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FFT thread-safe
R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
Copyright (C) 1998--2019 The R Core Team
Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997 Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
Simplified code of stats::fft() from R, for using directly in
Rcpp, C, C++ code. Also working on RcppParallel, at least today
2020-09-19. Mostly complying with C++ Standard Library (STD).
Still taking more time on benchmarks than stats::fft, but is faster
then importing the function from R to use in C++.
This code is intended to work without any dependency on R libraries.
Just use the fft.cpp and fft.h files.
Francisco 'franz' Bischoff
#include <iostream>
#include "fft.h"
namespace FFT
/* Fast Fourier Transform
These routines are based on code by Richard Singleton in the
book "Programs for Digital Signal Processing" put out by IEEE.
I have translated them to C and moved the memory allocation
so that it takes place under the control of the algorithm
which calls these; for R, see ./fourier.c
void fft_factor(int n, int *maxf, int *maxp)
This factorizes the series length and computes the values of
maxf and maxp which determine the amount of scratch storage
required by the algorithm.
If maxf is zero on return, an error occured during factorization.
The nature of the error can be determined from the value of maxp.
If maxp is zero, an invalid (zero) parameter was passed and
if maxp is one, the internal nfac array was too small. This can only
happen for series lengths which exceed 12,754,584.
PROBLEM (see fftmx below): nfac[] is overwritten by fftmx() in fft_work()
------- Consequence: fft_factor() must be called way too often,
at least from do_mvfft() [ ../main/fourier.c ]
The following arrays need to be allocated following the call to
fft_factor and preceding the call to fft_work.
work double[4*maxf]
iwork int[maxp]
int fft_work(double *a, double *b, int nseg, int n, int nspn,
int isn, double *work, int *iwork)
The routine returns 1 if the transform was completed successfully and
0 if invalid values of the parameters were supplied.
Ross Ihaka
University of Auckland
February 1997
Header from the original Singleton algorithm:
subroutine: fft
multivariate complex fourier transform, computed in place
using mixed-radix fast fourier transform algorithm.
arrays a and b originally hold the real and imaginary
components of the data, and return the real and
imaginary components of the resulting fourier coefficients.
multivariate data is indexed according to the fortran
array element successor function, without limit
on the number of implied multiple subscripts.
the subroutine is called once for each variate.
the calls for a multivariate transform may be in any order.
n is the dimension of the current variable.
nspn is the spacing of consecutive data values
while indexing the current variable.
nseg nseg*n*nspn is the total number of complex data values.
isn the sign of isn determines the sign of the complex
exponential, and the magnitude of isn is normally one.
the magnitude of isn determines the indexing increment for a&b.
if fft is called twice, with opposite signs on isn, an
identity transformation is done...calls can be in either order.
the results are scaled by 1/n when the sign of isn is positive.
a tri-variate transform with a(n1,n2,n3), b(n1,n2,n3)
is computed by
call fft(a,b,n2*n3,n1, 1, -1)
call fft(a,b,n3 ,n2,n1, -1)
call fft(a,b,1, n3,n1*n2,-1)
a single-variate transform of n complex data values is computed by
call fft(a,b,1,n,1,-1)
the data may alternatively be stored in a single complex
array a, then the magnitude of isn changed to two to
give the correct indexing increment and a(2) used to
pass the initial address for the sequence of imaginary
values, e.g.
call fft(a,a(2),nseg,n,nspn,-2)
nfac[15] (array) is working storage for factoring n. the smallest
number exceeding the 15 locations provided is 12,754,584.
