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Last active March 14, 2023 20:55
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Install the ELK stack and Fluent-Bit on Minikube on Ubuntu
# install Elastic
# reference URL:
# add helm repo for elastic
helm repo add elastic
# an example values.yaml for use with minikube, but it didn't work exactly as written for me.
# curl -O
# This is how I created the elasticvalues.yaml file:
# helm show values elastic/elasticsearch | tee -a elasticvalues.yaml
# I then edited to increase the Java opts to 512m). The important setting here seems to be "storageClassName: "standard".
# Yep. That's the trick. I saved the YAML file as elasticvalues.yaml.
# I also set the password to "passw0rd" to make life easier. Setting the password requires getting the "full" list of values
# with 'helm show...'
# enable these addons for minikube.
minikube addons enable default-storageclass
minikube addons enable storage-provisioner
helm install elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch -f
# keep checking the status of the elasticsearch pods. They take several minutes to become Ready.
echo Sleeping 5 minutes to wait for the install to complete
sleep 300 # wait 5 minutes
# Once they're Ready, run the following command. This is just needed to test
# the status of elasticsearch. It's not required for normal operations.
kubectl port-forward svc/elasticsearch-master 9200 &
# now install Kibana
helm install kibana elastic/kibana
echo Sleeping 5 minutes to wait for the install to complete
sleep 300 # wait 5 minutes for the install to complete.
# provide access to the Kibana UI
kubectl port-forward deployment/kibana-kibana 5601 &
# Kibana URL: http://localhost:5601
# user: elastic
# get pass with:
# kubectl get secrets --namespace=default elasticsearch-master-credentials -ojsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d
# It's actually hard-coded to "passw0rd" in elasticvalues.yaml. Download the file and change it if needed.
# install metricbeat.
helm install metricbeat elastic/metricbeat
# You can verify metricbeat is working by going to https://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v&pretty
# and you should see at least one index whose name begins with ".ds-metricbeat"
echo Sleeping 2 minutes to wait for the install to complete
sleep 120 # wait 2 minutes for the install to complete.
# install logstash
# Specifying this values.yaml file to use the OSS image:
# The default install looks for a license and other things and causes problems. This one does not.
helm install logstash elastic/logstash -f
echo Sleeping 5 minutes to wait for the install to complete
sleep 300 # sleep 5 minutes waiting for the install to really complete. May not take this long.
# We need filebeat installed and feeding logstash. The OSS example is already configured, so use it.
helm install filebeat elastic/filebeat -f
echo Sleeping 30 seconds to wait for the install to complete
sleep 30 # sleep 30 seconds to wait for the install to really finish
# To verify that it worked, run:
# curl --insecure "https://localhost:9200/_cat/_indices?v&pretty"
# make sure there's at least one index shown whose name begins with ".ds-filebeat-oss"
# Now that we have the OSS version of Elasticsearch installed, let's install Fluent-Bit
# Install fluent bit
helm repo add fluent
# the fluentbitvalues.yaml file used here was first downloaded with
# curl | tee -a fluentbitvalues.yaml
# and then modified. The modifications were just to the two "es" [OUTPUT] stanzas
helm install fluent-bit fluent/fluent-bit -f
# To verify that it worked, run:
# curl --insecure "https://localhost:9200/_cat/_indices?v&pretty"
# You should see a new index whose name begins with "logstash" (really. Seems odd, and is configurable, but that's the default).
# That's it! You should be good to go.
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