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Created April 29, 2020 05:22
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iOS Activity Ring in SwiftUI
import SwiftUI
import PlaygroundSupport
extension Double {
func toRadians() -> Double {
return self * Double.pi / 180
func toCGFloat() -> CGFloat {
return CGFloat(self)
struct RingShape: Shape {
// Helper function to convert percent values to angles in degrees
static func percentToAngle(percent: Double, startAngle: Double) -> Double {
(percent / 100 * 360) + startAngle
private var percent: Double
private var startAngle: Double
private let drawnClockwise: Bool
// This allows animations to run smoothly for percent values
var animatableData: Double {
get {
return percent
set {
percent = newValue
init(percent: Double = 100, startAngle: Double = -90, drawnClockwise: Bool = false) {
self.percent = percent
self.startAngle = startAngle
self.drawnClockwise = drawnClockwise
// This draws a simple arc from the start angle to the end angle
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
let width = rect.width
let height = rect.height
let radius = min(width, height) / 2
let center = CGPoint(x: width / 2, y: height / 2)
let endAngle = Angle(degrees: RingShape.percentToAngle(percent: self.percent, startAngle: self.startAngle))
return Path { path in
path.addArc(center: center, radius: radius, startAngle: Angle(degrees: startAngle), endAngle: endAngle, clockwise: drawnClockwise)
struct PercentageRing: View {
private static let ShadowColor: Color =
private static let ShadowRadius: CGFloat = 5
private static let ShadowOffsetMultiplier: CGFloat = ShadowRadius + 2
private let ringWidth: CGFloat
private let percent: Double
private let backgroundColor: Color
private let foregroundColors: [Color]
private let startAngle: Double = -90
private var gradientStartAngle: Double {
self.percent >= 100 ? relativePercentageAngle - 360 : startAngle
private var absolutePercentageAngle: Double {
RingShape.percentToAngle(percent: self.percent, startAngle: 0)
private var relativePercentageAngle: Double {
// Take into account the startAngle
absolutePercentageAngle + startAngle
private var firstGradientColor: Color {
self.foregroundColors.first ?? .black
private var lastGradientColor: Color {
self.foregroundColors.last ?? .black
private var ringGradient: AngularGradient {
gradient: Gradient(colors: self.foregroundColors),
center: .center,
startAngle: Angle(degrees: self.gradientStartAngle),
endAngle: Angle(degrees: relativePercentageAngle)
init(ringWidth: CGFloat, percent: Double, backgroundColor: Color, foregroundColors: [Color]) {
self.ringWidth = ringWidth
self.percent = percent
self.backgroundColor = backgroundColor
self.foregroundColors = foregroundColors
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
ZStack {
// Background for the ring
.stroke(style: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: self.ringWidth))
// Foreground
RingShape(percent: self.percent, startAngle: self.startAngle)
.stroke(style: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: self.ringWidth, lineCap: .round))
// End of ring with drop shadow
if self.getShowShadow(frame: geometry.size) {
.frame(width: self.ringWidth, height: self.ringWidth, alignment: .center)
.offset(x: self.getEndCircleLocation(frame: geometry.size).0,
y: self.getEndCircleLocation(frame: geometry.size).1)
.shadow(color: PercentageRing.ShadowColor,
radius: PercentageRing.ShadowRadius,
x: self.getEndCircleShadowOffset().0,
y: self.getEndCircleShadowOffset().1)
// Padding to ensure that the entire ring fits within the view size allocated
.padding(self.ringWidth / 2)
private func getEndCircleLocation(frame: CGSize) -> (CGFloat, CGFloat) {
// Get angle of the end circle with respect to the start angle
let angleOfEndInRadians: Double = relativePercentageAngle.toRadians()
let offsetRadius = min(frame.width, frame.height) / 2
return (offsetRadius * cos(angleOfEndInRadians).toCGFloat(), offsetRadius * sin(angleOfEndInRadians).toCGFloat())
private func getEndCircleShadowOffset() -> (CGFloat, CGFloat) {
let angleForOffset = absolutePercentageAngle + (self.startAngle + 90)
let angleForOffsetInRadians = angleForOffset.toRadians()
let relativeXOffset = cos(angleForOffsetInRadians)
let relativeYOffset = sin(angleForOffsetInRadians)
let xOffset = relativeXOffset.toCGFloat() * PercentageRing.ShadowOffsetMultiplier
let yOffset = relativeYOffset.toCGFloat() * PercentageRing.ShadowOffsetMultiplier
return (xOffset, yOffset)
private func getShowShadow(frame: CGSize) -> Bool {
let circleRadius = min(frame.width, frame.height) / 2
let remainingAngleInRadians = (360 - absolutePercentageAngle).toRadians().toCGFloat()
if self.percent >= 100 {
return true
} else if circleRadius * remainingAngleInRadians <= self.ringWidth {
return true
return false
struct PreviewView: View {
var body: some View {
Group {
ringWidth: 50, percent: 5 ,
foregroundColors: [.green, .blue]
.frame(width: 300, height: 300)
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Awesome work! Thank you for this :)

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Hi, are you able to customise the code so it can have multiple rings like up to 6?

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hey great stuff thanks for sharing, one problem I have encountered maybe you can help me. Right now when I animate the rings from 0 to over 100% say 150% or 250% all the animations start at same time, meaning the little circle dot for the shadow at end of the tip appears before it should as a little dot; is there a way to have this wait for the ring to finish animating?

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Thanks for really cool work here!

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app4g commented Aug 30, 2022

hey great stuff thanks for sharing, one problem I have encountered maybe you can help me. Right now when I animate the rings from 0 to over 100% say 150% or 250% all the animations start at same time, meaning the little circle dot for the shadow at end of the tip appears before it should as a little dot; is there a way to have this wait for the ring to finish animating?

Did you get this resolved?

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