Update in R 3.1.0: nfac[20], increased array size. It is now possible to
factor any positive int n, up to 2^31 - 1.
fftw::fftw() {}
// Destructor
if (work != nullptr)
if (iwork != nullptr)
if (cplx != nullptr)
std::vector<std::complex<double>> fftw::fft(std::vector<double> z, bool inverse)
int n = z.size();
std::vector<std::complex<double>> res(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
res[i] = std::complex<double>(z[i], 0.0);
std::vector<std::complex<double>> final = fft(res, inverse);
return final;
/* Fourier Transform for Univariate Spatial */
std::vector<std::complex<double>> fftw::fft(std::vector<std::complex<double>> z, bool inverse)
int i, inv, maxf, maxp, n;
double f;
size_t smaxf;
size_t maxsize = ((size_t)-1) / 4;
n = z.size();
if (inverse)
f = (double) n;
inv = +2;
f = (double) 1.0;
inv = -2;
std::vector<std::complex<double>> res(n);
if (n > 1)
fft_factor(n, &maxf, &maxp);
if (maxf == 0)
std::cout << "fft factorization error" << std::endl;
smaxf = maxf;
if (smaxf > maxsize)
std::cout << "fft too large" << std::endl;
work = (double *)std::calloc(4 * smaxf, sizeof(double));
iwork = (int *)std::calloc(maxp, sizeof(int));
cplx = (complex_t *)std::calloc(n, sizeof(complex_t));
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
cplx[i].r = z[i].real();
cplx[i].i = z[i].imag();
fft_work(&cplx[0].r, &cplx[0].i, 1, n, 1, inv, work, iwork);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
res[i] = std::complex<double>(cplx[i].r, cplx[i].i) / f;
// for(i = 0; i < 20; i++)
// nfac[i] = -1;
// old_n = m_fac = kt = maxf = maxp = -1;
if (work != nullptr) {
work = nullptr;
if (iwork != nullptr) {
iwork = nullptr;
if (cplx != nullptr) {
cplx = nullptr;
// std::cout << "cplx 2" << std::endl;
return res;
/* At the end of factorization,
nfac[] contains the factors,
m_fac contains the number of factors and
kt contains the number of square factors */
/* non-API, but used by package RandomFields */
void fftw::fft_factor(int n, int *pmaxf, int *pmaxp)
/* fft_factor - factorization check and determination of memory
requirements for the fft.
On return, *pmaxf will give the maximum factor size
and *pmaxp will give the amount of integer scratch storage required.
If *pmaxf == 0, there was an error, the error type is indicated by *pmaxp:
If *pmaxp == 0 There was an illegal zero parameter among nseg, n, and nspn.
If *pmaxp == 1 There were more than 20 factors to ntot. */
int j, jj, k, sqrtk, kchanged;
/* check series length */
if (n <= 0)
old_n = 0;
*pmaxf = 0;
*pmaxp = 0;
old_n = n;
/* determine the factors of n */
m_fac = 0;
k = n; /* k := remaining unfactored factor of n */
if (k == 1)
