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Created June 15, 2023 22:54
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Terminal-based Sokoban in Haskell
Author: Franklin P. Dyer
Run in the same directory as a text file of Sokoban levels
entitled "levels.txt". These should be encoded in the usual way:
# - wall
- empty (whitespace)
$ - crate
. - goal
* - crate on goal
@ - player
+ - player on goal
import System.IO
data TileDict = TileDict {
tilechars :: [(String, Char)],
tile0 :: String,
char0 :: Char
} deriving (Eq, Show)
tileToChar :: TileDict -> String -> Char
tileToChar td tile = maybe (char0 td) id (lookup tile $ tilechars td)
charToTile :: TileDict -> Char -> String
charToTile td c = maybe (tile0 td) id (lookup c $ map (\(x,y) -> (y,x)) $ tilechars td)
emptyTileDict :: TileDict
emptyTileDict = TileDict {
tilechars = [],
tile0 = "empty",
char0 = ' '
defaultTileReader :: TileDict
defaultTileReader = TileDict {
tilechars = [
("wall", '#'),
("player", '@'),
("empty", ' '),
("box", '$'),
("goal", '.'),
("boxgoal", '*'),
("playergoal", '+')
tile0 = "empty",
char0 = ' '
defaultTileDisplay :: TileDict
defaultTileDisplay = TileDict {
tilechars = [
("wall", '#'),
("player", 'þ'),
("empty", ' '),
("box", '©'),
("goal", '•'),
("boxgoal", 'ø'),
("playergoal", 'þ')
tile0 = "empty",
char0 = ' '
buildTileReader :: TileDict -> Handle -> IO TileDict
buildTileReader td fh
= do
line <- hGetLine fh
let parts = span (/= ' ') line
if (length (fst parts) > 1 && length (snd parts) > 1)
then (buildTileReader (addToDict td (fst parts) ((snd parts) !! 1)) fh)
else return td
where addToDict :: TileDict -> String -> Char -> TileDict
addToDict td tile c = td {tilechars = (tile, c):(tilechars td)}
data Level = Level {
len :: Int,
wid :: Int,
iniPos :: (Int, Int),
iniBox :: [(Int, Int)],
readDict :: TileDict,
layout :: [[Char]]
-- Hard coded level, for testing only
defaultLevel :: Level
defaultLevel = Level {
len = 9,
wid = 6,
iniPos = (6, 4),
iniBox = [(6, 2), (6, 3)],
readDict = defaultTileReader,
layout = [
"### ####",
"# #",
"# # # #",
"# g g# #",
readNextLevel :: Handle -> IO [String]
readNextLevel fh
= do
firstLine <- nextValidLine
restLines <- consecValidLines
return (firstLine : restLines)
where validLine :: String -> Bool
validLine str = (length str >= 2) && (str !! 0 /= ';')
nextValidLine :: IO String
nextValidLine = do
line <- hGetLine fh
(if validLine line
then return (line ++ "\n")
else nextValidLine)
consecValidLines :: IO [String]
consecValidLines = do
line <- hGetLine fh
(if validLine line
then consecValidLines >>= (return . (:) line)
else return [])
getPositions :: (Char -> Bool) -> [String] -> [(Int, Int)]
getPositions p rows
= (map fst)
$ (filter (p . snd))
$ (foldr (++) [])
$ (map (\(i, ls) -> map (\(j, c) -> ((j, i), c)) (zip [0..] ls)))
$ (zip [0..] rows)
processLevel :: TileDict -> [String] -> Level
processLevel td rows
= Level {
len = l,
wid = w,
iniPos = playerPos !! 0,
iniBox = boxes,
readDict = td,
layout = rows''
where l = foldr max 0 (map length rows)
w = length rows
pad :: String -> String
pad str = str ++ (replicate (l - length str) (char0 td))
rows' = map pad rows
tr = tileToChar td
= getPositions
(\c -> c == tr "player" || c == tr "playergoal")
= getPositions
(\c -> c == tr "box" || c == tr "boxgoal")
= map
(map (\c -> if c == tr "boxgoal" || c == tr "playergoal"
then tr "goal"
else if c == tr "player" || c == tr "box"
then tr "empty"
else c))
data GameMetadata = GameMetadata {
header :: String,
numMoves :: Int,
numRestarts :: Int
data GameState = GameState {
mdata :: GameMetadata,
pX :: Int,
pY :: Int,
levelMap :: Level,
boxList :: [(Int, Int)]
initLevel :: Level -> GameState
initLevel level = GameState {
mdata = GameMetadata {
header = "SOKOBAN",
numMoves = 0,
numRestarts = 0
pX = fst $ iniPos level,
pY = snd $ iniPos level,
levelMap = level,
boxList = iniBox level
getMapPos :: Level -> Int -> Int -> Char
getMapPos level m n = ((layout level) !! n) !! m
layeredMap :: GameState -> String
layeredMap state
= [
if (x, y) == (pX state, pY state) then tileToChar td "player"
else if elem (x, y) (boxList state) then
(if (getMapPos level x y) == tileToChar td "goal"
then tileToChar td "boxgoal"
else tileToChar td "box")
else getMapPos level x y
| y <- [0..(wid level - 1)], x <- [0..(len level - 1)]
