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Created July 20, 2023 10:41
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date range selector based on
class="date-range" ref="picker"
v-model="date" required
range auto-apply close-on-scroll
time-picker-inline hide-input-icon
text-input :text-input-options="{ openMenu: false}"
:dark="theme === 'dark'"
format="MM/dd HH:mm"
:max-date="new Date()"></DatePicker>
<!-- -->
<script setup lang="ts">
import DatePicker, { type DatePickerInstance } from '@vuepic/vue-datepicker';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import { inject, onMounted, ref, type Ref } from 'vue';
const picker = ref<DatePickerInstance>();
let date = ref([0, 0]);
let presets = ref<{ label: string, range: any[] }[]>([]);
const theme = inject<Ref<string>>('theme', ref("light"));
onMounted(() => {
function last(t: number, unit: dayjs.ManipulateType) {
return new Proxy<number[]>([], {
get: (_, p, __) => {
if (p === "length") return 2;
if (p === "map") return (cb: Function) => {
const now = dayjs();
return [
cb(now.unix() * 1000, 0),
cb(now.subtract(t, unit).unix() * 1000, 1),
const now = dayjs();
date.value = [now.unix() * 1000, now.unix() * 1000];
presets.value = [
{ label: 'last 24h', range: last(1, 'day') },
{ label: 'last 5min', range: last(5, 'minute') },
{ label: 'last 30min', range: last(30, 'minute') },
{ label: 'last 1h', range: last(1, 'hour') },
{ label: 'last 2h', range: last(2, 'hour') },
<style src="@vuepic/vue-datepicker/dist/main.css" />
<style scoped>
.date-range {
--dp-input-padding: 0;
--dp-background-color: transparent;
--dp-font-size: var(--text-font-size);
:deep(.dp__input_wrap) {
display: flex;
height: 28px;
:deep(.dp__input) {
border: none;
height: 100%;
text-align: center;
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