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Created February 1, 2015 18:59
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Setup StartSSL on Apache Server (OpenSSL)
Setup StartSSL on Apache Server (OpenSSL)
This is a note about how to make a certificate request for StartSSL and setup correctly for Apache Server.
Key/Request (Self-Signed Cert) Generation
### Generate a Key
openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout "pass:%keyPassword%" -out "%keyFileName%.key" %keyStrength%
>: %keyPassword% - *key password*
>: %keyFileName% - *key file name*
>: %keyStrength% - *1024, 2048 or **4096***
### *Prepare a non-encrypted Key File (Optional)*
openssl rsa -passin "pass:%keyPassword%" -in "%keyFileName%.key" -out "%insecureKeyFileName%.key"
### Prepare OpenSSL Config File
In file **btt.cfg**, it have settings for self signed and also for sign request. All with wild card domain name setup. Although we cannot request for a wild card domain name without higher CA Class Level, but still works fine with lower Level Request.
First you need copy original OpenSSL config file, and then do following altering:
#### Add/Setup extensions for request
req_extensions = v3_req
>Uncomment or add above line in **[ req ]** section
[ v3_req ]
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName = @alternate_names
[ alternate_names ]
DNS.1 = *
DNS.2 =
>Uncomment or add [ v3_req ] and [ alternate_names ] sections in the config file
#### *Add/Setup extensions for self-signed Cert (Optional for Self-Signed Cert)*
*Skip this step if you have no need to produce a self-signed Cert*
copy_extensions = copy
>Uncomment or add above line in **[ CA_default ]** section
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName = @alternate_names
>Uncomment or add above lines in **[ v3_ca ]** section
>**Note:** No need to add another section [ alternate_names ] if you have already add this section in the file.
### Generate a Request
openssl req -new -sha%shaStrength% -key "%keyFileName%.key" -passin "pass:%keyPassword%" -out "%certReqFileName%.csr" -subj "/CN=%CN%" -config "%cfgFileName%"
>: %keyPassword% - *key password*
>: %shaStrength% - *1, 128 or **256***
>: %cfgFileName% - *config file name*
### *Generate a Self-Signed Cert (Optional)*
openssl req -new -x509 -sha%shaStrength% -days %certValidDays% -key "" -passin "pass:%keyPassword%" -out "%certFileName%.crt" -subj "/CN=%CN%" -config "%cfgFileName%"
>: %certValidDays% - *cert validation days*
Request from StartSSL
### Login Authentication
Based on it using certificate authentication key pair for Login
the browser or OS must pre-install Login usage cert/key pair **CORRECTLY**!
>Certificate file may occur wrong chain file path while installation, it may different between each environment. There just needs to remove some conflict certificate file in the certs database.
### Certificate Request
Simply open generated request file **%certReqFileName%.csr** and paste content to StartSSL site by the request procedure. Then you will get a signed certificate file by StartCom, and save it as the file name **%certFileName%.crt**.
> Open the **crt** file, there must have a signed path for your certificate file.
> The **root** of the signed path "*StartCom Certification Authority*" which must exists in client local side, it called **Trusted Root CA**.
> In the middle of signed path, there have **Intermediate CA certificate** "*StartCom Class 1 Primary Intermediate Server CA*" which not always exists in client local side. If not, client may see this **crt** file as a untrusted cert just because the missing **Intermediate CA certificate**.
> In this case, you may need to download intermediate certificate prepare for your server which can provide for the client. You may find the corresponding cert from the official site
- - StartCom Certification Authority
- - StartCom Class 1 Primary Intermediate Server CA
- -
SSL Setup for Apache
### Setup Key/Cert Files
SSLCertificateFile "%pathToYourFile%/%certFileName%.crt"
SSLCertificateChainFile "%pathToYourFile%/%subCAFileName%.crt"
SSLCertificateKeyFile "%pathToYourFile%/%keyFileName%.key"
### Strong SSL Security Setup
Here is an article ( about each setting showing below.
#### Secure and Robust Setting for Cipher Suite
# enable SSLv3, for supporting much legacy browser but suffer with POODLE attack
# SSLProtocol all -SSLv2
SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3
SSLHonorCipherOrder on
>**Note:** If you still want to let more legacy browser support SSL setup like XP/IE6, you may need to enable SSLv3.
#### HTTP Strict Transport Security
# HSTS header setup
Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains"
# force to https
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
>**Note:** This config need install module **mod_rewrite** and **mod_headers**.
### Testing Each Setup
More Informations
### Export key/crt/ca.crt Into PFX (Windows) File
If you want to request and install a certificate manually for Windows IIS, you only have to do is export those Key/Certificate files into a PFX file and then import the PFX file on IIS.
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey %keyFileName%.key -in %certFileName%.crt -certfile subCAFileName.crt -passin "pass:%keyPassword%" -passout "pass:%pfxPassword%" -out pfxFileName.pfx
### Renew StartSSL Certificate
Simply use there Certificates Wizard from Control Panel request it again.
>**Note: ** If certificate is not expired in 2 weeks, the following message will be shown: *A certificate with domain already exists at Class 1 level.*
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