/* extract square factors first ------------------ */
/* extract 4^2 = 16 separately
==> at most one remaining factor 2^2 = 4, done below */
while (k % 16 == 0)
nfac[m_fac++] = 4;
k /= 16;
/* extract 3^2, 5^2, ... */
kchanged = 0;
sqrtk = (int)sqrt(k);
for (j = 3; j <= sqrtk; j += 2)
jj = j * j;
while (k % jj == 0)
nfac[m_fac++] = j;
k /= jj;
kchanged = 1;
if (kchanged)
kchanged = 0;
sqrtk = (int)sqrt(k);
if (k <= 4)
kt = m_fac;
nfac[m_fac] = k;
if (k != 1)
if (k % 4 == 0)
nfac[m_fac++] = 2;
k /= 4;
/* all square factors out now, but k >= 5 still */
kt = m_fac;
maxp = MAX(kt + kt + 2, k - 1);
j = 2;
if (k % j == 0)
nfac[m_fac++] = j;
k /= j;
if (j > INT_MAX - 2)
j = ((j + 1) / 2) * 2 + 1;
} while (j <= k);
if (m_fac <= kt + 1)
maxp = m_fac + kt + 1;
if (m_fac + kt > 20)
{ /* error - too many factors */
old_n = 0;
*pmaxf = 0;
*pmaxp = 0;
if (kt != 0)
j = kt;
while (j != 0)
nfac[m_fac++] = nfac[--j];
maxf = nfac[m_fac - kt - 1];
/* The last squared factor is not necessarily the largest PR#1429 */
if (kt > 0)
maxf = MAX(nfac[kt - 1], maxf);
if (kt > 1)
maxf = MAX(nfac[kt - 2], maxf);
if (kt > 2)
maxf = MAX(nfac[kt - 3], maxf);
*pmaxf = maxf;
*pmaxp = maxp;
int fftw::fft_work(double *a, double *b, int nseg, int n, int nspn, int isn, double *work, int *iwork)
/* check that factorization was successful */
if (old_n == 0)
return 0;
/* check that the parameters match those of the factorization call */
if (n != old_n || nseg <= 0 || nspn <= 0 || isn == 0)
return 0;
/* perform the transform */
size_t mf = maxf;
int nspan = n * nspn, ntot = nspan * nseg;
fftmx(a, b, ntot, n, nspan, isn, m_fac, kt,
work, work + mf, work + 2 * mf, work + 3 * mf,
iwork, nfac);
return 1;
void fftw::fftmx(double *a, double *b, int ntot, int n, int nspan, int isn, int m, int kt, double *at, double *ck, double *bt, double *sk, int *np, int *nfac)
/* called from fft_work() */
/* Design BUG: One purpose of fft_factor() would be to compute
---------- nfac[] once and for all; and fft_work() [i.e. fftmx ]
could reuse the factorization.
However: nfac[] is `destroyed' currently in the code below
double aa, aj, ajm, ajp, ak, akm, akp;
double bb, bj, bjm, bjp, bk, bkm, bkp;
double c1, c2 = 0, c3 = 0, c72, cd;
double dr, rad;
double s1, s120, s2 = 0, s3 = 0, s72, sd;
int i, inc, j, jc, jf, jj;
int k, k1, k2, k3 = 0, k4, kk, klim, ks, kspan, kspnn;
int lim, maxf, mm, nn, nt;
// converted from Fortran, so 1-based indexing
// nfac has had indexing converted to avoid compiler warnings
inc = abs(isn);
nt = inc * ntot;
ks = inc * nspan;
rad = M_PI_4; /* = pi/4 =^= 45 degrees */
s72 = rad / 0.625; /* 72 = 45 / .625 degrees */
