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Created September 16, 2023 00:33
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Asteroids vocab game in Haskell
import System.IO
import System.Random
import System.Timeout
import System.Exit
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Float
data GameParams = GameParams {
width :: Int,
height :: Int,
tiledict :: [(String, Char)]
defaultParams :: GameParams
defaultParams = GameParams {
width = 80,
height = 40,
tiledict = [
("corner", '+'),
("hwall", '-'),
("vwall", '|'),
("empty", ' '),
("heart", '♥')
tileToChar :: [(String, Char)] -> String -> Char
tileToChar td tile = maybe ' ' id (lookup tile td)
data GameStats = GameStats {
ticks :: Int,
destroyed :: Int,
emptied :: Int,
nextRoid :: Float
data AsteroidsGame = AsteroidsGame {
params :: GameParams,
key :: String -> String -> Bool,
roids :: [(String, Int, Int)],
lives :: Int,
strin :: String,
rand :: StdGen,
wordpool :: [String],
wordlib :: [(String, [String])],
stats :: GameStats
defaultGame :: AsteroidsGame
defaultGame = AsteroidsGame {
params = defaultParams,
key = (==),
roids = [],
lives = 3,
strin = "",
rand = mkStdGen 101,
wordpool = [],
wordlib = [],
stats = GameStats {
ticks = 0,
destroyed = 0,
emptied = 0,
nextRoid = 1.0
generateKey :: [(String, [String])] -> (String -> String -> Bool)
generateKey wds s1 s2
= (maybe False (elem s2)) (lookup s1 wds)
gameFromWords :: [(String, [String])] -> AsteroidsGame
gameFromWords wds = defaultGame {
key = generateKey wds,
wordpool = map fst wds,
wordlib = wds
incrementTicks :: AsteroidsGame -> AsteroidsGame
incrementTicks game = game {
stats = (stats game) {
ticks = (ticks $ stats game) + 1
incrementDestroyed :: AsteroidsGame -> AsteroidsGame
incrementDestroyed game
= game {
stats = st {
destroyed = d + 1,
emptied = if (length $ roids game) == 0 then (e + 1) else e
where st = stats game
d = destroyed st
e = emptied st
scheduleNextAsteroid :: AsteroidsGame -> AsteroidsGame
scheduleNextAsteroid game
= game {
stats = st {
nextRoid = nxt + 1.0 + 4.0/(1.0 + (int2Float e)/3.0)
where st = stats game
nxt = nextRoid st
e = emptied st
newAsteroid :: AsteroidsGame -> AsteroidsGame
newAsteroid game
= scheduleNextAsteroid game {rand = rdm3, roids = roids game ++ [(wd, xpos, 0)]}
where rdm = rand game
wds = wordpool game
(idx, rdm2) = randomR (0, length wds - 1) rdm
wd = wds !! idx
w = width $ params game
(xpos, rdm3) = randomR (0, w - length wd - 1) rdm2
asteroidsFall :: AsteroidsGame -> (AsteroidsGame, Maybe String)
asteroidsFall game
= if (int2Float t >= nxt)
then (newAsteroid game', fallenRoid)
else (game', fallenRoid)
where h = height $ params game
t = ticks $ stats game
nxt = nextRoid $ stats game
rds = roids game
fallenRoids = filter (\(s,x,y) -> y == h-1) rds
fallenRoid = if (length fallenRoids > 0)
then Just ((\(s,x,y) -> s) (head fallenRoids))
else Nothing
game' = incrementTicks game {
roids = (filter (\(s,x,y) -> y < h)) $ map (\(s,x,y) -> (s,x,y+1)) rds,
lives = lives game - (if (null fallenRoids) then 0 else 1)
processGuess :: AsteroidsGame -> String -> AsteroidsGame
processGuess game s
= if (null rds) then game
else if (k (fst3 (rds !! 0)) s) then
incrementDestroyed game {roids = tail rds, strin = ""}
else game {strin = ""}
where rds = roids game
fst3 = \(x,y,z) -> x
k = key game
processCharIn :: AsteroidsGame -> Char -> AsteroidsGame
processCharIn game c
= if c == '\DEL' then game' {strin = take (length s - 1) s}
else if c == '\n' then processGuess game' s
else if (isAlphaNum c)
|| (isPunctuation c)
|| (c == ' ') then game' {strin = s ++ [c]}
else game
where s = strin game
game' = game {rand = snd $ randomR (0 :: Int, 1) (rand game)}
-- We use keypress timing as a source of randomness
tileTranslator :: AsteroidsGame -> String -> Char
tileTranslator game = tileToChar $ tiledict $ params game
getCharAtPos :: AsteroidsGame -> (Int, Int) -> Char
getCharAtPos game (x, y)
= if (null rds)
then (tr "empty")
else (\(s, xr, yr) -> s !! (x - xr)) $ (rds !! 0)
where rds = filter
(\(s, xr, yr) -> y == yr && x >= xr && x < xr + length s)
(roids game)
tr = tileTranslator game
boardString :: AsteroidsGame -> [String]
boardString game =
[hbar] ++
