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Created April 30, 2024 05:30
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import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Cont
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy
import System.IO
import System.Process
class Monad t => MonadicFloatOps t where
madd :: Float -> Float -> t Float
madd = (return .) . (+)
msqrt :: Float -> t Float
mrecip :: Float -> t Float
f :: MonadicFloatOps t => Float -> t Float
f x = do
x1 <- msqrt x
x2 <- (madd 1 (-x)) >>= msqrt
y1 <- mrecip x1
y2 <- mrecip x2
madd y1 y2
instance MonadicFloatOps Identity where
madd = (return .) . (+)
msqrt = return . sqrt
mrecip = return . (1/)
instance MonadicFloatOps Maybe where
madd = (return .) . (+)
msqrt x
| x >= 0 = Just (sqrt x)
| otherwise = Nothing
mrecip x
| x == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (1 / x)
data MyFloatError = ImaginarySqrtError | ZeroDivisionError deriving (Eq, Show)
instance MonadicFloatOps (Either MyFloatError) where
madd = (return .) . (+)
msqrt x
| x >= 0 = Right (sqrt x)
| otherwise = Left ImaginarySqrtError
mrecip x
| x == 0 = Left ZeroDivisionError
| otherwise = Right (1 / x)
instance MonadicFloatOps [] where
madd = (return .) . (+)
msqrt x
| x > 0 = [sqrt x, -sqrt x]
| x == 0 = [0]
| otherwise = []
mrecip x
| x == 0 = []
| otherwise = [1 / x]
instance MonadicFloatOps IO where
madd = (return .) . (+)
msqrt x = do
(_, Just hout, _, ph) <- createProcess (proc "./sqrt.o" [show x]) { std_out = CreatePipe }
sqrtString <- hGetLine hout
return (read sqrtString)
mrecip x = return (1 / x)
instance MonadicFloatOps (Reader Bool) where
madd = (return .) . (+)
msqrt x = do
pos <- ask
let sx = sqrt x
return $ if pos then sx else -sx
mrecip x = return (1 / x)
instance Semigroup Int where
(<>) = (+)
instance Monoid Int where
mempty = 0
instance MonadicFloatOps (Writer Int) where
madd x y = tell 1 >> return (x + y)
msqrt x = tell 1 >> return (sqrt x)
mrecip x = tell 1 >> return (1 / x)
data FloatOpsMemo = FloatOpsMemo {
numOps :: Int,
sqrtMemo :: [(Float, Float)]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance MonadicFloatOps (State FloatOpsMemo) where
madd x y = modify (\s -> s { numOps = 1 + numOps s }) >> return (x + y)
msqrt x = do
memo <- fmap sqrtMemo get
let lookupRes = lookup x memo
case lookupRes of
Nothing ->
modify (\s -> s { numOps = 1 + numOps s, sqrtMemo = (x,sqx):(sqrtMemo s) })
>> return sqx
where sqx = sqrt x
(Just sqx) -> return sqx
mrecip x = modify (\s -> s { numOps = 1 + numOps s }) >> return (1 / x)
fNaive = f :: Float -> Identity Float
fMaybe = f :: Float -> Maybe Float
fEither = f :: Float -> Either MyFloatError Float
fList = f :: Float -> [Float]
fIO = f :: Float -> IO Float
fReader = f :: Float -> Reader Bool Float
fWriter = f :: Float -> Writer Int Float
fMemo = f :: Float -> State FloatOpsMemo Float
analyzeRiemannSum :: MonadicFloatOps m => Float -> Float -> Int -> m Float
analyzeRiemannSum a b n = do
let nf = fromIntegral n
let step = (b - a)/nf
let xs = [a + k*step | k <- [] ]
ys <- sequence $ map f xs
foldM madd 0 (map (step *) ys)
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