c72 = cos(s72);
s72 = sin(s72);
s120 = 0.5 * M_SQRT_3; /* sin(120) = sqrt(3)/2 */
if (isn <= 0)
s72 = -s72;
s120 = -s120;
rad = -rad;
#ifdef SCALING
/* scale by 1/n for isn > 0 */
ak = 1.0 / n;
for (j = 1; j <= nt; j += inc)
a[j] *= ak;
b[j] *= ak;
kspan = ks;
nn = nt - inc;
jc = ks / n;
/* sin, cos values are re-initialized each lim steps */
lim = 32;
klim = lim * jc;
i = 0;
jf = 0;
maxf = nfac[m - kt - 1];
if (kt > 0)
maxf = MAX(nfac[kt - 1], maxf);
/* compute fourier transform */
dr = (8.0 * jc) / kspan;
cd = sin(0.5 * dr * rad);
cd = 2.0 * cd * cd;
sd = sin(dr * rad);
kk = 1;
if (nfac[i - 1] != 2)
goto L110;
/* transform for factor of 2 (including rotation factor) */
kspan /= 2;
k1 = kspan + 2;
k2 = kk + kspan;
ak = a[k2];
bk = b[k2];
a[k2] = a[kk] - ak;
b[k2] = b[kk] - bk;
a[kk] += ak;
b[kk] += bk;
kk = k2 + kspan;
} while (kk <= nn);
kk -= nn;
} while (kk <= jc);
if (kk > kspan)
goto L_fin;
c1 = 1.0 - cd;
s1 = sd;
mm = MIN(k1 / 2, klim);
goto L80;
ak = c1 - (cd * c1 + sd * s1);
s1 = (sd * c1 - cd * s1) + s1;
/* the following three statements compensate for truncation error. */
/* if rounded arithmetic is used (nowadays always ?!), substitute c1=ak */
c1 = 0.5 / (ak * ak + s1 * s1) + 0.5;
s1 = c1 * s1;
c1 = c1 * ak;
c1 = ak;
k2 = kk + kspan;
ak = a[kk] - a[k2];
bk = b[kk] - b[k2];
a[kk] += a[k2];
b[kk] += b[k2];
a[k2] = c1 * ak - s1 * bk;
b[k2] = s1 * ak + c1 * bk;
kk = k2 + kspan;
} while (kk < nt);
k2 = kk - nt;
c1 = -c1;
kk = k1 - k2;
if (kk > k2)
goto L80;
kk += jc;
if (kk <= mm)
goto L70;
if (kk >= k2)
k1 = k1 + inc + inc;
kk = (k1 - kspan) / 2 + jc;
if (kk <= jc + jc)
goto L60;
goto L_start;
s1 = ((kk - 1) / jc) * dr * rad;
c1 = cos(s1);
s1 = sin(s1);
mm = MIN(k1 / 2, mm + klim);
goto L80;
/* transform for factor of 3 (optional code) */
k1 = kk + kspan;
k2 = k1 + kspan;
ak = a[kk];
bk = b[kk];
aj = a[k1] + a[k2];
bj = b[k1] + b[k2];
a[kk] = ak + aj;
b[kk] = bk + bj;
ak = -0.5 * aj + ak;
bk = -0.5 * bj + bk;
aj = (a[k1] - a[k2]) * s120;
bj = (b[k1] - b[k2]) * s120;
a[k1] = ak - bj;
b[k1] = bk + aj;
a[k2] = ak + bj;
b[k2] = bk - aj;
kk = k2 + kspan;
if (kk < nn)
goto L100;
kk = kk - nn;
if (kk <= kspan)
goto L100;
goto L290;
/* transform for factor of 4 */
if (nfac[i - 1] != 4)
goto L_f_odd;
kspnn = kspan;
kspan /= 4;
c1 = 1.0;
s1 = 0;
mm = MIN(kspan, klim);
goto L150;
c2 = c1 - (cd * c1 + sd * s1);
s1 = (sd * c1 - cd * s1) + s1;
/* the following three statements compensate for truncation error. */
/* if rounded arithmetic is used (nowadays always ?!), substitute c1=c2 */
c1 = 0.5 / (c2 * c2 + s1 * s1) + 0.5;
s1 = c1 * s1;
c1 = c1 * c2;
c1 = c2;
c2 = c1 * c1 - s1 * s1;
s2 = c1 * s1 * 2.0;
