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Last active January 7, 2021 18:05
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Google Maps API v3.0 and react-google-maps snippets

Kind of a barebones approach to draggable markers, saving the new position in state By Franklin Harvey

interface MarkerProps {
    position: google.maps.LatLng
    onDragMarker(e: google.maps.MouseEvent): void

DraggableMarker = (props: MarkerProps) => (

... in some component class ...

render() {
    return (

onDragMarker = (e: google.maps.MouseEvent) => {
        markerPosition: e.latLng
* Get an angle between 0 and 360 degrees from an input of two points
* Can be used to measure angles on a map using markers
* Example:
* By Franklin Harvey
const getAngle = (points: [google.maps.LatLng, google.maps.LatLng]): number => {
let angle: number = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeHeading(points[0], points[1])
// google maps always spits out (-180, 180]
if (angle < 0) {
angle += 360
return angle
* Get some position which is x distance and n heading from origin position
* Can be used to rotate one marker around another
* Example:
* By Franklin Harvey
const onAngleChange = (points: [google.maps.LatLng, google.maps.LatLng], angle: number): [google.maps.LatLng, google.maps.LatLng] => {
const origin = points[0]
// get distance, so pivoting is consistent distance
const distance: number = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(origin, points[1])
// get new google LatLng
const newPosition: google.maps.LatLng = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeOffset(origin, distance, angle)
return [origin, newPosition]
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