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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Setting up a Macbook Pro for Computer Scientists

This is written for OS X 10.10 Yosemite.

Essential applications

  • iTerm (Terminal alternative)
  • TextMate (Text editor)
  • SublimeText (Text editor)
  • Xcode
  • Chrome
  • MagicPrefs (Advanced gestures, mouse configurations)
  • iStat Pro (Menu bar computer statistics)
  • MPlayerX (Video player)
  • The Unarchiver (ZIP/RAR files)
  • Cyberduck (SFTP/FTP)
  • Chicken of the VNC (VNC)
  • Vox (Minimalistic music player)
  • Mathematica
  • MacTex (latex)
  • Texlive (latex)
  • gfxCardStatus (notifications for graphics card switching)
  • Dropbox
  • Adium (chat client)
  • Colloquy (IRC) alternatives: Quassel, LimeChat
  • Disk Inventory X (Disk space visualiser, similar to WinDirStat)
  • SDFormatter (for complete formats, useful for formatting Raspberry Pi/Magic Lantern SD cards)
  • VirtualBox
  • VLC
  • XQuartz (X11 Mac)
  • Caffeine (Clickable menu bar icon to prevent screen from turning off, or system going to sleep)
  • NoSleep (Prevent sleep when lid is closed, useful for people with external monitors)
  • Canopy (Python science toolkit)

Command line

  • Homebrew
  • Macports
  • vagrant
  • heroku
  • pianobar
  • Paintbrush (quick drawings, MSPaint)

Useful tips

  • Turn natural scrolling off
  • Turn on tap to click
  • Enable display options menu bar indicator
  • Add favourites to Finder sidebar (home directory, Macintosh HD)
  • Show hard drives on desktop
  • Show Network devices in Finder sidebar
  • Enable Dashboard in System Preferences -> Mission Control (if you miss it)
  • Add hot corners in System Preferences -> Desktop & Screensaver -> Hot Corners (set one to lock screen)
  • Start Xcode once to agree to terms and conditions
  • Install Xcode command line tools (gcc, clang)
  • Add startup items to System Preferences -> Users & Groups -> Login Items
  • Make git commit editor work with vim git config --global core.editor /usr/bin/vim


Once you have Macports and Homebrew you should just be able to use

sudo port install <package>

brew install <package>

in the same way as sudo apt-get install <package> on Debian.

Some suggested packages: zsh oh-my-zsh git clang curl texlive vagrant coreutils

Also check out my suggestions for things to install in *nix

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