c3 = c2 * c1 - s2 * s1;
s3 = c2 * s1 + s2 * c1;
k1 = kk + kspan;
k2 = k1 + kspan;
k3 = k2 + kspan;
akp = a[kk] + a[k2];
akm = a[kk] - a[k2];
ajp = a[k1] + a[k3];
ajm = a[k1] - a[k3];
a[kk] = akp + ajp;
ajp = akp - ajp;
bkp = b[kk] + b[k2];
bkm = b[kk] - b[k2];
bjp = b[k1] + b[k3];
bjm = b[k1] - b[k3];
b[kk] = bkp + bjp;
bjp = bkp - bjp;
if (isn < 0)
goto L180;
akp = akm - bjm;
akm = akm + bjm;
bkp = bkm + ajm;
bkm = bkm - ajm;
if (s1 == 0.0)
goto L190;
a[k1] = akp * c1 - bkp * s1;
b[k1] = akp * s1 + bkp * c1;
a[k2] = ajp * c2 - bjp * s2;
b[k2] = ajp * s2 + bjp * c2;
a[k3] = akm * c3 - bkm * s3;
b[k3] = akm * s3 + bkm * c3;
kk = k3 + kspan;
if (kk <= nt)
goto L150;
kk = kk - nt + jc;
if (kk <= mm)
goto L130;
if (kk < kspan)
goto L200;
kk = kk - kspan + inc;
if (kk <= jc)
goto L120;
if (kspan == jc)
goto L_fin;
goto L_start;
akp = akm + bjm;
akm = akm - bjm;
bkp = bkm - ajm;
bkm = bkm + ajm;
if (s1 != 0.0)
goto L160;
a[k1] = akp;
b[k1] = bkp;
a[k2] = ajp;
b[k2] = bjp;
a[k3] = akm;
b[k3] = bkm;
kk = k3 + kspan;
if (kk <= nt)
goto L150;
goto L170;
s1 = ((kk - 1) / jc) * dr * rad;
c1 = cos(s1);
s1 = sin(s1);
mm = MIN(kspan, mm + klim);
goto L140;
/* transform for factor of 5 (optional code) */
c2 = c72 * c72 - s72 * s72;
s2 = 2.0 * c72 * s72;
k1 = kk + kspan;
k2 = k1 + kspan;
k3 = k2 + kspan;
k4 = k3 + kspan;
akp = a[k1] + a[k4];
akm = a[k1] - a[k4];
bkp = b[k1] + b[k4];
bkm = b[k1] - b[k4];
ajp = a[k2] + a[k3];
ajm = a[k2] - a[k3];
bjp = b[k2] + b[k3];
bjm = b[k2] - b[k3];
aa = a[kk];
bb = b[kk];
a[kk] = aa + akp + ajp;
b[kk] = bb + bkp + bjp;
ak = akp * c72 + ajp * c2 + aa;
bk = bkp * c72 + bjp * c2 + bb;
aj = akm * s72 + ajm * s2;
bj = bkm * s72 + bjm * s2;
a[k1] = ak - bj;
a[k4] = ak + bj;
b[k1] = bk + aj;
b[k4] = bk - aj;
ak = akp * c2 + ajp * c72 + aa;
bk = bkp * c2 + bjp * c72 + bb;
aj = akm * s2 - ajm * s72;
bj = bkm * s2 - bjm * s72;
a[k2] = ak - bj;
a[k3] = ak + bj;
b[k2] = bk + aj;
b[k3] = bk - aj;
kk = k4 + kspan;
if (kk < nn)
goto L220;
kk = kk - nn;
if (kk <= kspan)
goto L220;
goto L290;
/* transform for odd factors */
k = nfac[i - 1];
kspnn = kspan;
kspan /= k;
if (k == 3)
goto L100;
if (k == 5)
goto L_f5;
if (k == jf)
goto L250;
jf = k;
s1 = rad / (k / 8.0);
c1 = cos(s1);
s1 = sin(s1);
ck[jf] = 1.0;
sk[jf] = 0.0;
for (j = 1; j < k; j++)
{ /* k is changing as well */
ck[j] = ck[k] * c1 + sk[k] * s1;
sk[j] = ck[k] * s1 - sk[k] * c1;
ck[k] = ck[j];
sk[k] = -sk[j];
k1 = kk;
k2 = kk + kspnn;
aa = a[kk];
bb = b[kk];
ak = aa;
bk = bb;
j = 1;
k1 = k1 + kspan;
k2 = k2 - kspan;
at[j] = a[k1] + a[k2];
ak = at[j] + ak;
bt[j] = b[k1] + b[k2];
bk = bt[j] + bk;
at[j] = a[k1] - a[k2];
