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Last active October 24, 2015 15:56
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from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def dist_sort(dists, ext=None, done=None, verbose=False):
sort keys of an input dictionary of dictionaries (half matrix of distances)
put closest together
:param None ext: used by the recursion, first and last value of ordered list
:param None done: used by the recursion, ordered list of keys
:param False verbose: prints pair of values found to be close at each recurtion
and the order list (done).
:returns: list of ordered keys
if not done:
done = list()
a, b = max([(dists[k][l], k, l) for k in dists for l in dists[k]
if (k != l) and (not ext or (k in ext or l in ext) and not (k in done and l in done))])[1:]
if not ext:
new, old = done = [a, b]
new, old = (a, b) if b in done else (b, a)
done.insert(bool(done.index(old)) * len(done), new)
if verbose:
print new, old, done
if len(done) == len(dists):
return done
return dist_sort(dists, set([done[0], done[-1]]), done, verbose)
def awesome_plot(pw_dists, keys=None, annot=2, exclusive=None, verbose=False,
scale_width=5, text_size=8, pwr=1):
Plots a circular graph of distances between elements given as a dictionary of
dictionaries (half matrix of distances)
:param None keys: list of keys to be used as order. If None, dist_sort function
will be used.
:param 2 annot: number of time per edge, the distance is written
:param None exclusive: number of excusive elements by category (dictionnary).
:param 5 scale_width: modifier for line widths and areas
:param 1 pwr: to control the transformation from values to widths
:param False verbose: prints pair of values found to be close at each recurtion
and the order list (done).
mod = max([pw_dists[k][l] for k in pw_dists for l in pw_dists[k]] +
(exclusive.values() if exclusive else []))
mod *= float(scale_width)
if not keys:
keys = dist_sort(pw_dists, verbose=verbose)
if not exclusive:
exclusive = {}
frac = 2 * np.pi / len(pw_dists)
coords = {}
for i, k in enumerate(keys):
coords[k] = np.cos(frac * i + np.pi / 2), np.sin(frac * i + np.pi / 2)
patches = []
cnt = 0
# draw exclusive elements
dists = []
for i, k in enumerate(exclusive):
dist = (0.98 + (((pw_dists[k].get(k, mod * 0.15) / mod)/np.pi)**.5)**pwr +
((exclusive[k] / mod / np.pi)**.5)**pwr)
dists.append(dist + ((exclusive[k] / mod / np.pi)**.5)**pwr + 0.02)
c2 = plt.Circle((coords[k][0] * dist, coords[k][1] * dist),
(((exclusive[k] / mod)/np.pi)**.5)**pwr, color='lightgrey', ec='lightgrey')
val = (int(exclusive[k]) if float(exclusive[k]).is_integer()
else round(exclusive[k], 2))
plt.text(coords[k][0] * dist, coords[k][1] * dist, val, size=text_size ,
verticalalignment='center' , horizontalalignment='center')
plt.xlim((-max(dists), max(dists)))
plt.ylim((-max(dists), max(dists)))
# draw edges
count = 0
for i, k in enumerate(pw_dists):
for j, l in enumerate(pw_dists[k]):
if k == l:
# size of each side of the triangle formed by the two elements and
# their projections
a = abs(coords[k][1] - coords[l][1])
c = abs(coords[k][0] - coords[l][0])
b = (c**2 + a**2)**.5
angle = np.rad2deg(np.arccos((a**2 + b**2 - c**2) / (2 * a * b)))
# correct angles for rectangle direction
if coords[k][0] < coords[l][0] and coords[k][1] < coords[l][1]:
angle = -angle
elif coords[k][0] < coords[l][0] and coords[k][1] > coords[l][1]:
angle = angle - 180
elif coords[k][0] > coords[l][0] and coords[k][1] > coords[l][1]:
angle = -angle - 180
elif coords[k][0] < coords[l][0] and coords[k][1] > coords[l][1]:
angle = -angle - 180
d = (pw_dists[k][l] / mod)**pwr
# correctors in x and y because rectangle are pin at one corner
x = np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle)) * d / 2
y = np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle)) * d / 2
r = plt.Rectangle((coords[k][0] - x, coords[k][1] - y), d, b,
angle=angle, color='lightgrey')
if annot == 1:
if len(keys)%2:
divs = [2.]
divs = [2.25 - 0.5 * (count % 2)]
elif annot == 2:
divs = [4, 1.33]
divs = []
for div in divs:
val = (int(pw_dists[k][l])
if float(pw_dists[k][l]).is_integer()
else round(pw_dists[k][l], 2))
plt.text(coords[k][0] + (coords[l][0] - coords[k][0]) / div,
coords[k][1] + (coords[l][1] - coords[k][1]) / div,
val, verticalalignment='center',
horizontalalignment='center', size=text_size)
count += 1
# draw total elements and names
for k in keys:
c1 = plt.Circle(coords[k], (((pw_dists[k].get(k, mod * 0.15) / mod)/np.pi)**.5)**pwr, color='w', ec='lightgrey')
plt.text(coords[k][0], coords[k][1], k, size=text_size+2,
verticalalignment='bottom' , horizontalalignment='center')
if annot:
val = (int(pw_dists[k].get(k, float('NAN')))
if float(pw_dists[k].get(k, float('NAN'))).is_integer()
else round(pw_dists[k].get(k, float('NAN')), 2))
plt.text(coords[k][0], coords[k][1], '(' + str(val) + ')',
verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='center')
from random import random
aa = {}
size = 6
for i in range(size):
aa.setdefault(str(i), {})
for j in range(i, size):
aa[str(i)][str(j)] = random()
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
awesome_plot(aa, keys=None, annot=1, exclusive=dict([(k, random()) for k in aa]),
text_size=9, scale_width=5)
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fransua commented Oct 24, 2015


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