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Created February 5, 2019 10:59
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C++ Magnum App trying to render text
#include <cmath>
#include <utility>
#include <Corrade/Utility/Format.h>
#include <Corrade/PluginManager/Manager.h>
#include <Magnum/GL/Buffer.h>
#include <Magnum/GL/DefaultFramebuffer.h>
#include <Magnum/GL/Mesh.h>
#include <Magnum/GL/Renderer.h>
#include <Magnum/MeshTools/Interleave.h>
#include <Magnum/MeshTools/CompressIndices.h>
#include <Magnum/Platform/Sdl2Application.h>
#include <Magnum/Shaders/Phong.h>
#include <Magnum/Shaders/Flat.h>
#include <Magnum/Trade/MeshData3D.h>
#include <Magnum/Math/Algorithms/GaussJordan.h>
#include <Magnum/Shaders/DistanceFieldVector.h>
#include <Magnum/Text/AbstractFont.h>
#include <Magnum/Text/DistanceFieldGlyphCache.h>
#include <Magnum/Text/Renderer.h>
#include "CartesianGrid.h"
#include "PlotConfig.h"
#include "Units.h"
using namespace Magnum;
using namespace Magnum::Math::Literals;
template <typename Grid, typename F>
std::pair<float, float> mathFunctionFindExtrema(const Grid& grid, F f) {
float zMin = 1, zMax = -1;
grid.spanGridPoints([&](const Vector2& p) {
float z = f(p.x(), p.y());
if (zMin > zMax) {
zMin = z;
zMax = z;
} else {
if (z < zMin) {
zMin = z;
if (z > zMax) {
zMax = z;
return {zMin, zMax};
template <typename F, typename Grid>
std::vector<Vector3> mathFunctionPositions(const Grid& grid, F evalF) {
std::vector<Vector3> positions{};
const int nPoints = grid.pointsCount();
auto evalPointF = [&](const Vector2 p) {
const float z = evalF(p.x(), p.y());
positions.push_back(Vector3{p.x(), p.y(), z});
return positions;
template <typename F, typename dF, typename Grid>
std::pair<std::vector<Vector3>, std::vector<Vector3>> mathFunctionPositionsNormals(const Grid& grid, F evalF, dF evaldF) {
std::vector<Vector3> positions{};
std::vector<Vector3> normals{};
const int nPoints = grid.pointsCount();
auto evalPointF = [&](const Vector2 p) {
const float z = evalF(p.x(), p.y());
positions.push_back(Vector3{p.x(), p.y(), z});
const Vector2 df = evaldF(p.x(), p.y());
// The normal vector does not need to be normalized.
normals.push_back(Vector3{-df.x(), -df.y(), 1});
return std::make_pair(positions, normals);
template <typename F, typename dF, typename Grid>
Trade::MeshData3D mathFunctionMeshData(const Grid& grid, F evalF, dF evaldF) {
std::vector<Vector3> positions{}, normals{};
std::tie(positions, normals) = mathFunctionPositionsNormals(grid, evalF, evaldF);
std::vector<UnsignedInt> indices{};
auto evalTriangleF = [&](int indexA, int indexB, int indexC) {
return Trade::MeshData3D{MeshPrimitive::Triangles,
indices, {positions}, {normals}, {}, {}, nullptr};
template <typename F, typename Grid>
Trade::MeshData3D mathFunctionLinesData(const Grid& grid, F evalF) {
std::vector<Vector3> positions = mathFunctionPositions(grid, evalF);
std::vector<UnsignedInt> indices{};
auto evalLinesF = [&](int indexA, int indexB) {
return Trade::MeshData3D{MeshPrimitive::Lines,
indices, {positions}, {}, {}, {}, nullptr};
static void addPlaneGridData(UnsignedInt& currentIndex, std::vector<UnsignedInt>& indices,
std::vector<Vector3>& positions, const float x0, const float y0, const float x1, const float y1,
const Units& unitsX, const Units& unitsY,
const Vector3& xVector, const Vector3& yVector, const float z) {
const Vector3 zVector = Math::cross(xVector, yVector);
positions.push_back(x0 * xVector + y0 * yVector + z * zVector);
positions.push_back(x0 * xVector + y1 * yVector + z * zVector);
positions.push_back(x1 * xVector + y1 * yVector + z * zVector);
positions.push_back(x1 * xVector + y0 * yVector + z * zVector);
for (UnsignedInt i : {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0}) {
indices.push_back(currentIndex + i);
currentIndex += 4;
UnitsIterator xIter{unitsX}, yIter{unitsY};
double xval;
const char *xlabel;
while (, xlabel)) {
const float xvalf = float(xval);
if (xvalf < x0 || xvalf > x1) continue;
positions.push_back(xvalf * xVector + y0 * yVector + z * zVector);
positions.push_back(xvalf * xVector + y1 * yVector + z * zVector);
double yval;
const char *ylabel;
while (, ylabel)) {
const float yvalf = float(yval);
if (yvalf < y0 || yvalf > y1) continue;
positions.push_back(x0 * xVector + yvalf * yVector + z * zVector);
positions.push_back(x1 * xVector + yvalf * yVector + z * zVector);
class MyApp: public Platform::Application {
explicit MyApp(const Arguments& arguments);
Matrix4 transformation() const {
return _rotation * _model;
Matrix3 normalsTransformation() const {
// For the normals we need the inverse of the transpose of the matrix, excluding the
// translation term.
