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Sequence logo drawer
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from itertools import izip_longest
def seq_logo(seqs, title='', axe=None, quality=1, plot=True, ylim=(0, 2), lwmodif=1.25,
errorbar=True, savefig=None):
Draw a sequence motif according to an input list of sequences,
:params seqs: list of sequences
:params '' title: title of the plot
:params None axe: matplotlib axe object
:params 1 quality: quality modifier
:params None savefig: if set save the plot to the file at the specified path
(the format of the file "pdf", "png"... will be infered from the file extension)
:params 1.25 lwmodif: modifier for linewith of the drown letters.
:params True plot: draw plot, otherwise only returns proportions.
:params True errorbar: draw error bar, that are equal to the correction for
small samples
:returns: a table (list of list) with the proportions of each nucleotide at
each position
xoffset = 0.003 * quality
yoffset = 0.010 * quality
lwmodif = 1.25
letterw = 0.75
qlmodif = lwmodif * quality / 5.
halfw = letterw / 2.
letters = ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C', 'N']
nseq = float(len(seqs))
seq_count = [dict([(let, col.count(let) / nseq) for let in letters])
for col in izip_longest(*seqs, fillvalue='N')]
if not plot:
return seq_count
def lw(val):
return ((val + np.log(val) + 7) * qlmodif) if val else 0.
def A(x, y, h):
if yoffset < h:
y += yoffset
h -= yoffset
axe.plot([x, x + halfw, x + letterw ], [y, y + h, y], color='green', lw=lw(h))
axe.plot([x + letterw * 1 / 4, x + letterw * 3 / 4], [y + h * 1 / 3] * 2,
color='green', lw=lw(h))
def T(x, y, h):
if yoffset < h:
y += yoffset
h -= yoffset
axe.plot([x + halfw ] * 2, [y, y + h] , color='red', lw=lw(h))
axe.plot([x, x + letterw] , [y + h] * 2, color='red', lw=lw(h))
Gcircle = np.linspace(np.pi * 0.25, np.pi * 1.9, 20 * quality)
xG = np.cos(Gcircle)
yG = np.sin(Gcircle)
def G(x, y, h):
if yoffset < h:
y += yoffset
h -= yoffset
halfh = h / 2.
xGw = x + xG * halfw + halfw
yGh = y + yG * halfh + halfh
axe.plot(xGw, yGh, color='orange', lw=lw(h))
axe.plot([xGw[-1] , xGw[-1] , xGw[-1] - letterw * 0.4 ],
[yGh[-1] - h * 0.3, yGh[-1] + h * 0.05, yGh[-1] + h * 0.05],
color='orange', lw=lw(h))
Ccircle = np.linspace(np.pi * 0.2, np.pi * 1.8, 20 * quality)
xC = np.cos(Ccircle)
yC = np.sin(Ccircle)
def C(x, y, h):
if yoffset < h:
y += yoffset
h -= yoffset
axe.plot(x + xC * halfw + halfw,
y + yC * h / 2. + h / 2., color='blue', lw=lw(h))
def N(x, y, h):
if yoffset < h:
y += yoffset
h -= yoffset
axe.plot([x, x, x + letterw, x + letterw], [y, y + h, y, y + h], color='grey', lw=lw(h))
if not axe:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(len(seq_count) * 0.15 * quality, 1.75 * quality))
axe = fig.add_subplot(111)
draw_letter_functions = {'A':A, 'T': T, 'G': G, 'C': C, 'N': N}
en = 1. / np.log(2) * (4 - 1.) / (2. * nseq)
for npos, position in enumerate(seq_count):
offset = 0
ri = sum(fi * np.log2(fi) for fi in position.values() if fi) - en
for letter, f in sorted(position.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1]):
h = f * (2. + ri)
x = npos + xoffset
y = offset
draw_letter_functions[letter](x, y, h)
if errorbar:
plt.plot([x + halfw, x + halfw], [y + h + en, max(y + h - en, 0)],
plt.plot([x + halfw - 0.1, x + halfw + 0.1], [y + h + en, y + h + en],
if y + h - en > 0:
plt.plot([x + halfw - 0.1, x + halfw + 0.1], [y + h - en] * 2,
offset += h
# axes
axe.plot([-0.4, -0.1, -0.1, -0.4], [ylim[0], ylim[0], ylim[1], ylim[1]], color='k')
for i in range(3):
axe.text(-0.5, ylim[0] + (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) / 2. * i,
str(ylim[0] + (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) / 2. * i),
va='center', ha='right', size=4.5 * quality)
axe.text(ylim[0] - 1.5, 1, 'bits', va='center', ha='right', rotation=90, size=7 * quality)
axe.plot([-0.4, -0.1], [(ylim[1] - ylim[0]) / 2.] * 2, color='k')
for i in xrange(1, npos + 2):
axe.text(i - 0.5, ylim[0] - 0.05, str(i), va='top', ha='center',
size=4.5 * quality, rotation=90)
_ = axe.set_xlim(-1, npos + 1.)
_ = axe.set_ylim(ylim[0] - .5, ylim[1] + 3 * yoffset + 0.5)
# title
if savefig:
plt.savefig(savefig, format=savefig.split('.')[-1])
return seq_count
def test_it():
from random import random
seqs = []
for i in xrange(15):
rnd_nts = ['ATGCATGCATGCN'[int(random()*13)] for _ in xrange(3)]
seqs.append([rnd_nts[int(random()*3)] for _ in xrange(40)] + ['ATGC'[int(random()*4)] for _ in xrange(10)])
seqs = [''.join(s) for s in zip(*seqs)]
prop_matrix = seq_logo(seqs, quality=4, savefig='random_logo.png', errorbar=True)
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fransua commented Sep 5, 2016


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