[(tr "vwall")
++ [getCharAtPos game (x, y) | x <- [0..w-1]]
++ (tr "vwall") | y <- [0..h-1]] ++
[hbar] ++
[menubar] ++
where conf = params game
w = width conf
h = height conf
tr = (: "") . tileTranslator game
hearts = lives game
hbar = (tr "corner") ++
(concat $ replicate w $ tr "hwall") ++
(tr "corner")
menubar = (tr "vwall") ++
(concat $ replicate hearts $ tr "heart") ++
(replicate (w - hearts) ' ') ++
(tr "vwall")
printBoard :: AsteroidsGame -> IO ()
printBoard game = do
putStr $ (foldr (\s s' -> s ++ "\n" ++ s') []) $ boardString game
initDisplay :: IO ()
initDisplay = do
putStr "\ESC[2J"
putStr "\ESC[0;0H"
updateDisplay :: AsteroidsGame -> IO ()
updateDisplay game = do
putStr "\ESC[0;0H"
putStr "\ESC[?25l"
printBoard game
putStr (strin game)
putStr "\ESC[?25h"
putStr "\ESC[0J"
newKeyThread :: IO (String, Char)
newKeyThread = getChar >>= (\c -> return ("key", c))
newTimerThread :: IO (String, Char)
newTimerThread = do
threadDelay 1000000
return ("timer", ' ')
data EventManager = EventManager {
evtData :: MVar (String, Char),
keyTid :: ThreadId,
timerTid :: ThreadId
newEventManager :: IO EventManager
newEventManager = do
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
keyTid' <- forkIO $ newKeyThread >>= putMVar mvar
timerTid' <- forkIO $ newTimerThread >>= putMVar mvar
return EventManager {
evtData = mvar,
keyTid = keyTid',
timerTid = timerTid'
evtLoop :: EventManager -> AsteroidsGame -> IO ()
evtLoop evm game = do
updateDisplay game
result <- takeMVar (evtData evm)
let evt = fst result
if evt == "key"
then do
let c = snd result
killThread (keyTid evm)
keyTid' <- forkIO $ newKeyThread >>= putMVar (evtData evm)
evtLoop (evm {keyTid = keyTid'}) (processCharIn game c)
else do
killThread (keyTid evm)
killThread (timerTid evm)
let (game', fallen) = asteroidsFall game
let game'' = if (null fallen) then game' else game' {strin = ""}
if (null fallen)
then return ()
else (doPenaltyScreen game' "" (fromJust fallen))
if (lives game' == 0) then (doGameOverScreen game') else return ()
keyTid' <- forkIO $ newKeyThread >>= putMVar (evtData evm)
timerTid' <- forkIO $ newTimerThread >>= putMVar (evtData evm)
evtLoop (evm {keyTid = keyTid', timerTid = timerTid'}) game''
doPenaltyScreen :: AsteroidsGame -> String -> String -> IO ()
doPenaltyScreen game str wd
= do
putStr "\ESC[?25l"
putStr "\ESC[0;0H"
putStr ("Question: " ++ wd ++ "\ESC[0K\n")
putStr ("Correct answer: " ++ ans ++ "\ESC[0K\n")
putStr "\ESC[0J"
putStr str
putStr "\ESC[?25h"
c <- getChar
if (isAlphaNum c || isPunctuation c || c == ' ')
then doPenaltyScreen game (str ++ [c]) wd
else if (c == '\DEL')
then doPenaltyScreen game (reverse $ (drop 1) $ reverse str) wd
else if (c == '\n')
then (if k wd str
then return ()
else doPenaltyScreen game "" wd)
else doPenaltyScreen game str wd
where k = key game
ans = foldr (\s1 s2 -> s1 ++ "," ++ s2) ""
(fromJust (lookup wd $ wordlib game))
doGameOverScreen :: AsteroidsGame -> IO ()
doGameOverScreen game = do
putStr "\nGame over!\n"
putStr ("Asteroids destroyed: " ++ (show $ destroyed $ stats $ game) ++ "\n")
getVocabFile :: IO Handle
getVocabFile = do
putStr "Please enter name of vocab list file.\n"
fname <- getLine
catch (openFile fname ReadMode) handler
where handler :: IOError -> IO Handle
handler err = do
putStr "File could not be opened. Try again.\n"
splitter :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitter delim ls = helper delim ls []
where helper :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]
helper delim [] acc = [acc]
helper delim (x:xs) acc
= if x == delim
then acc:(helper delim xs [])
else helper delim xs (acc ++ [x])
readVocabWords :: Handle -> IO [(String, [String])]
readVocabWords fh = do
contents <- hGetContents fh
let lines = splitter '\n' contents
wds = map (splitter ',') lines
prs = map (\ls -> (head ls, tail ls)) wds
return $ filter (not . null . snd) prs
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetEncoding stdin utf8
game <- getVocabFile >>= readVocabWords >>= (return . gameFromWords)
hSetEcho stdin False
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
evm <- newEventManager
evtLoop evm game
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