bt[j] = b[k1] - b[k2];
k1 = k1 + kspan;
if (k1 < k2)
goto L260;
a[kk] = ak;
b[kk] = bk;
k1 = kk;
k2 = kk + kspnn;
j = 1;
k1 += kspan;
k2 -= kspan;
jj = j;
ak = aa;
bk = bb;
aj = 0.0;
bj = 0.0;
k = 1;
for (k = 2; k < jf; k++)
ak += at[k] * ck[jj];
bk += bt[k] * ck[jj];
aj += at[k] * sk[jj];
bj += bt[k] * sk[jj];
jj += j;
if (jj > jf)
jj -= jf;
k = jf - j;
a[k1] = ak - bj;
b[k1] = bk + aj;
a[k2] = ak + bj;
b[k2] = bk - aj;
if (j < k)
goto L270;
kk = kk + kspnn;
if (kk <= nn)
goto L250;
kk = kk - nn;
if (kk <= kspan)
goto L250;
/* multiply by rotation factor (except for factors of 2 and 4) */
if (i == m)
goto L_fin;
kk = jc + 1;
c2 = 1.0 - cd;
s1 = sd;
mm = MIN(kspan, klim);
{ /* L320: */
c1 = c2;
s2 = s1;
kk += kspan;
{ /* L330: */
ak = a[kk];
a[kk] = c2 * ak - s2 * b[kk];
b[kk] = s2 * ak + c2 * b[kk];
kk += kspnn;
} while (kk <= nt);
ak = s1 * s2;
s2 = s1 * c2 + c1 * s2;
c2 = c1 * c2 - ak;
kk += -nt + kspan;
} while (kk <= kspnn);
kk += -kspnn + jc;
if (kk <= mm)
{ /* L310: */
c2 = c1 - (cd * c1 + sd * s1);
s1 = s1 + (sd * c1 - cd * s1);
/* the following three statements compensate for truncation error.*/
/* if rounded arithmetic is used (nowadays always ?!), they may be deleted. */
c1 = 0.5 / (c2 * c2 + s1 * s1) + 0.5;
s1 = c1 * s1;
c2 = c1 * c2;
continue /* goto L320*/;
if (kk >= kspan)
kk = kk - kspan + jc + inc;
if (kk <= jc + jc)
goto L300;
goto L_start;
s1 = ((kk - 1) / jc) * dr * rad;
c2 = cos(s1);
s1 = sin(s1);
mm = MIN(kspan, mm + klim);
} while (1);
/* permute the results to normal order---done in two stages */
/* permutation for square factors of n */
np[1] = ks;
if (kt == 0)
goto L440;
k = kt + kt + 1;
if (m < k)
np[k + 1] = jc;
for (j = 1; j < k; j++, k--)
np[j + 1] = np[j] / nfac[j - 1];
np[k] = np[k + 1] * nfac[j - 1];
k3 = np[k + 1];
kspan = np[2];
kk = jc + 1;
k2 = kspan + 1;
j = 1;
if (n == ntot)
/* permutation for single-variate transform (optional code) */
ak = a[kk];
a[kk] = a[k2];
a[k2] = ak;
bk = b[kk];
b[kk] = b[k2];
b[k2] = bk;
kk += inc;
k2 += kspan;
} while (k2 < ks);
k2 -= np[j];
k2 += np[j + 1];
} while (k2 > np[j]);
j = 1;
if (kk < k2)
goto L370;
kk += inc;
k2 += kspan;
} while (k2 < ks);
if (kk < ks)
goto L380;
jc = k3;
/* permutation for multivariate transform */
k = kk + jc;
ak = a[kk];
a[kk] = a[k2];
a[k2] = ak;
bk = b[kk];
b[kk] = b[k2];
b[k2] = bk;
kk += inc;
k2 += inc;
} while (kk < k);
kk += ks - jc;
k2 += ks - jc;
if (kk < nt)
goto L400;
k2 += -nt + kspan;
kk += -nt + jc;
if (k2 < ks)
goto L400;
k2 -= np[j];
k2 += np[j + 1];
} while (k2 > np[j]);
j = 1;
if (kk < k2)
goto L400;
kk += jc;
k2 += kspan;
} while (k2 < ks);
} while (kk < ks);
jc = k3;