] where level = levelMap state
td = readDict level
showState :: TileDict -> GameState -> String
showState dispd state
= (header metadat) ++ "\ESC[0K" ++ "\n" ++
("Moves: " ++ (show $ numMoves metadat)) ++ "\ESC[0K" ++ "\n" ++
("Restarts: " ++ (show $ numRestarts metadat)) ++ "\ESC[0K" ++ "\n" ++
(addNewlines (len $ levelMap state) (translator $ layeredMap state)) ++
where addNewlines :: Int -> String -> String
addNewlines n "" = ""
addNewlines n str
= (take n str) ++ "\ESC[0K\n" ++ addNewlines n (drop n str)
translator :: String -> String
= map ((tileToChar dispd) . (charToTile $ readDict $ levelMap state))
metadat = mdata state
inBounds :: Level -> Int -> Int -> Bool
inBounds level x y
= (x < l) && (x >= 0) && (y < w) && (y >= 0)
&& (grid !! y) !! x /= tileToChar td "wall"
where l = len level
w = wid level
grid = layout level
td = readDict level
moveBox :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> GameState -> GameState
moveBox (x0, y0) (x1, y1) state = state {
boxList = map (\pt -> if pt == (x0, y0) then (x1, y1) else pt) $ boxList state
tryMoveBox :: GameState
-> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
-> Maybe GameState
tryMoveBox state (x0, y0) (dx, dy)
= if inBounds level x1 y1
if elem (x1, y1) $ boxList state
then Nothing
-- NOTE: uncomment the following to enable multiple-box pushing
-- maybe Nothing
-- (Just . moveBox (x0, y0) (x1, y1))
-- (tryMoveBox ckey state (x1, y1) (dx, dy))
else Just (state {
boxList = (x1, y1) : (filter (/= (x0, y0)) $ boxList state)
else Nothing
where level = levelMap state
grid = layout level
l = len level
w = wid level
x1 = x0 + dx
y1 = y0 + dy
movePlayer :: (Int, Int) -> GameState -> GameState
movePlayer pos state = state {pX = fst pos, pY = snd pos}
tryMovePlayer :: GameState
-> (Int, Int)
-> Maybe GameState
tryMovePlayer state (dx, dy)
= if inBounds level x1 y1
if elem (x1, y1) $ boxList state
then maybe Nothing
(Just . movePlayer (x1, y1))
(tryMoveBox state (x1, y1) (dx, dy))
else Just (movePlayer (x1, y1) state)
else Nothing
where level = levelMap state
x0 = pX state
y0 = pY state
x1 = x0 + dx
y1 = y0 + dy
restartLevel :: GameState -> GameState
restartLevel state = state {
pX = fst $ iniPos $ levelMap state,
pY = snd $ iniPos $ levelMap state,
boxList = iniBox $ levelMap state,
mdata = (mdata state) {
numMoves = 0,
numRestarts = 1 + (numRestarts $ mdata state)
incrementMoves :: GameState -> GameState
incrementMoves state
= state {
mdata = (mdata state) {
numMoves = numMoves (mdata state) + 1
processMove :: GameState -> Char -> GameState
processMove state c
= if c == 'r' then restartLevel state
else maybe
if c == 'w' then Just (0, -1)
else if c == 's' then Just (0, 1)
else if c == 'a' then Just (-1, 0)
else if c == 'd' then Just (1, 0)
else Nothing
) >>= tryMovePlayer state')
where x = pX state
y = pY state
state' = incrementMoves state
levelFinished :: GameState -> Bool
levelFinished state
= and $ map (`elem` boxes) goals
where td = readDict $ levelMap state
boxes = boxList state
goals = getPositions (== tileToChar td "goal") (layout $ levelMap state)
resetCursor :: GameState -> IO ()
resetCursor state = putStr "\ESC[0;0H"
evtLoop :: TileDict -> Handle -> GameState -> IO ()
evtLoop td fh state = do
putStr "\ESC[?25l" -- Hide cursor to avoid flickering
resetCursor state
putStr (showState defaultTileDisplay state)
putStr "\ESC[?25h" -- Show cursor again
if (levelFinished state)
then do
putStr "Level complete! Press any key to continue."
newGrid <- readNextLevel fh
let newLevel = processLevel td newGrid
newState = initLevel newLevel
evtLoop td fh newState
else return ()
getChar >>= (\c -> evtLoop td fh (processMove state c))
main :: IO ()
main = do
fhLevels <- openFile "levels.txt" ReadMode
td <- buildTileReader emptyTileDict fhLevels
let td' = if (length $ tilechars td) == 0 then defaultTileReader else td
levelstr <- readNextLevel fhLevels
let level = processLevel td' levelstr
state = initLevel level
hSetEcho stdin False -- Don't echo user inputs
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering -- Don't require newlines to flush
putStr "\ESC[2J" -- Clear the console
putStr "\ESC[0;0H"
putStr "--- SOKOBAN ---\n Press any key to continue"
evtLoop td' fhLevels state
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