// As the rotation is an orthogonal matrix its inverse of transpose corresponds
// to the matrix itself.
Matrix3 modelInvT = Math::Algorithms::gaussJordanInverted(_model.rotationScaling()).transposed();
return _rotation.rotationScaling() * modelInvT;
void drawEvent() override;
void mousePressEvent(MouseEvent& event) override;
void mouseReleaseEvent(MouseEvent& event) override;
void mouseMoveEvent(MouseMoveEvent& event) override;
GL::Buffer _indexBuffer, _indexLinesBuffer, _vertexBuffer, _vertexLinesBuffer;
GL::Buffer _indexGridBuffer, _vertexGridBuffer;
GL::Mesh _mesh, _lines;
GL::Mesh _baseGrid;
Shaders::Phong _shader;
Shaders::Flat3D _flatShader;
PluginManager::Manager<Text::AbstractFont> _manager;
Containers::Pointer<Text::AbstractFont> _font;
Text::DistanceFieldGlyphCache _cache;
Containers::Pointer<Text::Renderer2D> _text;
Shaders::DistanceFieldVector2D _textShader;
Matrix3 _textProjection;
Matrix4 _rotation, _model, _projection;
Vector2i _previousMousePosition;
PlotConfig _plotConfig;
MyApp::MyApp(const Arguments& arguments):
Platform::Application{arguments, Configuration{}.setTitle("Function Plot App"), GLConfiguration{}.setSampleCount(0)}, _cache(Vector2i(2048), Vector2i(512), 22)
/* Load FreeTypeFont plugin */
_font = _manager.loadAndInstantiate("FreeTypeFont");
if(!_font) std::exit(1);
/* Open the font and fill glyph cache */
Utility::Resource rs("fonts");
if(!_font->openSingleData(rs.getRaw("DejaVuSans.ttf"), 110.0f)) {
Error() << "Cannot open font file";
_font->fillGlyphCache(_cache, "xyzXYZ0123456789.eE+- ");
_text.reset(new Text::Renderer2D(*_font, _cache, 0.035f, Text::Alignment::TopLeft));
_text->reserve(40, GL::BufferUsage::DynamicDraw, GL::BufferUsage::StaticDraw);
GL::Renderer::setPolygonOffset(1.0f, 1.0f);
// Multisampling is enabled by default.
