emit('input', next)
__getInput (h) {
// console.log('__getInput', this.value, this.model)
// @see
return h('money', {
ref: 'input',
staticClass: 'col q-input-target q-no-input-spinner ellipsis text-' + this.align,
'class': this.inputClasses,
attrs: Object.assign({}, this.$attrs, {
// type: 'tel', // this.inputType,
placeholder: this.inputPlaceholder,
disabled: this.disable,
readonly: this.readonly,
min: this.min,
max: this.max,
maxLength: this.maxLength,
value: this.model,
precision: this.precision,
decimal: this.decimal,
thousands: this.thousands,
autocomplete: 'off'
// domProps: { value: this.model },
on: {
input: this.onInput,
focus: this.__onFocus,
blur: this.__onInputBlur
nativeOn: {
keydown: this.onKeydown,
keyup: this.onKeyup,
paste: this.__onPaste,
animationstart: this.__onAnimationStart,
wheel: this.onWheel
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