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Created March 9, 2016 21:29
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Plot chromosome ideograms along with other genomic data
#!/usr/bin/env python
Demonstrates plotting chromosome ideograms and genes (or any features, really)
using matplotlib.
1) Assumes a file from UCSC's Table Browser from the "cytoBandIdeo" table,
saved as "ideogram.txt". Lines look like this::
#chrom chromStart chromEnd name gieStain
chr1 0 2300000 p36.33 gneg
chr1 2300000 5300000 p36.32 gpos25
chr1 5300000 7100000 p36.31 gneg
2) Assumes another file, "ucsc_genes.txt", which is a BED format file
downloaded from UCSC's Table Browser. This script will work with any
BED-format file.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import BrokenBarHCollection
import pandas
# Here's the function that we'll call for each dataframe (once for chromosome
# ideograms, once for genes). The rest of this script will be prepping data
# for input to this function
def chromosome_collections(df, y_positions, height, **kwargs):
Yields BrokenBarHCollection of features that can be added to an Axes
df : pandas.DataFrame
Must at least have columns ['chrom', 'start', 'end', 'color']. If no
column 'width', it will be calculated from start/end.
y_positions : dict
Keys are chromosomes, values are y-value at which to anchor the
height : float
Height of each BrokenBarHCollection
Additional kwargs are passed to BrokenBarHCollection
del_width = False
if 'width' not in df.columns:
del_width = True
df['width'] = df['end'] - df['start']
for chrom, group in df.groupby('chrom'):
print chrom
yrange = (y_positions[chrom], height)
xranges = group[['start', 'width']].values
yield BrokenBarHCollection(
xranges, yrange, facecolors=group['colors'], **kwargs)
if del_width:
del df['width']
# Height of each ideogram
chrom_height = 1
# Spacing between consecutive ideograms
chrom_spacing = 1
# Height of the gene track. Should be smaller than `chrom_spacing` in order to
# fit correctly
gene_height = 0.4
# Padding between the top of a gene track and its corresponding ideogram
gene_padding = 0.1
# Width, height (in inches)
figsize = (6, 8)
# Decide which chromosomes to use
chromosome_list = ['chr%s' % i for i in range(1, 23) + ['M', 'X', 'Y']]
# Keep track of the y positions for ideograms and genes for each chromosome,
# and the center of each ideogram (which is where we'll put the ytick labels)
ybase = 0
chrom_ybase = {}
gene_ybase = {}
chrom_centers = {}
# Iterate in reverse so that items in the beginning of `chromosome_list` will
# appear at the top of the plot
for chrom in chromosome_list[::-1]:
chrom_ybase[chrom] = ybase
chrom_centers[chrom] = ybase + chrom_height / 2.
gene_ybase[chrom] = ybase - gene_height - gene_padding
ybase += chrom_height + chrom_spacing
# Read in ideogram.txt, downloaded from UCSC Table Browser
ideo = pandas.read_table(
names=['chrom', 'start', 'end', 'name', 'gieStain']
# Filter out chromosomes not in our list
ideo = ideo[ideo.chrom.apply(lambda x: x in chromosome_list)]
# Add a new column for width
ideo['width'] = ideo.end - ideo.start
# Colors for different chromosome stains
color_lookup = {
'gneg': (1., 1., 1.),
'gpos25': (.6, .6, .6),
'gpos50': (.4, .4, .4),
'gpos75': (.2, .2, .2),
'gpos100': (0., 0., 0.),
'acen': (.8, .4, .4),
'gvar': (.8, .8, .8),
'stalk': (.9, .9, .9),
# Add a new column for colors
ideo['colors'] = ideo['gieStain'].apply(lambda x: color_lookup[x])
# Same thing for genes
genes = pandas.read_table(
names=['chrom', 'start', 'end', 'name'],
genes = genes[genes.chrom.apply(lambda x: x in chromosome_list)]
genes['width'] = genes.end - genes.start
genes['colors'] = '#2243a8'
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# Now all we have to do is call our function for the ideogram data...
print("adding ideograms...")
for collection in chromosome_collections(ideo, chrom_ybase, chrom_height):
# ...and the gene data
print("adding genes...")
for collection in chromosome_collections(
genes, gene_ybase, gene_height, alpha=0.5, linewidths=0
# Axes tweaking
ax.set_yticks([chrom_centers[i] for i in chromosome_list])
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