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Last active June 27, 2023 22:45
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Just some useful helper functions for Laravel
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
if (! function_exists('add_query_arg')) {
* Add query arg(s) to a URL.
* Examples:
* ```
* add_query_arg('foo=1&bar=2', ['baz' => 3]);
* add_query_arg('', 'key');
* add_query_arg('', ['key' => 'value']);
* ```
* @see
* @param string $url
* @param string|array $args
* @param bool|int $sort
* @return string
function add_query_arg(string $url, string|array $args, bool|int $sort = false): string
$args = (array) $args;
// Trim all keys/values.
$args = array_combine(
array_map('trim', array_keys($args)),
array_map('trim', $args)
// Do nothing.
if (! $args || $args === ['']) {
return $url;
$uuid = (string) Str::uuid();
// Special support for numerical index arrays.
if (! Arr::isAssoc($args)) {
$args = array_combine($args, array_fill(0, count($args), $uuid));
$query = Str::replace("={$uuid}", '', http_build_query($args));
if (is_url($url)) {
$parts = explode('?', $url);
} else {
$parts[1] = $url;
// Merge with existing query args, if present.
if (! empty($parts[1])) {
parse_str($parts[1], $query);
$args = array_merge($query, $args);
// Sort keys.
if ($sort) {
ksort($args, is_int($sort) ? $sort : SORT_REGULAR);
$query = Str::replace("={$uuid}", '', http_build_query($args));
return isset($parts[0]) ? sprintf('%s?%s', trailingslashit($parts[0]), $query) : $query;
if (! function_exists('remove_query_arg')) {
* Remove query args from a URL.
* Examples:
* ```
* remove_query_arg('foo=1&bar=2&baz=3', 'foo');
* remove_query_arg('', 'foo');
* remove_query_arg('', ['foo', 'bar']);
* remove_query_arg(''); // Remove all query args.
* ```
* @see
* @param string $url
* @param string|array $args
* @param bool|int $sort
* @return string
function remove_query_arg(string $url, string|array $args = null, bool|int $sort = false): string
$parts = explode('?', $url);
// Remove all query args.
if (is_null($args)) {
return $parts[0];
$args = (array) $args;
// Do nothing.
if (! $args || $args === ['']) {
return $url;
$queryString = $parts[1] ?? $parts[0];
// Do nothing.
if (is_url($queryString)) {
return $url;
parse_str($queryString, $query);
$args = Arr::except($query, $args);
// Do nothing.
if (! $args) {
return $parts[0];
// Sort keys.
if ($sort) {
ksort($args, is_int($sort) ? $sort : SORT_REGULAR);
return empty($parts[1]) ? http_build_query($args) : $parts[0].'?'.http_build_query($args);
if (! function_exists('carbon')) {
* Create a new Carbon instance for the current time.
* @param \DateTimeInterface|string|null $time
* @param \DateTimeZone|string|null $tz
* @return \Illuminate\Support\Carbon
function carbon($time = null, $tz = null)
return Carbon::parse($time, $tz);
if (! function_exists('empty_response')) {
* Return an empty response (useful for CORS).
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
function empty_response()
return response('', 204);
if (! function_exists('exception_to_array')) {
* Convert exception info into array format, like you
* would expect $e->toArray() to work, plus a few
* handy options.
function exception_to_array(Throwable $e, bool $withStackTrace = false, bool $withPrevious = false): array
$array = [
'class' => $e::class,
'code' => $e->getCode(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine(),
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
if ($withPrevious && $e->getPrevious()) {
$array['previous'] = exception_to_array($e->getPrevious(), $withStackTrace);
if ($withStackTrace) {
$array['trace'] = $e->getTrace();
return $array;
if (! function_exists('is_domain_name')) {
* Determine whether a string is a valid domain name format.
* This is not perfect, but broad enough to weed out most invalid formats.
* 1. Hostname only (no scheme, port, path, query, or fragment)
* 2. 255 characters or less
* 3. Contains at least one period
* 4. Contains only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and periods
* 5. Does not begin with a hyphen or period
* 6. Does not end with a number, hyphen, or period
* @param mixed $input
* @return bool
function is_domain_name($input): bool
// =>
$host = parse_url("//{$input}", PHP_URL_HOST);
return $input === $host && strlen($input) <= 255 && strpos($input, '.') > 0 && strpos($input, '-') !== 0 && preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\-\.]+(?<![0-9\-\.])$/', $input);
if (! function_exists('is_not_null')) {
* Determine whether a value is null.
* Useful as a callback function for array_filter().
* @param mixed $input
* @return bool
function is_not_null($input): bool
return ! is_null($input);
if (! function_exists('is_url')) {
* Determine whether a string is a URL.
* @param mixed $input
* @return bool
function is_url($input): bool
return (bool) preg_match('~^(https?:)?//.+~', $input);
if (! function_exists('prd') && config('app.debug')) {
* Print human-readable data and die.
* @return never
function prd(...$vars)
foreach ($vars as $var) {
if (! function_exists('leadingslashit')) {
* Ensure a string beings with exactly one slash.
* @param string $string
* @return string
function leadingslashit(string $string): string
return '/'.unleadingslashit($string);
if (! function_exists('trailingslashit')) {
* Ensure a string ends with exactly one slash.
* @param string $string
* @return string
function trailingslashit(string $string): string
return untrailingslashit($string).'/';
if (! function_exists('unleadingslashit')) {
* Ensure a string begins without any slashes.
* @param string $string
* @return string
function unleadingslashit(string $string): string
return preg_replace('~^/+~', '', trim($string));
if (! function_exists('untrailingslashit')) {
* Ensure a string ends without any slashes.
* @param string $string
* @return string
function untrailingslashit(string $string): string
return preg_replace('~/+$~', '', trim($string));
if (! function_exists('vdd') && config('app.debug')) {
* Var dump and die.
* @return never
function vdd(...$vars)
foreach ($vars as $var) {
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