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Last active March 5, 2020 23:13
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simple ascii plot in python
from math import log, exp
def ascii_plot (ydata, xdata=None, logscale=False, pch='o', title='plot',
xlabel='X', ylabel='Y', width=72, height=50):
Curve (ASCII format).
:param ydata: list of values to be plotted
:param None xdata: x coordinate corresponding to ydata. If None will range
between 1 and the length of ydata.
:param False logscale: display data with logarithmic Y axis
:param 'o' pch: string for points (whatever + = - * etc...)
:param 'plot' title: string for title of the plot
:param 'X' xlabel: label for the X axis
:param 'Y' ylabel: label for the Y axis
:param 100 width: width in term of characters
:param 100 height: height in term of characters
:returns: string corresponding to plot
print ascii_plot([0,5,9,18,7], width=60, height=10)
| o
9.0000 + o
| o
| o
0.0000 +o
0 +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
1.000000 1.666667 2.333333 3.000000 3.666667 4.333333 5.000000
if not xdata:
xdata = range(1, len(ydata)+1)
yydata = []
logf = log if logscale else lambda x: x
expf = exp if logscale else lambda x: x
for i in ydata:
except ValueError:
ydiff = float(abs(float(min(yydata)) - max(yydata))/(height * 2))
y_arange = [(i - ydiff, i + ydiff) for i in
sorted(arange(min(yydata), max(yydata) + ydiff, ydiff * 2), reverse=True)]
xdiff = float(abs(float(min(xdata)) - max(xdata)))/(width * 2)
x_arange = [(i-xdiff, i+xdiff) for i in
sorted(arange(float(min(xdata)), max(xdata) + xdiff, xdiff * 2))]
graph = ' ' + str(title)
graph += '\n'
graph += ' ' + '-' * len(title)
graph += '\n\n'
graph += ylabel
graph += '\n'
val = 6 - max([len('{0:.0f}'.format(y)) for _, y in y_arange])
form = '{' + ':<7.{}f'.format(val) + '}+'
graph += form.format (expf(max(yydata)))
for yval, (y1, y2) in enumerate(y_arange):
if not (yval)%5 and yval != 0:
graph += form.format (expf((y1+y2)/2))
graph += ' ' * 7 + '|'
pos = 0
for x1, x2 in x_arange:
for i in xrange(pos, len(yydata)):
if (y1 < yydata[i] <= y2 and
x1 < xdata[i] <= x2):
graph += pch
pos += 1
graph += ' '
graph += '\n'
if logscale:
graph += ' 1/inf ' + ''.join(
['+' if not x%10 else '-' for x in xrange(width+1)]) + '\n'
graph += ' 0 ' + ''.join(
['+' if not x%10 else '-' for x in xrange(width+1)]) + '\n'
val = 7 - max([len('{0:.0f}'.format(y)) for _, y in x_arange])
form = '{' + ':<7.{}f'.format(val) + '} '
graph += ' '*7 + ''.join(
[form.format(float(sum(x_arange[x])/2)) for x in xrange(0,width,10)]
) + ('' if width % 10 else form.format(float(sum(x_arange[-1])/2)))+ '\n\n'
graph += ' ' * 7 + '{0:^{1}}'.format(xlabel, width)
return graph
def arange(beg, end, step):
return [beg + i * step for i in xrange(int(abs(beg-end)/step+.5))]
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