if (2 * kt + 1 >= m)
kspnn = np[kt + 1];
/* permutation for square-free factors of n */
/* Here, nfac[] is overwritten... -- now CUMULATIVE ("cumprod") factors */
nn = m - kt;
nfac[nn] = 1;
for (j = nn; j > kt; j--)
nfac[j - 1] *= nfac[j];
nn = nfac[kt - 1] - 1;
jj = 0;
j = 0;
goto L480;
jj -= k2;
k2 = kk;
kk = nfac[k - 1];
jj += kk;
if (jj >= k2)
goto L460;
np[j] = jj;
k2 = nfac[kt - 1];
k = kt + 1;
kk = nfac[k - 1];
if (j <= nn)
goto L470;
/* determine the permutation cycles of length greater than 1 */
j = 0;
goto L500;
k = kk;
kk = np[k];
np[k] = -kk;
} while (kk != j);
k3 = kk;
kk = np[j];
} while (kk < 0);
} while (kk != j);
np[j] = -j;
if (j != nn)
goto L500;
maxf *= inc;
goto L570;
/* reorder a and b, following the permutation cycles */
} while (np[j] < 0);
jj = jc;
kspan = MIN(jj, maxf);
jj -= kspan;
k = np[j];
kk = jc * k + i + jj;
for (k1 = kk + kspan, k2 = 1; k1 != kk;
k1 -= inc, k2++)
at[k2] = a[k1];
bt[k2] = b[k1];
k1 = kk + kspan;
k2 = k1 - jc * (k + np[k]);
k = -np[k];
a[k1] = a[k2];
b[k1] = b[k2];
k1 -= inc;
k2 -= inc;
} while (k1 != kk);
kk = k2;
} while (k != j);
for (k1 = kk + kspan, k2 = 1; k1 > kk;
k1 -= inc, k2++)
a[k1] = at[k2];
b[k1] = bt[k2];
if (jj != 0)
goto L520;
if (j != 1)
goto L_ord;
j = k3 + 1;
nt = nt - kspnn;
i = nt - inc + 1;
if (nt >= 0)
goto L_ord;
} /* fftmx */
} // namespace FFT
#ifndef __FFT__
#define __FFT__
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
namespace FFT
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(y, x) ((x) < (y) && (x) == (x) ? (x) : (y))
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(y, x) ((x) > (y) && (x) == (x) ? (x) : (y))
#ifndef M_SQRT_3
#define M_SQRT_3 1.732050807568877293527446341506 /* sqrt(3) */
#ifndef M_PI_4
#define M_PI_4 0.785398163397448309615660845820 /* pi/4 */
typedef struct complex
double r;
double i;
} complex_t;
class fftw
// Constructor
// Destructor
std::vector<std::complex<double>> fft(std::vector<double> z, bool inverse);
std::vector<std::complex<double>> fft(std::vector<std::complex<double>> z, bool inverse);
int old_n = 0;
int nfac[20];
int m_fac;
int kt;
int maxf;
int maxp;
double *work = nullptr;
int *iwork = nullptr;
complex_t *cplx = nullptr;
/* non-API, but used by package RandomFields */
void fft_factor(int n, int *pmaxf, int *pmaxp);
int fft_work(double *a, double *b, int nseg, int n, int nspn, int isn,
double *work, int *iwork);
void fftmx(double *a, double *b, int ntot, int n, int nspan, int isn, int m, int kt,
double *at, double *ck, double *bt, double *sk, int *np, int *nfac);
} // namespace FFT
#endif // __FFT__
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