// GL::Renderer::enable(GL::Renderer::Feature::Multisampling);
GL::Renderer::setBlendFunction(GL::Renderer::BlendFunction::SourceAlpha, GL::Renderer::BlendFunction::OneMinusSourceAlpha);
GL::Renderer::setBlendEquation(GL::Renderer::BlendEquation::Add, GL::Renderer::BlendEquation::Add);
auto f = [](float x, float y) {
return std::sin(x + y*y);
auto df = [](float x, float y) {
const float c = std::cos(x + y*y);
return Vector2{c, 2*y*c};
const float plotX1 = -3.0f, plotX2 = 3.0f;
const float plotY1 = -2.0f, plotY2 = 2.0f;
// To obtain a cartesianGrid use CartesianGrid<NoTransform, 4>
const CartesianGrid<NoTransform, 8> grid{Vector2{plotX1, plotY1}, Vector2{plotX2, plotY2}, 80, 80};
const auto limits = mathFunctionFindExtrema(grid, f);
Units xUnits{plotX1, plotX2}, yUnits{plotY1, plotY2};
Units zUnits = Units{limits.first, limits.second};
const float zMin = float(zUnits.mark_value(zUnits.begin()));
const float zMax = float(zUnits.mark_value(zUnits.end()));
const Trade::MeshData3D functionMeshData = mathFunctionMeshData(grid, f, df);
const Trade::MeshData3D functionLines = mathFunctionLinesData(grid, f);
std::vector<UnsignedInt> gridIndices;
std::vector<Vector3> gridPositions;
UnsignedInt gridPositionsIndex = 0;
addPlaneGridData(gridPositionsIndex, gridIndices, gridPositions, plotX1, plotY1, plotX2, plotY2, xUnits, yUnits, Vector3::xAxis(), Vector3::yAxis(), zMin);
addPlaneGridData(gridPositionsIndex, gridIndices, gridPositions, zMin, plotX1, zMax, plotX2, zUnits, xUnits, Vector3::zAxis(), Vector3::xAxis(), plotY2);
addPlaneGridData(gridPositionsIndex, gridIndices, gridPositions, plotY1, zMin, plotY2, zMax, yUnits, zUnits, Vector3::yAxis(), Vector3::zAxis(), plotX1);
const auto gridData = Trade::MeshData3D{MeshPrimitive::Lines, gridIndices, {gridPositions}, {}, {}, {}, nullptr};
_vertexBuffer.setData(MeshTools::interleave(functionMeshData.positions(0), functionMeshData.normals(0)));
Containers::Array<char> indexData;
MeshIndexType indexType;
UnsignedInt indexStart, indexEnd;
std::tie(indexData, indexType, indexStart, indexEnd) =
.addVertexBuffer(_vertexBuffer, 0, Shaders::Phong::Position{},
.setIndexBuffer(_indexBuffer, 0, indexType, indexStart, indexEnd);
.addVertexBuffer(_vertexLinesBuffer, 0, Shaders::Flat3D::Position{})
.setIndexBuffer(_indexLinesBuffer, 0, MeshIndexType::UnsignedInt, 0, functionLines.indices().size());
.addVertexBuffer(_vertexGridBuffer, 0, Shaders::Flat3D::Position{})
.setIndexBuffer(_indexGridBuffer, 0, MeshIndexType::UnsignedInt, 0, gridData.indices().size());
_model = Matrix4::scaling({2.0f / grid.xSpan(), 2.0f / grid.ySpan(), 0.5f / (zMax - zMin)}) * Matrix4::translation({-grid.xCenter(), -grid.yCenter(), -zMin});
_rotation = Matrix4::rotationX(-60.0_degf);
_projection =
35.0_degf, Vector2{windowSize()}.aspectRatio(), 0.01f, 100.0f)*
Matrix4::translation(Vector3::zAxis(- _plotConfig.cameraDistance));
_textProjection = Matrix3::translation({0.5f, 0.0f}) * Matrix3::scaling(Vector2::yScale(Vector2(GL::defaultFramebuffer.viewport().size()).aspectRatio()));
_plotConfig.overwriteGrids = true;
// _plotConfig.drawSurface = false;
void MyApp::drawEvent() {
if (_plotConfig.drawGrids) {
if (_plotConfig.overwriteGrids) {
if (_plotConfig.drawSurface) {
Color3 color = _plotConfig.surfaceColor;
_shader.setLightPosition({7.0f, 5.0f, 2.5f})
.setAmbientColor(Color3::fromHsv(color.hue(), 1.0f, 0.4f))
if (_plotConfig.drawSurfaceLines) {
_text->render("Hello world!");
void MyApp::mousePressEvent(MouseEvent& event) {
if(event.button() != MouseEvent::Button::Left) return;
_previousMousePosition = event.position();
void MyApp::mouseReleaseEvent(MouseEvent& event) {
void MyApp::mouseMoveEvent(MouseMoveEvent& event) {
if(!(event.buttons() & MouseMoveEvent::Button::Left)) return;
const Vector2 delta = 3.0f*
Vector2{event.position() - _previousMousePosition}/
_rotation =
_previousMousePosition = event.position();
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