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Last active March 21, 2017 14:44
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***The 'properties' property is for anything that is game specific***
- current room
- moves
- score
- items
- properties (eg. health, gold, etc...)
- text (an object with various blocks of text, eg. description will be one of these)
- dialog
- actions
- killable
- properties
- items
- location
- text (an object with various blocks of text, eg. description will be one of these)
- items
- scenery
- npcs
- triggers
- actions
- exits
- room
- synonyms
- properties (for instance: hidden if the exit is hidden)
- text (an object with various blocks of text, eg. description will be one of these)
- items (eg. an item an be a container with other items)
- type (eg. food, drink, tool, weapon, etc... Any type of item)
- anchored (if true, cannot be taken, otherwise it can be taken by the player)
- actions
- properties (eg. if weapon, can have weapon traits like damage, weapon level, weapon quality)
- triggers (eg. on pickup, on drop, etc...)
Scenery (similar to items except larger, cannot be taken, eg. A tree in the yard is scenery)
- text
- type
- items (eg. a table which is scenery can have items on it)
- properties (eg. a fireplace can be *hot* and cause damage if a player touches it)
- actions
- triggers
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