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Last active March 18, 2023 13:13
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List of commands run when installing Rancher, Elastic, Kibana, Logging and eventually Metricbeat
# This is a list of commands used when installing Rancher plus Elasticsearch, Kibana and Logging
# Start up Rancher
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped \
-p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 5601:5601\
--privileged \
# get the container ID
export CONTAINER_ID=$(docker ps | grep rancher | awk '{ print $1 }')
# get password to use at http://localhost
export ORIGRANCHERPASS=$(docker logs $CONTAINER_ID 2>&1 | grep "Bootstrap Password" | awk '{ print $6 }')
# copy a couple of files to the Rancher container for use later
docker cp $CONTAINER_ID:/var/lib/rancher/
docker cp $CONTAINER_ID:/var/lib/rancher/
# log into container and create a directory owned by rancher. Will be used as the HostPath PV later.
docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash
mkdir /home/ftpv1
chown rancher /home/ftpv1
# go to http://localhost and login with the above password.
# Accept the default admin password that it generates, but copy that somewhere
export RANCHERPASS=<paste password>
# Install Elasticsearch from the UI
# You have to modify the yaml to set two values:
# replicas: 1
# minimumMasterNodes:1
# Viewing progress when installing ES
kubectl describe -n es pod elasticsearch-master-0 # this will tell you that it's pulling an image before actually running
kubectl get pods -n es # you're looking to see a state of Running before you can view the logs from a pod
kubectl logs -n es elasticsearch-master-0 # view the logs from the primary master pod
# Test connection to ES
# From the rancher container get elastic user password:
export ESPASS=$(kubectl get secret -n es elasticsearch-master-credentials -o=jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode)
echo $ESPASS
# Port-forward to elasticsearch
kubectl -n es port-forward svc/elasticsearch-master 9200 &
# curl to test connection to ES
curl -vvv --insecure -u "elastic:$ESPASS" https://localhost:9200
# Now install Kibana from the UI with the defaults
# Port forward for Kibana
kubectl -n es port-forward svc/kibana-kibana 5601 --address &
# Go to the Kibana UI and log in as user elastic with the password from $ESPASS env varirable we created above.
# You won't see any data currently, but we will fix that. Put the following commands into a file:
ESPASS=$(kubectl get secrets --namespace=es elasticsearch-master-credentials -ojsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d)
curl --insecure -X POST "https://localhost:9200/mydocuments/_doc/" -u "elastic:$ESPASS" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d"
\"test\" : true,
\"post_date\" : \"$(date -Ins)\"
curl --insecure -X POST "https://localhost:9200/mydocuments/_doc/" -u "elastic:$ESPASS" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d"
\"test\" : true,
\"post_date\" : \"$(date -Ins)\"
curl --insecure -X POST "https://localhost:9200/mydocuments/_doc/" -u "elastic:$ESPASS" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d"
\"test\" : true,
\"post_date\" : \"$(date -Ins)\"
curl --insecure -X POST "https://localhost:9200/mydocuments/_doc/" -u "elastic:$ESPASS" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d"
\"test\" : true,
\"post_date\" : \"$(date -Ins)\"
# Now run that file
# In Kibana, you should now see the index named "mydocuments"
# Create a data view and then in Discover you can view the data.
# Now in the Rancher GUI, install the Logging app with the defaults
# Once that's done, copy elastic secret to the logging namespace
# This is required for what we're doing next.
kubectl get secret elasticsearch-master-credentials --namespace=es -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: .*/namespace: cattle-logging-system/' | kubectl apply -f -
# Create a ClusterOutput and ClusterFlow
#name: ftes
#target host:
#user: elastic
#Password from Secret: elasticsearch-master-credentials (copied above)
#De-select "Verify SSL"
#Pod Label Key: app
#Pod Label Value: *
#Outputs: ftes
# Now you should see a new index, though there's no timestamp field, so it's not useful. Fixing that is for another day
# Elasticsearch hostname:
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