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name | current_setting | source | sourcefile | sourceline
application_name | psql | client | |
archive_command | test ! -f /wals/%f && cp %p /wals/%f | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 206
archive_mode | on | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 203
autovacuum | on | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 477
checkpoint_segments | 30 | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 192
checkpoint_timeout | 10min | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 194
client_encoding | UTF8 | client | |
client_min_messages | error | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 358
data_checksums | off | override | |
DateStyle | ISO, MDY | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 532
default_text_search_config | pg_catalog.english | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 554
effective_cache_size | 8GB | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 285
enable_seqscan | on | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 274
fsync | on | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 171
hot_standby_feedback | off | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 252
lc_collate | C | override | |
lc_ctype | C | override | |
lc_messages | en_US.ISO8859-1 | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 547
lc_monetary | en_US.ISO8859-1 | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 549
lc_numeric | en_US.ISO8859-1 | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 550
lc_time | en_US.ISO8859-1 | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 551
listen_addresses | * | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 59
log_destination | stderr | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 314
log_directory | pg_log | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 326
log_error_verbosity | default | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 414
log_filename | postgresql-%w.log | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 329
log_line_prefix | %t [%p]: [%l-1] user=%u,db=%d,client=%h | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 420
log_lock_waits | on | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 441
log_min_duration_statement | 3s | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 397
log_min_error_statement | warning | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 383
log_min_messages | notice | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 369
log_rotation_age | 1d | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 343
log_statement | none | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 442
log_temp_files | 0 | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 444
log_timezone | America/Cuiaba | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 447
log_truncate_on_rotation | on | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 335
logging_collector | on | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 320
maintenance_work_mem | 1500MB | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 128
max_connections | 100 | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 64
max_prepared_transactions | 100 | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 120
max_stack_depth | 4MB | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 130
max_wal_senders | 3 | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 222
port | 5432 | command line | |
search_path | "$user",public,core,client,acl | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 511
server_encoding | LATIN1 | override | |
server_version | 9.3.6 | default | |
shared_buffers | 6GB | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 115
temp_buffers | 64MB | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 118
TimeZone | America/Cidade | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 534
transaction_deferrable | off | override | |
transaction_isolation | read committed | override | |
transaction_read_only | off | override | |
wal_buffers | 16MB | override | |
wal_keep_segments | 250 | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 226
wal_level | hot_standby | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 169
wal_sync_method | fdatasync | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 174
work_mem | 256MB | configuration file | /dados/data/postgresql.conf | 126
(57 registros)
[root@database ~]#
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